A joint venture between Hon Hai Precision Industry Co (2354.TW), known as Foxconn, and Sharp Corp (6753.T) plans to build a 61 billion yuan ($8.8 billion) factory in China to produce liquid-crystal displays (LCDs).
Sakai Display Products Corp's plant will be a so-called Gen-10.5 facility specializing in large-screen LCDs and will be operational by 2019, the company said at a signing event with local officials in Guangzhou on Friday. It said the plant will have capacity equating to 92 billion yuan a year.
競合する各社の、LCD大規模プラントへの投資が続いている The heavy investment is aimed at increasing production to meet expected rising demand for large-screen televisions and monitors in Asia. Global LCD output was hit this year by the closure of a Samsung (005930.KS) factory that accounted for 3 percent of the market, as well as factory stoppages in Taiwan after an earthquake in March.
China's largest LCD panel maker, BOE Technology Group, began construction on its own Gen-10.5 plant in Hefei in December last year, with production scheduled to begin in 2018. In May Shenzhen China Optoelectronics Technology Co, asubsidiary of TCL Corp, announced that it would begin construction on a 50 billion yuan LCD plant in Shenzhen. Sakai Display Products Corp's plans for the Guangzhou plant come as Hon Hai seeks to turn the joint venture into a subsidiary, investing a total of 15.1 billion yuan in the company.
トランプ大統領当選でガッカリした人々は、米国の現状に幻想を抱いてたんだろ、とさ。 ・・・The only people who experienced disillusionment in 2016 were people who had distanced themselves from the ugliness in American society enough that they could convince themselves that we were making meaningful progress.・・・
President-elect Donald Trump consistently lambasted the North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA) as a "the worst deal, possibly in history," one which unfairly disadvantages American workers. He has promised to renegotiate the agreement, or possibly even get rid of it altogether. However, critics contend that the effect of degrading trade relations with Washington's two largest trading partners could be devastating. Others point out that the legal basis for backing out of the deal is shaky at best. The Cipher Brief spoke with former Senior Economist of International Trade and Investment in the White House Council of Economic Advisors and Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, Chad Bown.
I’m sure Trump’s pick will have their own priorities, but hopefully, they will listen to what the staff’s expertise can provide to them, in terms of information on what prior negotiations with Mexico and Canada looked like and what each of those countries were asking for during TPP negotiations, for instance. The Trump administration may then understand what these countries want and what the major priorities have been during those trade negotiations. That’s the biggest takeaway for me.
China Central Television (CCTV), Beijing's largest TV network, said it would launch a new global media platform on New Year's Day to help re-brand China overseas. The new multilingual operation will have six TV channels and a new media agency, the network said on its website on Friday night. Its CCTV News channel will be rebranded the China Global Television Network, it added. 新たなメディアは多言語の6チャンネルTVとニューメディアでCCTVニュースは中国グローバル TVネットワーク(CGTN)とブランドされる
China has launched a number of "soft power" initiatives to expand its influence abroad, including other English-language media outlets. Chinese President Xi Jinping urged the new network to "tell China stories well," the official Xinhua news agency reported on Saturday. (Reporting by Engen Tham in Shanghai and Ryan Woo in Beijing; Editing by Eric Meijer)
http://www.wsj.com/articles/why-putins-economy-survives-1483020001 Why Putin’s Economy Survives Conservative fiscal and monetary policies, plus an autocrat’s ability to impose austerity measures, keep Russia afloat where the Soviet Union sank By CHRIS MILLER Updated Dec. 29, 2016 9:15 a.m. ET 原油価格暴落という経済危機を、プーチンが生き延びることができた理由: 緊縮財政、緊縮マネタリ政策、そして緊縮政策を強制できる専制政治体制が ソヴィエトの崩壊時と異なって、ロシアの沈没を防いだ CHRIS MILLER
Russia’s economic accomplishments shouldn’t be overstated, of course. Mr. Putin has expropriated his rivals, tolerated epic corruption and sent investors fleeing. The Russian state plays a far larger role in the economy today than it did when Mr. Putin took power?not to provide useful services such as health or education but to monopolize oil production and fund his patronage networks. Russian wages grew rapidly in the 2000s, but growth has since slowed?and even reversed.
