George Magnus? @georgemagnus1 Wen Jiabao to NPC 2007: 'over-inv, unbal trade, inc ineq btw cities/country, waste use of energy, env damage'. 10 years on, whats changed? (George Magnus:Economics macro. Associate, China Centre, Oxford. Once, Chief Economist at UBS. Global macro, China)
FT China?認証済みアカウント@ftchina China backs away from long-term GDP targets
George Magnus? @georgemagnus1 George MagnusさんがFT Chinaをリツイートしました Whoa..... not so fast. Let’s see what happens. True, growth at any cost is gone. But other goals at any cost to growth is not new era m.o
Haidi Lun ?海迪?認証済みアカウント @HaidiLun 10月18日 Xi Jinping: China shifting to period seeking high quality growth, stick to deleveraging & capacity cuts, deepen supply side reform #19thCPC
The Guardian’s Tom Phillips reports that two Chinese universities have set up departments dedicated to the study of Xi Jinping Thought. The president’s political doctrine was incorporated into the Party’s constitution at the closing session of the 19th Party Congress on Tuesday. This development is part of broader efforts to embed Xi’s doctrine in university curriculums.
The first and most prominent of the Xi-related departments will be at Beijing’s Renmin or People’s University, one of China’s top institutions.
The Beijing Daily newspaper reported that following Xi’s elevation, the university had tasked top scholars with probing what is officially called Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era. They include Ai Silin, president of the School of Marxism at Tsinghua University, Xi’s alma mater, and Han Qingxiang, a senior academic from the Communist party’s Party School.
“[The department] will also help universities around the country incorporate Xi Thought into their textbooks and introduce it to their classrooms, as well as into students’ minds,” the Beijing Daily said.
[…] A second centre is reportedly being set up in Tianjin, a city about 70 miles southeast of Beijing. According to E-North, a local news website, that department opened on Wednesday at the Tianjin University of Finance and Economics and will focus on the “ideological and political education” of local students.
Further afield, the Global Times reported that “study groups” were being organised from north to south, where cadres could “learn and implement the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era”. Authorities have launched an extensive propaganda campaign to promote Xi’s thinking. On Sina Weibo, People’s Daily enlisted the help of Chinese celebrities to garner public support for Xi’s “new era” mantra.
WASHINGTON ? Paul Manafort surrendered to federal authorities Monday morning, after a person close to the case said the first charges were filed in a special counsel investigation. The charges against Mr. Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman were not immediately clear but represent a significant escalation in a special counsel investigation that has cast a shadow over the president’s first year in office. Also charged was Mr. Manafort’s former business associate Rick Gates, who was also told to surrender.
Mr. Manafort walked into the F.B.I.’s field office in Washington about 8:15 a.m. with his lawyer. Mr. Gates is a longtime protege and junior partner of Mr. Manafort. His name appears on documents linked to companies that Mr. Manafort’s firm set up in Cyprus to receive payments from politicians and businesspeople in Eastern Europe, records reviewed by The New York Times show.
マナフォート追訴の理由は脱税、マネロン、違法ロビー活動などの疑惑 Mr. Manafort had been under investigation for violations of federal tax law, money laundering and whether he appropriately disclosed his foreign lobbying.
American intelligence agencies have concluded that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia launched a stealth campaign of hacking and propaganda to try to damage Hillary Clinton and help Mr. Trump win the election. The Justice Department appointed Robert S. Mueller III as special counsel in May to lead the investigation into the Russian operations and to determine whether anyone around Mr. Trump was involved.(ry
Richard N. Haass?認証済みアカウント @RichardHaass Mueller indictments & ensuing political storm worst possible backdrop to President Trump's trip to Asia. Will distract & weaken his standing
H.S. Kim? @xcvbnm67890 アベノミクスを称えるワシントンポストMatt O'Brienの記事 Wonkblog Perspective Japan is showing world leaders how to save their economies By Matt O'Brien October 30 at 6:53 AM Japan, you see, had been the first county to go through the boom, bust and stagnation cycle that the rest of the world has gotten to know and hate so much the past 10 years.