Yet on the economic issues crucial to the survival of Mr. Putin’s regime, the record is far better. Macroeconomic stability has underwritten a decade and a half of relative prosperity. The coming anniversary of the Soviet collapse won’t be widely marked in Moscow. The demise of the U.S.S.R. is a period most Russians would prefer to forget?and a catastrophe that Mr. Putin is determined not to repeat. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- この記事にコメントして北京大学のBalding Comrade Balding ?@BaldingsWorld 2016年12月31日 Comrade BaldingさんがVivek Dehejiaをリツイートしました Overlooks THE major issue: Putin has almost exhausted SWFs from oil surpluses that allowed him largesse without deficit. Ignorant oversight 見落とされている事があって、プーチンは過去の石油輸出の儲けを蓄えてきた国富 ファンドを殆ど取り崩して財政赤字を避けながら経済の運用を実施できた。これを 無視すべきではない、
最近の問題として、自由民主主義における自由と民主の折り合いの悪さを挙げている。 ・・・With the end of the Cold War, many liberals expected the tension between liberalism and democracy to be resolved.・・・In fact, the opposite has happened. The tension between liberalism and democracy has become far sharper. ・・・
自由主義は個人主義に立脚しているが、それに対し、民主主義は、集団主義に立脚している 人々に乗っ取られつつあるという理屈。 Critics of liberalism have long recognised that its fundamental flaw is that humans do not live merely as individuals. We are social beings and find our individuality and discover meaning only through others. Hence the importance to political life not just of individuals but also of communities and collectives.・・・ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jan/01/liberalism-suffering-democracy-doing-just-fine
http://www.ft.com/content/987dddda-bbe2-11e6-8b45-b8b81dd5d080 How Japan resists the populist tide Its immunity to a virus consuming other developed countries is remarkable John Plender 9 HOURS AGO 日本は、多数の先進国に見られるポピュリストの台頭という政治的大波のウイルスに 免疫性があるのだろか? John Plender
Yet a few rage-free zones remain, of which Japan is the most conspicuous. How come this country, whose economy has been in the doldrums for two decades and where the suicide rate is vastly higher than the global average, is not in the grip of anti-establishment populism?
*恐らくポピュリズムに対する反応性が異なることは日本の社会構造に起因するものが あるのだろう。それは犯罪率の低さや移民への強い拒否、経営者の報酬の労働者との格 差のすくなさなどに見られるコンセンサス指向の社会構造・・ Consensualism was particularly evident in the solidarity with which its citizens responded to the tsunami in 2011. While inequality has risen recently, it is still much less striking than in North America or Europe, not least because Japanese chief executives are paid much less than their equivalents in the US. The crime rate remains astonishingly low. Importantly, and perversely given Japan’s shrinking population, politicians are reluctant to permit much immigration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *民主党政権という最悪の経験が有権者をして、そう簡単には釣られない学習をせし めらからではないかとも思うけど。ある意味、日本は欧米先進国の経験を先取り・・
In post-Obama world, Germany could end up being isolated on Russia. The harshest, most effective attack on the Russia sanctions comes courtesy of Fillon, who said that it is not so much an actual policy intending to change Russian behavior as a symbolic gesture. Put even less diplomatically, it is a sham?a fake policy that allows Westerners to feel better about themselves while doing nothing serious about Russia’s attack on the post-1990 settlement in Eastern Europe. ロシア制裁への最も厳しい批判は仏蘭西共和党の政治家、Francois Fillonからくる。彼に よれば制裁は実効性がなくロシアのポスト1990の東欧攻撃の現実を無視したシンボリックな ジェスチャーであり偽りの政策で西欧が何か効果の有ることをやっているかのように感じる ためのものにすぎない