“NO COLLUSION!” the president tweeted. But seasoned observers quickly saw that the charges were more ominous for the White House than they at first appeared. The Manafort and Gates indictments made clear that Mueller is perfectly comfortable bringing charges related to activity that happened years before Trump took his historic escalator ride.
Mueller “certainly is acting as if, in fact, he has jurisdiction to investigate any and all offenses in the statute of limitations, of all the people who he is investigating in the first place,” said David Rivkin, an attorney who formerly worked in the George H. W. Bush and Reagan administrations. In other words, if someone in Trump’s orbit committed a crime and the statute of limitations for that crime isn’t up?well, watch out. Ivanka Trump cancels visits to China and South Korea to promote her father’s tax plan After the first daughter visits Japan for a speech on Friday she will return to the US over the weekend, lobbying for a tax overhaul, the White House said PUBLISHED : Wednesday, 01 November, 2017, 7:25am UPDATED : Wednesday, 01 November, 2017, 7:58am イバンカ・トランプは訪日の後、米国に戻りトランプ政権の減税法案のプロモーション 活動を行う。このため韓国・中国の訪問をキャンセル 南華早報、香港
トランプ氏のアジア諸国についての考え方について、マイケル・グリーン; グリーンに拠れば「自由印度太平洋」をいい印度などを中国のカウンター とみるティラーソン国務長官と大統領は必ずしも一致していない。また グリーンは習トランプ会談が中国の期待するようなものにならない可能性 もあるという "The Trump strategy for Southeast Asia presents an even bigger enigma, though the President does deserve credit for traveling to Vietnam and the Philippines and for successfully hosting a series of Southeast Asian leaders in Washington," Green wrote, adding Trump deserves criticism for appearing to accede to the anti-democratic moves of some leaders of Southeast Asia.
Trump's national security team hopes that the US president reinforces the broadstrategic framework previewed by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson when he talked about a "free and open Indo-Pacific," Green said. Green stated that Tillerson expressed clear emphasis on Japan, Australia and Japan and open skepticism about China's trustworthiness during his speech outlining the American strategic framework.
"The concept builds on Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's 'strategic diamond' connecting the four major maritime democracies in the region," Green said. However, this framework will raise questions for Trump as regional capitals would quiz him on how a free and open region could be advanced if the US rejected the Trans-Pacific Partnership and appears poised to torpedo the US-Korea free trade agreement any moment, Green said.
"If Prime Ministers Turnbull and Abe are clever, they will judo the free and open Indo-Pacific concept into a discussion on the need for rule-making and eventually something like TPP, but Mr Trump will smell this coming and the conversation could be difficult," he said.
Although Trump should be credited for introducing sweeping financial sanctions against North Korea and for demonstrating readiness for a military option, the US president is undermining these efforts by attacking the US-Korea free trade and hyped-up rhetoric against Pyongyang.
"The President is undermining those efforts and longer-term US strategic interests by aggravating US-ROK relations," Green said. Green also predicts that a Trump meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping would be tense, at least behind the scenes.
"The White House has rejected Chinese pressure to issue a joint communique and senior officials in Tokyo and other allied capitals are somewhat less nervous about a Sino-US condominium emerging, as seemed more likely when the President's senior advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner was playing a prominent role in the relationship," he said. "We will soon see how well the free and open Indo-Pacific framework survives first contact with the region, and with the President's Twitter account," he added. Trump's Southeast Asia strategy an 'enigma,' analyst says By Audrey Morallo ( | Updated November 1, 2017 - 5:20pm The challenge of Xi Jinping’s Leninist autocracy Democracies have to recognise their failures to counter a China that sees itself as an ideological rival MARTIN WOLF [FT]習近平のレーニン主義の独裁体制の挑戦 民主主義国家等は、中国がイデオロギー的なライバルとなることを抑制できなかった という失敗を認めなければいけない マーチン・ウルフ(FT論説主観)
Zbigniew Brzezinski managed to capture thousands of years of Chinese history in about 10 words. In his seminal work, The Grand Chessboard, Brzezinski characterized China's geopolitics through the ages as "cycles of reunifications and expansions, followed by decay and fragmentations."