This is a bigger deal than it may look. The past 25 years of world politics have rested on a series of polite fictions, agreed-upon conventions and hypocritical pretenses: That we had a policy to end the North Korean nuclear drive (ditto for Iran); That Europe was becoming a great posthistorical power based on the mighty engine of the euro; That the two-state solution was just a settlement freeze away; That international institutions and civil society were replacing national governments at the center of world politics; That immigration was a no-brainer; That the progress toward free trade was inexorable; That democracy was irresistibly on the march; and so on. Americans and Europeans believed that the world would look more and more like we wanted it to without us doing any heavy lifting. この見せかけの為のもの、というのは重大なものを示唆する。過去25年間の国際政治は一連 のフィクションの上に築かれた。そういうふうに見せかけている偽善的ものへの合意の上に 成り立つ。それらは:○北朝鮮の核開発を終結させる政策、○イランの核開発についても同 じ、○欧州は強力なユーロというエンジンによって偉大なポストモダンのパワーになる、○ パレスチナ問題の二国解決策がイスラエルの入植を凍結できる、○超国家的機関(EU)が 国民国家を置き換えることができ、○移民は無条件で推進、○自由貿易の推進は不動のもの であり、○デモクラシーは抵抗不能的に発展中で、○そういう類の、望ましく快適に感じる たぐいの事共である。米国と欧州は、これらの事項が大した負担なしにそうなるかのように みなしてきた。
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2017/01/02(月) 10:11:43.15 ID:3vqER0ve
Those are all very comforting ideas, but sadly none of them are true. In the next few years we are going to have to face some less pleasant choices based on hard truths rather than comfy illusions. Having the kind of world we really want?safe, prosperous, democratic?is not fully achievable no matter what we do. And having a tolerable world involves working harder, spending more, and putting more skin in the game than we want. A different kind of statesmanship, harder-edged and less sentimental, is going to be needed. Pretending to have a Russia policy will no longer be enough; we will have to choose between the unpalatable alternatives of effectively blocking Russian moves or acquiescing in Russian wins. Brutal clarity rather than liberal pink cloud thinking is the rising force in international affairs. これらの快適に感じる考えは、残念なことに真実ではない。我々は今後数年間により不快 の選択を迫られイルージョンではなく事実に対応しなくてはならない。安全な、寛容で 民主的な社会というのは容易に実現できるわけではない。より多くの困難に対処しより多 くの出費と労力を要し、異なる種類の政治家、よりセンチメンタルではない厳しい現実対 応の政治が必要になる。ロシア政策は見せかけではないもの、ロシアの侵食を効果的に防 ぐ物が必要になる。リベラルの薔薇色の雲のような思考ではなく厳しい明晰さがますます 必要とされる
簡単にいってしまうと、米中貿易戦争が起こりかねないと危ぶむ評論。トランプ次 期大統領の指名した通商関係の閣僚、Wilbur Ross と Mr Navarroの保護貿易主義的 主張を見ると、マジにそういう危険があると思える、という。
He has already appointed two instinctive protectionists itching for trade confrontation with China, Wilbur Ross and Mr Navarro, to his trade team. It may be up to Congress to restrain the administration’s wilder protectionist impulses ? which is a little like putting the toddlers in charge of a nursery.
Globalisation has survived many things, but the rise of mercantilist populism in the form of Mr Trump may be its biggest challenge for decades. The year of 2016 was not a disastrous one for international commerce, but it may prove to be an uneasy calm before the trade wars begin.
この図の暗示するように・・ Holger Zschaepitz?@Schuldensuehner The first shoe to drop in 2017? #China's rapid debt accumulation combined w/ slowing GDP growth has some ugly precedents. (via Stratfor) 2017年に問題のおきる国は何処か? 中国の急速な負債の積み上げ(上図参照) とGDPの成長鈍化は、他の国で酷い先例のある組み合わせだが・・
“I wanted to promote my page but it seems that for Facebook the statue is a sexually explicit image that shows off too much flesh. Really, Neptune? This is crazy!” Barbari said, the Telegraph reported. In a statement, Facebook told the artist: “The use of the image was not approved because it violates Facebook’s guidelines on advertising. It presents an image with content that is explicitly sexual and which shows to an excessive degree the body, concentrating unnecessarily on body parts.