The assessment gets at the heart of the the country's recurring struggle to unify an insurmountably vast landmass under a centralized authority ? a struggle that continues to this day. Nearly 70 years after its most recent unification, following more than two centuries of decay and five decades of fragmentation, China is now on the verge of another period of expansion. And as its influence on the global stage increases, China will have to adapt to a new view of geopolitics. “A DIFFERENT LEVEL OF CRAZY”: IS CIVIL WAR BREAKING OUT IN THE WALL STREET JOURNAL OVER THE EDITORIAL BOARD’S COVERAGE OF MUELLER? A series of virulent anti-Mueller editorials has reporters worried about their paper’s credibility. BY JOE POMPEO NOVEMBER 1, 2017 6:03 PM 「ある種、キチガイじみている」 WSJの編集委員達に、ムラー特別検察官の報道を巡って、「内戦」が発生か
The editorial page has been doing crazy shit for a long time,” a former long- serving Wall Street Journal editor told me this week. The friction is, in some ways, a hallmark of the institution. A decade ago, an editorial-page columnist attacked a 2006 Journal series about the practice of backdating stock-option awards that went on to win a Pulitzer Prize. The page also once defended billionaire junk-bond king Michael Milken, who got a 10-year sentence for securities fraud in 1990 based in part on exposes by Journal reporters. Nevertheless, several Journal veterans I spoke with described the current rift as among the more fractious they’ve witnessed. “It does feel like this is a different level of crazy,” the veteran editor said. ------------------------------------------------------------------- BGrueskin @BGrueskin WSJ edit page has gone full bats--t, now hosting an op-ed suggesting Trump pardon everyone, including himself 10:28 AM - Oct 30, 2017 ------------------------------------------------------------------- The latest editorial-page meshugas has agitated nerves in a newsroom already on edge. In addition to layoffs, buyouts, restructuring, and gender- imbalance concerns, there’s been a well-documented drama this past year-and -a-half over editor-in-chief Gerry Baker’s direction of the paper’s Trump coverage, and I’m told that murmurs about a looming leadership change have reached a “fever pitch.”(ry
Prominent U.S. media organizations controlled by Rupert Murdoch have recently uniformly adopted the White House argument that it is Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, not President Trump's circle, that need a federal investigation, and that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is compromised or overzealous and should resign. Even The Wall Street Journal is on board. But none of the Murdoch properties has been as conspicuous, or as casual about blurring the line between news and opinion, as Fox News.
As America tackles Russian meddling in its democracy, "the agreement on the basic facts in the mainstream news media does not extend to Rupert Murdoch's media empire and other important parts of the conservative media," says New York Times media columnist Jim Rutenberg. "The collective coverage from the Journal editorial page, the New York Post, and Fox News ? not including the straight-ahead coverage by the likes of Shepard Smith and Bret Baier ? was testament to the Murdoch empire's ability to make its own journalistic weather."