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2017/01/03(火) 20:21:06.62 ID:5dSlBCEt
Reuters Top News ?@Reuters 11分11分前 Gunman in Istanbul nightclub attack may have trained in Syria イスタンブールのナイトクラブのテロ(死者39人)の犯人はシリアで訓練を 受けたISISのテロリストか
The gunman who killed 39 people in an Istanbul nightclub on New Year's Day in an attack claimed by Islamic State appears to have been well versed in guerrilla warfare and may have trained in Syria, a newspaper report and a security source said on Tuesday.
In a wide-ranging request for documents and analysis, President-elect Donald Trump's transition team asked the Department of Homeland Security last month to assess all assets available for border wall and barrier construction. The team also asked about the department's capacity for expanding immigrant detention and about an aerial surveillance program that was scaled back by the Obama administration but remains popular with immigration hardliners. And it asked whether federal workers have altered biographic information kept by the department about immigrants out of concern for their civil liberties.
The requests were made in a Dec. 5 meeting between Trump's transition team and Department of Homeland Security officials, according to an internal agency memo reviewed by Reuters. The document offers a glimpse into the president- elect's strategy for securing the U.S. borders and reversing polices put in place by the Obama administration.
http://www.ft.com/content/f5eb8d96-d113-11e6-b06b-680c49b4b4c0 Nightclub terror shatters Turkish hopes of fresh start to 2017 Attack appears to signal a new phase in Isis’ war against Turkey 18 HOURS AGO by: Laura Pitel in Istanbul 元旦のイスタンブールのナイトクラブのテロは、ISISのトルコへの戦争の 新たなフェーズを意味する FT
After one of the most troubled years in Turkey’s recent history, the country’s optimists hoped 2017 might represent a chance for a fresh start. Little more than an hour into the New Year, those hopes were shattered as a gunman stormed his way into a glitzy Istanbul nightclub and shot more than 100 people, leaving 39 of them dead.
Now, analysts say, Islamic State’s claim of responsibility for Sunday’s attack means that the group has declared “open war” on Ankara. “It signals a new phase in Isis’s war against Turkey,” said Michael Horowitz, director of intelligence at the political consultancy Prime Source. “Isis feels that it has enough religious and political arguments to be more open about what they do in Turkey.”
An Isis statement on Monday hailed the lone attacker as “a heroic soldier of the caliphate” and cast the attack as an act of retaliation for Turkey’s military campaign in Syria. Analysts said that the style of the attack pointed to an assailant who was highly trained, possibly with combat experience in a war zone such as Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq. Analysts say that the change in tactics comes as Turkey has gradually shifted in the eyes of the radical Islamist group’s leadership, from one among many target countries to a primary target. After years of heavy criticism from the US and Europe that Turkey was allowing foreign fighters to cross the border into Syria, Ankara has taken significant steps to tighten the frontier and has launched waves of arrests against Isis cells on its own soil
カロリーの過剰摂取(とりわけ飽和脂肪酸の過剰摂取)が肥満の元凶とされてきたが、 砂糖の過剰摂取によるホルモン異常こそ元凶、という説が次第に有力になりつつある。 ・・・Taubes isn’t the only person to challenge the facile idea that we get fat simply because we consume more calories than we expend, but his clear and persuasive argument that obesity is a hormonal disorder, switched on by sugar, is one that urgently needs wider airing.・・・ https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/jan/02/the-case-against-sugar-gary-taubes-review-compelling-attack-diet-myths
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2017/01/03(火) 22:25:21.10 ID:5dSlBCEt
http://www.ft.com/content/7cf3af18-d0fa-11e6-b06b-680c49b4b4c0 Britain’s view of trade with China sounds fanciful A Brexit tall tale masks the need to maintain a record of compliant behaviour 8 HOURS AGO by: James Richards 英国の中国に傾斜した(キャメロン政権の)通商政策というのは空想的といえる James Richards FT
Britain has made itself a laughing stock in the world; “Cameron was a complete idiot”; “Britain is weaker and China will take advantage”. Just three opinions expressed to me recently by Chinese friends. But it would be difficult to find many in Chinese political and business circles who would disagree.