通話監視に転用できるとされるIflytekの音声入力アプリは、推定利用者数8.9億人のア ンドロイドスマートフォンに導入されている。同社の顧客個人情報保護の声明では顧客 情報の守秘を約束していながら、「政府当局が要求する場合、情報を提供する」として いる。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MITテクノロジー・レビューの記事、iFlytek Business Impact Why 500 Million People in China Are Talking to This AI iFlytek’s voice recognition technology is everywhere in China, and that’s what’s making it smarter every day. by Yiting Sun September 14, 2017
民間企業従業員向けの確定拠出年金制度である401kについては「変更なし」で、医療保 険制度改革法(オバマケア)での個人の医療保険加入義務は撤廃しない見通し。また所 得税の引き下げも広く盛り込まれているが、最富裕層に対する所得税率は現行の39.6%を 維持する。 原題:House Tax Bill Has Sweeping Changes for Businesses, Individuals(抜粋)
Discovery of a big void in Khufu’s Pyramid by observation of cosmic-ray muons (宇宙線ミューオン観測によるクフ王ピラミッド内の巨大空間の発見) >Here we report the discovery of a large void (with a cross section similar to the Grand Gallery > and a length of 30 m minimum) above the Grand Gallery, (大回廊の上に、断面が大回廊と同じくらいの、長さ、最少でも30メートルの空間を発見)
>This large void has therefore been detected with a high confidence by three different muon >detection technologies and three independent analyses. (3つの信頼性の高いミューオン検出の方法と、3つの独立した解析によって発見)
About half the respondents in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll suspect that President Donald Trump broke the law during the presidential campaign, and just 3 in 10 Americans surveyed think that alleged wrongdoing ends with those who were charged this week by the special counsel. 今回の起訴がマナフォート氏らに留まる(今後共、追加がない)と見る人は3割で より多くの人(53%)は、疑惑が広がり得るとみている
●Troubles with first 10 satellites blamed on subcontractor woes ロッキード受注の最初の10個のGPS衛星導入にトラブル発生、衛星サブコンのハリス社 で開発遅れ
●Boeing and Northrop both offered ‘demo of a working payload’ ボーイングとノースロップがこれに乗じて、衛星のデモなどを提案中
Subcontractor Harris The more recent delays have been caused by the “continued difficulty” of subcontractor Harris Corp. in producing the satellite’s Mission Data Unit, Woodbury said. It’s the critical processor that performs the satellite’s primary mission -- creating precise civil and military timing messages used for navigation signals, according to Harris.
GPS III satellites five through eight are estimated by the contracting agency to be delivered 20 to 21 months late. The fifth one, for example, is projected to be delivered in May 2020 instead of December of this year.
Captain Christine Guthrie, an Air Force spokeswoman, said in an email that the service “is concerned with the continued challenges” the company is having and “expects Lockheed Martin to diligently work with their supplier base to correct issues as they arise.”
SEOUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. strategic bombers conducted drills over South Korea, the U.S. Air Force said, raising tensions with North Korea just days before President Donald Trump visits the region seeking to shut down Pyongyang’s nuclear program. CFRの電話カンファレンス(オーデイオ記録、1時間1分22秒) トランプ大統領の亜細亜諸国訪問 Elizabeth C. Economy C.V. Starr Senior Fellow and Director for Asia Studies, Council on Foreign Relations Sheila A. Smith Senior Fellow for Japan Studies, Council on Foreign Relations Scott A. Snyder Senior Fellow for Korea Studies and Director of the Program on U.S.-Korea Policy, Council on Foreign Relations Robert McMahon Managing Editor, CFR Editorial, Council on Foreign Relations No alternatives to a Korean Peninsula free of nuclear weapons By Sun Xiaobo Source:Global Times Published: 2017/11/2 21:13:39 環球時報:韓国に発生している核武装論は論外、朝鮮半島の非核化しかない (そうなれば日本も核武装する故)
South Korean nukes would also prompt Japan to build its own arsenal. This potential and avoidable arms race will not create a nuclear balance. It will instead turn Northeast Asia into a powder keg and the unimaginable might occur some day.
This scenario is unacceptable for China, Russia and the world. Once the two powers take countermeasures against a renewed arms race, Japan and South Korea will suffer grave consequences, and they can't truly expect the US to come to their aid. Prohibiting South Korea's nuclear development is essential for the peninsula and the world. Trump finally discovered he can’t force the feds to prosecute Clinton ? and he’s not happy “The saddest thing is because I’m president of the United States, I’m not supposed to be involved in the Justice Department.” Updated by Dara [email protected] Nov 3, 2017, 10:18am EDT トランプ氏は最終的に、FBIをしてヒラリーを起訴するように強制はできないこと を発見した。そして、彼はその事実についてハッピーではない
Donald J. Trump ?@realDonaldTrump Everybody is asking why the Justice Department (and FBI) isn't looking into all of the dishonesty going on with Crooked Hillary & the Dems.. 7:57 PM - Nov 3, 2017
They actually mean that Trump may have finally accepted, apparently belatedly, that he can’t actually order the federal government to go after his political opponents ? and he’s really, really not happy about it.
In an interview with Laura Ingraham on Fox News late Thursday, Trump attacked the department under Secretary of State Tillerson and said he alone determines U.S. foreign policy.
“The one that matters is me,” Trump said. “I‘m the only one that matters because, when it comes to it, that’s what the policy is going to be.”
Asked if he planned to keep Tillerson on board for the rest of his term, Trump told Fox, “Well, we’ll see. I don’t know.”
Trump left on Friday on a trip to Asia with Tillerson following months of conflict between the two. Trump’s comments drew criticism in Congress, where many fellow Republicans have joined Democrats in objecting to Trump’s plan to slash spending on diplomacy and foreign aid, and his failure to fill key foreign policy jobs.
But when it comes to the people Tillerson does want to hire for senior positions, like the head of Asia policy, the White House has blocked his choices. Three hundred of the most senior positions at the State Department sit unfilled, and 48 of the 188 ambassador posts are vacant ? most significantly, in South Korea.
"If you don't have an ambassador, it's kind of like you have the U.S. government but without a president," said Ambassador William Brownfield.
He and former ambassador Kristie Kenney ? who have served both Republicans and Democrats ? said rising tensions on the Korean peninsula make it particularly vital to have a team in place. "It doesn't take a rocket scientist, forgive the term, to realize that this is a very delicate issue and staying in super close touch with our South Korean, Japanese partners and the Chinese is critical," said Kenney, who stepped down in April from the high-ranking post of Counselor of the Department.
(2)このティラーソン国務長官と国家安全保障チームの「自由印度太平洋」構想 "free and open Indo-Pacific," はオバマ政権時代に比べて大きく進歩しているので 日本国の立場からみて望ましいと思うけれど、今ひとつ気になるのは>>146でマイケル グリーンの言うようにトランプ大統領とティラーソン国務長官等との意見が一致して いるか確認できていないこと。さらに>>245の記事のように、ティラーソンが国務長官に 留まるかが「不透明」とされていること。
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday instructed the armed forces to improve their combat capability and readiness for war. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), made the remarks while inspecting the CMC joint battle command center as its commander in chief.
"The CMC should lead the armed forces to be ready to fight and win wars, and to undertake the missions and tasks of the new era entrusted to them by the Party and the people," said Xi, in military uniform. The capability to win is strategically important in safeguarding national security, and strengthening that capability and combat readiness in the new era would provide strategic support to the realization of the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation, according to Xi.
>「Chinese dream of national rejuvenation」 中華復活という中国の夢(rejuvenation:【名】若返り、活性化、再生、復活、一新) Stereotype understanding of Japan restricts our accurate assessment of neighbor By He Shenquan Source:Global Times Published: 2017/11/2 20:53:39 環球時報:安倍政権の日本についてのステレオタイプの理解は不正確で不十分である
Many Chinese think that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is a political clown. As US President Donald Trump is going to visit Japan soon, people are expecting Abe to bow to Trump fawningly, which Chinese frown upon. Chinese media has often mocked such behavior by Abe.
Such a superficial impression allows Chinese to make light of Abe and Japan, but China has suffered when it fails to take full account of Japan's true motives.