Putting distance between ourselves and our closest friends and allies in democratic Europe, while seeking to draw closer to a distant one-party state, would betray our values and the national interest. Britain should instead be strengthening ties with Europe, while devoting energy to building a more robust and constructive relationship with China, based on mutual respect and benefit.
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-gm-idUSKBN14N11K Tue Jan 3, 2017 | 2:13pm EST Trump assails GM over car production in Mexico, threatens tax トランプ次期大統領、GMのメキシコでの自動車生産を攻撃、大幅輸入関税を示唆 By Bernie Woodall and David Shepardson | DETROIT/WASHINGTON
President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to impose a "big border tax" on General Motors Co (GM.N) for making some of its Chevrolet Cruze compact cars in Mexico, an arrangement the largest U.S. automaker defended as part of its strategy to serve global customers, not sell them in the United States. トランプ次期大統領はGMがメキシコで生産する車の輸入に「大幅な輸入関税」を課す と延べGMの Chevrolet Cruzeの生産を攻撃した。GMはこの小型車を米国内では販売し ていない
Trump's comments marked his latest broadside aimed at an American company over jobs, imports and costs before he takes office on Jan. 20, signaling an uncommon degree of intervention for an incoming U.S. president into corporate affairs. "General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. Make in U.S.A. or pay big border tax!" Trump said in a post on Twitter. トランプ発言は米国内に製造表の雇用を増やすという彼の政策の一環である「GMは メキシコ製の Chevy Cruze を米国内のディーラーに無税で送っているが、彼らが 米国内生産しないなら大幅な輸入関税を課す」
Trump did not provide further details but previously vowed to hit companies that shift production from America to other countries with a 35 percent tax on their exports into the United States. He also has denounced the North American Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada. トランプ発言は詳細に触れてないが以前の発言では35%の輸入関税を示唆している。 また彼の発言はNAFTAに反対するものでもある
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2017/01/04(水) 05:03:52.11 ID:oASOniEJ
Trump's tweet came hours before GM's rival Ford Motor Co (F.N) announced it would cancel a planned $1.6 billion factory in Mexico and would invest $700 million at a Michigan factory, after it also came under criticism from the Republican president-elect for its Mexican investment plans. Ford's executive chairman, Bill Ford Jr., said he personally notified Trump of the decision, but after Trump's early-morning GM tweet. 此れより前にフォードはトランプの批判にあってメキシコ工場への投資をキャンセル するとしている
GM, the world's No. 3 automaker, said it sold about 190,000 Cruze cars in the United States in 2016. All of the sedan versions sold in the United States, or about 185,500, were built at its plant in Lordstown, Ohio. About 4,500 hatchback versions of the Cruze were assembled in Mexico and sold in the United States. "GM builds the Chevrolet Cruze hatchback for global markets in Mexico, with a small number sold in the U.S." it said in a statement posed on its website. GMは米国内で販売されるChevrolet Cruzeのセダンは米国製で、メキシコ工場生産の ハッチバックモデルが少数だけ輸入されていると述べている
According to Automotive News, GM began producing the Cruze in Mexico last year, making 52,631 cars there. In comparison, it built 319,536 of them in the United States. Previous versions of the Cruze sold in Mexico were made in a GM South Korea plant, it reported.
The shift is part of a larger trend among Detroit's Big Three automakers to produce more small cars for the North American market in Mexico in an effort to lower labor costs, while using higher-paid U.S. workers to build more profitable trucks, sport utility vehicles and luxury cars.
http://www.ft.com/content/fa16d590-d11f-11e6-b06b-680c49b4b4c0 Cities offer a glimpse of China’s economic future Beijing’s options are narrowing and it faces stagnation or crisis unless it reforms The Big Read AN HOUR AGO by: Gabriel Wildau, Yuan Yang and Tom Mitchell
When China’s stock market and currency both plunged last January, many global investors assumed the end was near. After years of debt-fuelled stimulus used to fund investment in housing, infrastructure and excess manufacturing capacity, many believed the bubble was finally bursting.