The stereotyped impression of Japan and Abe has dented Chinese interest in learning about Japan. We judge Abe's propensity for blunt anti-China policies and we believe he is a die-hard anti-China politician, yet we have little knowledge of what really makes him think this way. We mock Abe's flattering posture, but ignore his schemes. We take pleasure in Abe being trapped in controversies, but he somehow always weathers the plight. While Chinese are well aware of the so-called "Lost Score" of the Japanese economy, they barely know the achievements Japan has made in sophisticated industry. Japan appeared awkwardly embarrassed after the US withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, but its perseverance in attempting to form alliances to contain China takes us by surprise.
To gain an edge China needs to know Japan better. Although the power and strength often shift between the two countries, now is not the time for us to ignore Japan.
We have taken much for granted in studying Abe and Japan, and have made many misjudgments. This is detrimental and ignorance is not bliss. (The author is deputy editor-in-chief of the Chinese edition of the Global Times)
WASHINGTON ? U.S. President Donald Trump has said Japan should have shot down the North Korean missiles that flew over the country before landing in the Pacific Ocean earlier this year, diplomatic sources have said, despite the difficulties and potential ramifications of doing so.
But the altitude and speed of the missiles would have made it very difficult to destroy them in flight, while failure would have been embarrassing for Japan and encouraging to North Korea. Defense Ministry officials confirmed this view and said there were also legal issues to clear.
Patrick Chovanec? @prchovanec 2時間2時間前 "It is the most volatile period in Saudi history in over half a century" -------------------------------------------------------------------- Martin Indyk?@Martin_Indyk Must read: Brookings's Bruce Riedel on what's going on in Saudi Arabia. -------------------------------------------------------------------- High stakes as Saudi crown prince tries to remove opponents Bruce Riedel November 5, 2017
The decision by Saudi King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud to sack Minister of National Guard Prince Mutaib bin Abdullah, the favorite son of the late King Abdullah, is intended to remove a potential powerful rival of his own favorite son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Mutaib's ouster is the most crucial part of a large-scale wave of arrests in the kingdom that suggests deep opposition to the young prince's ambitions.(ry
米トランプ政権のウィルバー・ロス商務長官が、タックスヘイブン(租税回避地)に ある複数の法人を介して、ロシアのプーチン大統領に近いガス会社との取引で利益を 得ていたことが、朝日新聞が提携する国際調査報道ジャーナリスト連合(ICIJ) の調べでわかった。ガス会社の主要株主には、プーチン氏の娘婿や、米国の制裁対象 である実業家らが含まれている。商務長官は外国への制裁判断にも影響力を持ち、複 数の専門家が「深刻な利益相反の恐れがある」と指摘している。(朝日新聞デジタル) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Paradise Papers: Tax haven secrets of ultra-rich exposed By Paradise Papers reporting team BBC Panorama Donald Trump's commerce secretary is shown to have a stake in a firm dealing with Russians sanctioned by the US. The leak, dubbed the Paradise Papers, contains 13.4m documents, mostly from one leading firm in offshore finance. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Leaked documents show Trump appointee Wilbur Ross concealed ties to Putin cronies: report Tom Boggioni TOM BOGGIONI 05 NOV 2017 AT 13:27 ET
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has been shown to be doing business with Vladimir Putin’s son-in-law through a shipping venture based out of Russia. The President Donald Trump appointee has been revealed through leaked documents and public filings to have a substantial holding in the shipping company, Navigator, through a maze of offshore investments. The report states that Navigator works in conjunction with with Sibur, a Russian gas company partly-owned by Kirill Shamalov, husband of Putin’s daughter Katerina.
Financial Times?認証済みアカウント @FT China expected to launch carbon trading scheme at climate summit ---------------------------------------------------------------- China considers launch of carbon trading scheme Expectations grows that Beijing will announce scheme at climate talks in Germany ---------------------------------------------------------------- Comrade Balding? @BaldingsWorld その他 Comrade BaldingさんがFinancial Timesをリツイートしました Calling China a leader in global environmentalism is like calling Harvey Weinstein a women's rights advocate *Harvey Weinsteinは言うまでもなくセクハラ渦中の映画プロヂューサー
Voters say they prefer Democratic candidates for the House of Representatives over Republicans by the widest margin in over a decade, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll ? a fresh sign of trouble for the GOP majority one year before the midterm elections.