It didn’t. China’s economy is expected to have met the government’s target of at least 6.5 per cent growth of gross domestic product for 2016. The stock market has stabilised and is up 19 per cent since its low point in late January 2016. Rising commodity prices have pulled factory-gate prices back into positive territory after more than four years of deflation. The currency has continued its decline, but in an orderly manner.
Yet few think that China’s fundamental economic challenges have been addressed. (後略)
この評論についてオクスフォード中国研のGeorge Magnusのコメント George Magnus ?@georgemagnus1 1時間1時間前 George MagnusさんがFT Commentをリツイートしました I think he's got it. By George he's got it....good read.... this won't end well
George Magnus ?@georgemagnus1 8 時間8 時間前 George MagnusさんがFinancial Timesをリツイートしました If anyone still thinks Trump's anti trade rhetoric is playing to gallery, time to stop. Ross, Navarro,now Lighthizer all cut from same cloth
石炭産業は地域の雇用に重要で政治的に大変強力なので Poland has a large and politically powerful coal industry that employs more than 100,000 people and is a core part of the country’s energy strategy, despite pressure from the EU and other groups to curb its reliance on the fuel. The conservative Law and Justice government that came to power 14 months ago has wooed support from miners, making promises to protect the industry a central part of its manifesto.
“Poorer citizens need incentives and help to switch from using low-quality coal to installing modern low-emission boilers,” said Mr Rys. “We need to start looking at the smog problem as a whole, long-term and with strategic action.”
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-northkorea-idUSKBN14O06R Tue Jan 3, 2017 | 9:36pm EST Trump's North Korea red line could come back to haunt him By David Brunnstrom and Arshad Mohammed | WASHINGTON トランプの明言した「北朝鮮のICBMのテストは起こらない」という政策のレッド・ ラインは、彼の今後の北朝鮮政策を縛るかもしれない
In three words of a tweet this week, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump vowed North Korea would never test an intercontinental ballistic missile. "It won't happen!" Trump wrote after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said on Sunday his nuclear-capable country was close to testing an ICBM of a kind that could someday hit the United States.
専門家:これはオバマのシリアの化学爆弾使用警告とおなじレッド・ラインになる James Acton, co-director of the Nuclear Policy Program at Washington's Carnegie Endowment for International Peace think tank, said that with his North Korea tweet, Trump had drawn a red line he could later be judged by, like Obama's 2012 warning to Syria over the use of chemical weapons. "This was a foolhardy tweet for Trump to send given the enormous challenges of constraining North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. I think this could be something that comes back to haunt him."
ビクター・チャ:トランプは本気で核登載ICBM開発を止めさせたいようだが其の 実施は大変困難 Victor Cha, who was an aide to former Republican President George W. Bush, said he believed Trump was serious about not letting North Korea have nuclear-capable ICBMs that could threaten the U.S. mainland. "How to stop this is of course difficult. It's a combination of diplomacy (to get a freeze), sanctions (Chinese ones and Treasury), moving more military assets to the region for extended deterrence, strike options, and integrated missile defense. That's what would be on my menu," he said.
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2017/01/04(水) 16:26:54.61 ID:oASOniEJ
Frank Jannuzi, a former State Department official who heads the Mansfield Foundation Asia dialogue forum, said Trump's vow could prove as hollow as Obama's pledge not to tolerate North Korea's nuclear and missile programs. "I worry ... that it only emboldens the North, because they see it for what it is: empty talk," he said. "It lays down a red line. ... We don’t seem prepared to back up."
He said North Korea had long defied U.S. and U.N. sanctions to pursue its nuclear and missile programs, and added: "One hundred and forty characters from Donald Trump aren’t going to change that."
https://www.ft.com/content/87c90c8e-d1d7-11e6-9341-7393bb2e1b51 Japan’s 2017 share market performance will define Abenomics Plenty of strategists have 12-month targets between 2% and 7% higher 今年の日本の株価動向がアベノミクスの成否をきめるだろう 多くのストラテジストが、今後一年の株価目標を2% 〜 7%高い値に設定 FT 7 HOURS AGO by: Leo Lewis in Tokyo
女性の方が医者に向いてるようね。 A US study claims that female physicians kill fewer patients than their male counterparts. Dr Ashish Jha, author of the study, suggests women use medical evidence more effectively.・・・ http://www.bbc.com/news/health-38487933
2つの可能性:(1)中国の台湾侵攻、(2)南シナ海での衝突 There are two scenarios. In the first, China invades Taiwan. In the second, the U.S. decides to block the exits of the South and East China seas, in order to cut China’s global maritime access. I intend to publish the Taiwan scenario today, and the blockade scenario tomorrow. I want to emphasize that these will be extremely high-level analyses, with vital details excluded.
Obviously, this is barely a sketch of the battle problem. Nevertheless, the strategic point is valid. The Chinese cannot take Taiwan without a Pearl Harbor scenario several orders more ambitious than the Japanese operation in 1941. The Japanese had a reason to risk Pearl Harbor. Their oil was running out and their supplies were running low due to U.S. embargos and interference. They had to act. China is not in that position. Therefore, risking such a complex operation is not a rational option. Tomorrow I will consider the issues involved in a U.S. blockade against China, and consider China’s responses when it is in strategic jeopardy.
外交問題評議会(CFR)のエドワード・オールデン上級研究員は 「特定企業の投資先決定 に介入するために緊急的な関税引き上げ権限の行使を示唆するのは、前例のない行為であり、 議会が意図していた権限をはるかに超えている」と指摘。「戦略が気に入らないからと単独企 業に権力を行使するのは、未踏の領域の話だ」と述べた。 トランプ氏は3日、GMがメキシコで生産した「シェビー・クルーズ」に「多額の関税」を課 す意向をツイッターで表明。同日、フォード・モーターはメキシコで予定していた工場新設の 計画を白紙に戻し、ミシガン州の工場で雇用を増やすと発表した。 GMの広報担当者は、同社がメキシコから輸入しているのはクルーズのハッチバック4500台だ けだと説明。別の同社広報担当者は、米国で消費者が購入するクルーズのセダン約19万台はす べてオハイオ州ローズタウン工場で生産されていると述べた。 原題:Trump Tariff on GM Would Violate Nafta. That May Not Stop Him(抜粋)
*英語版記事では http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-russia-cyber-idUSKBN14P04P The officials declined to describe the intelligence obtained about the involvement of a third-party in passing on leaked material to WikiLeaks, saying they did not want to reveal how the U.S. government had obtained the information.
In an interview with Fox News, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said he did not receive emails stolen from the DNC and top Hillary Clinton aide John Podesta from "a state party." Assange did not rule out the possibility that he got the material from a third party.
Trump on Wednesday sided with Assange and again questioned the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Russia tried to help his candidacy and hurt Clinton's.
Guy Johnson認証済みアカウント ?@GuyJohnsonTV Chart of the day:
George Magnus ?@georgemagnus1 1時間1時間前 George MagnusさんがGuy Johnsonをリツイートしました Agreed. Someone is trying to stabilise the yuan mit urgency, but at what cost to bank liabs and borrowers?