グラフ:2018年中間選挙、下院議員選の支持政党 民主党=51%、共和党=40%
A slim 51 percent majority of registered voters say that if the election were held today, they would vote for or lean toward the Democratic candidate in their congressional district, while 40 percent say they would choose the Republican.
That’s the biggest spread in a Post-ABC survey since October 2006, just weeks before a midterm in which Democrats won back control of the House and Senate amid deep dissatisfaction with then-President George W. Bush and the Iraq War.
Mike Mochizuki holds the Japan-U.S. Relations Chair in Memory of Gaston Sigur at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University. He is co-editor of “Nuclear Debates in Asia: The Role of Geopolitics and Domestic Processes.”
Here are three reasons for that:
1) Staying non-nuclear is part of Japan’s national identity 2) Powerful players in Japanese politics can block nuclear acquisition 3) Japan has good national security reasons to stay non-nuclear
Anna Fifield?認証済みアカウント @annafifield Moon called his counterpart "President Donald Trump" and Trump responded with a "President Moon." This is not the Shinzo and Donald show
Nearly one year after Donald Trump’s upset election victory, support for the president is eroding in counties that were most responsible for his election, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. But Democrats have not yet managed to turn Mr. Trump’s weakness in those precincts into gains for their party.
Devin Patrick Kelley opened fire with a semiautomatic rifle, killing 26 people in a church. Another man, Stephen Willeford, later grabbed his own gun and exchanged fire with Kelley outside the church. Police found Kelley dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, but authorities called Willeford a “hero" and said he helped stop Kelley. Trump referred to Willeford as a “brave man” and said, “If he didn't have a gun, instead of having 26 dead, you would have had hundreds more dead.... Not going to help.”
オーストラリア国立大学(キャンベラ)のアラブ・イスラム研究センターで教えるライハ ン・イスマイル氏は電話インタビューで、「極めて問題性の高い状況を米国がさまざまな 形で支持するのは、地域にとって厄介なことになりかねない」と懸念する。「地域の不安 定化は、国外からの投資を遠ざけるだろう。トランプ政権には一貫性が欠落しているとみ られている」と述べた。 原題:Trump Again Undercuts Foreign Policy Advisers With Saudi Tweets(抜粋)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? America’s tweeter-in-chief is set to face off bit-to-bit against China’s “great firewall.” President Donald Trump’s arrival in Beijing on Wednesday will serve as a test of reach for his preferred 140-character communications tool.
The White House is declining to comment on the president’s ability to tweet in China or the precautions being taken to protect his communications in the heavily monitored state. It’s about more than cybersecurity. Knowing the president’s penchant for showmanship, some aides are trying to build up social media suspense before Air Force One is wheels-down in Beijing.
Spoiler alert: The American president will get his way. Multiple officials familiar with the procedures in place but unauthorized to discuss them publicly said the president will, in fact, be able to tweet in China.
Twitter is blocked for domestic users in China, but foreigners have had success accessing the social media service while using data roaming services that connect to their home cellular networks.
Several former administration officials said they did not recall whether President Barack Obama brought his cell phone to China. The White House declined to say whether Trump would be bringing his phone on the trip, but tweets sent by him since he’s departed Washington are marked as being sent from an iPhone.
Chinese officials appeared to recognize the importance of the medium to their guest. Asked whether Trump would be able to tweet from Beijing, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang told reporters on Friday: “We take everything into account on receiving foreign heads of state so you should have no reservations about Mr. President’s ability to keep in touch with the outside.”
But officials said it would hardly be up to China, as it would be inconceivable for Trump’s device to ever reach a Chinese network.