George Magnusさんがリツイート Tom Hancock ?@hancocktom 8時間8時間前 Stunning declassified cable from Brit embassy predicting Tiananmen massacre weeks in advance http://www.margaretthatcher.org/document/149469
1989 May 20 Sa Archive (TNA) China: UKE Beijing to FCO ("Chinese Internal Situation") [US believes "Chinese Government has decided that there is no way to avoid bloodshed"] [declassified 2016] Document type: archive Document kind: telegram
トランプは、米識者達をたぶらかして当選なんて無理だと言わせた挙句当選を果たしたが、 やはり、米識者達をたぶらかして大統領として無能だとさんざん言わせて実は・・、 と初夢(妄想?)を語る米識者。 ・・・Is it better to be thought a lightweight and dismissed by rivals if you are in fact talented, ambitious and ready to strike? To be thought clueless when in fact you have a plan? Now for the stretch on your part - and mine: What if President-elect Donald Trump is playing the Russians and Vladimir Putin as effectively as he played the U.S. media throughout 2015 and 2016? ・・・ https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/what-if-trump-is-playing-russia-like-he-played-the-media/2017/01/04/9a045ea4-d28a-11e6-9cb0-54ab630851e8_story.html
As China's foreign exchange reserves threaten to tumble below the critical $3 trillion mark, the biggest fear for investors is not whether Beijing can continue to defend the yuan but whether it will set off a vicious cycle of more outflows and currency depreciation.
Data this week is expected to show China's forex reserves precariously perched just above $3 trillion at end-December, the lowest level since February 2011, according to a Reuters poll.
While the world's second-largest economy still has the largest stash of forex reserves by far, it has been churning through them rapidly since August 2015, when it stunned global investors by devaluing the yuan CNY=CFXS and moving to what it promised would be a slightly freer and more transparent currency regime.
Dwyfor Evans, head of Asia-Pacific macro strategy at State Street Global Markets, also feared authorities may be limited in how they respond. “Chinese officials have few policy options,” he said. “If they allow faster depreciation, this will only spur pressures for greater outflows. And a one-off devaluation risks a repeat of the market turbulence evidenced twice in the past 18 months." (Additional reporting by Kevin Yao in BEIJING; Editing by Vidya Ranganathan and Kim Coghill)
米国が第一次世界大戦に遅れながらも参戦したことが、その後の20世紀の うち続く悲劇の原因になったとする本が出た。 ・・・America’s intervention, Kazin argues, “foreclosed the possibility of a negotiated peace,” and led to the “punitive peace” of the Versailles Treaty, and pretty much everything that came afterward, including the Nazis, World War?II, the Holocaust, even the Iraq war.・・・
Comrade Balding ?@BaldingsWorld 4時間4時間前 Nobody I know can tell me anyone who has a position of consequence short the RMB in HK. Too many problems associated with the trade 1/n
Comrade Balding ?@BaldingsWorld 4時間4時間前 Those that are short are perfectly hedged or take positions that give small ongoing losses with large gains when it moves their way 2/n
Comrade Balding?@BaldingsWorld Why does this matter? China isn't fighting shorts, they are fighting the capital outflow from China. $3T in FX reserves and $22T in M2 3/n
Comrade Balding ?@BaldingsWorld 4時間4時間前 Capital, via Chinese citizens, has decided to take its business elsewhere. This is NOT reversing anytime soon. China will lose this war
(上掲の本の書評子は、そんなこと言ったって帝政ドイツの「挑発」もあり、現実問題として 参戦回避は困難だったと主張しているが、)現在のトルコまで、あらゆる災厄は米国のせいだ という雰囲気だが、遡れば、第一次世界大戦の時の米国に対する恨みがある、とするコラム。 Turkish officials accused the United States of abetting a failed coup last summer. When the Russian ambassador to Turkey was assassinated last month, the Turkish press said the United States was behind the attack. And once again, after a gunman walked into an Istanbul nightclub early on New Year’s Day and killed dozens, the pro-government news media pointed a finger at the United States.・・・
現在のトルコについては、国内が分裂していることがもう一つ大きな原因だとしている。 “Turkey is so deeply polarized around the powerful persona of Erdogan that, instead of asking why terror attacks are happening and how they can be stopped, the pro- and anti- Erdogan blocks in the country are blaming each other,”・・・ Mr. Erdogan, who spoke this week with President Obama in a condolence call, also told his audience what he believed Turkey, in facing so many terrorist attacks, was really up against: a plot by the West.