The White House maintains an ever-updating set of policies and regulations for overseas travel. According to current and former White House staffers, officials are sometimes issued new devices specifically for foreign trips. Their phone numbers and emails are forwarded to the new devices for the duration of the overseas stint, then shifted back to their stateside devices once they return. The phones used on the trip are returned to the White House IT office for inspection.
In the event the trip is to a high-risk cyber-espionage location, such as China, Israel or Cuba, aides are given extensive briefings on cybersecurity. Among the precautions: Aides are strongly discouraged from turning on their devices in the offending country.
Former White House press secretary Josh Earnest recalled that security protocols changed frequently during the Obama administration, but that aides were encouraged to leave their personal devices on Air Force One.
On a trip, the WHCA, along with the White House situation room staff, maintains a secure communications suite at the presidential hotel for use by presidential staff. It includes both secure and unsecured phones, as well as access to the White House Wi-Fi network. It is swept routinely for spying devices and guarded 24/7. Overseas, “we’d have to be extra vigilant about confining classified ? and even personal ? discussions to this suite,” recalled Ned Price, a former CIA analyst who worked as a spokesman for Obama’s National Security Council.
トランプ大統領は北朝鮮が攻撃姿勢を終わらせ、弾頭ミサイル開発を停止し、「完全 かつ検証可能で全面的な非核化」を行うなら、北朝鮮に「はるかに良い未来へと進む 道筋」を提供する用意があると発言。また米国は近海に「原子力潜水艦を適切に配備 している」とし、「私は力による平和を望む」と語った。 トランプ大統領はさらに、「私が『われわれを過小評価するな、われわれを試すな』 と北朝鮮に言うとき、われわれの国だけではなく、全ての文明国を代弁していること を望む」とし、「われわれの共通の安全保障と共栄、神聖な自由を守る」と述べた。 原題:Trump Calls on World - and China - to Isolate North Korea Regime(抜粋)
Democrat Phil Murphy is projected to win the New Jersey governor’s race, according to multiple networks. Murphy, a former Goldman Sachs executive and U.S. ambassador to Germany, defeated Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno (R), who struggled to gain traction in the race.
Murphy's victory will also help Democrats maintain control of Sen. Bob Menendez's (D-N.J.) seat if he's convicted in his trial. If Menendez resigns from office, New Jersey's governor will be tasked with appointing his replacement.
12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election 一年たった今、再び大統領選挙をやってもトランプが勝つだろう
It has been almost exactly one year since President Trump shocked the world by defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. And he might well do it again today.
Confronted with the events of the past 12 months and even Trump's unprecedented unpopularity ? 59 percent disapprove of his presidency ? a new poll shows that 2016 voters look as though they'd still pick Trump, albeit about as narrowly as they did before.
Democrats roared back on Tuesday a year after suffering perhaps the most demoralizing defeat in modern political history, claiming big victories in races up and down the ballot and across the country.
The breadth of the Democratic wins surprised even the most optimistic party stalwarts, who fretted over their own chances in key races Tuesday. But as the results rolled in, those Democrats said they had energized their core voters and capitalized on President Trump's unpopularity to reach swing voters.
"This is not a wave. This is a tsunami," Virginia Del. David Toscano, leader of the Democratic caucus, told The Hill in an interview Tuesday night. "This is a huge, huge sea change here in Virginia."
Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam (D) won the Virginia governorship by a wider-than-expected margin, even with Democrats fretting about his late campaign strategy. Democrat Justin Fairfax won the lieutenant governor's office, becoming only the second African American to win a statewide post in Virginia since Reconstruction, while Attorney General Mark Herring (D) won re-election.
In New Jersey, former Goldman Sachs executive Phil Murphy (D) easily won the right to replace deeply unpopular Gov. Chris Christie (R), cementing Democratic control in the Garden State.
In Washington, Democrat Manka Dhingra (D) appeared headed for victory in a special election to fill an open state Senate seat. Dhingra's win, in a formerly Republican district, would give Democrats control of all levers of government in the Evergreen State.
Democrats won at least 14 seats in Virginia's House of Delegates, with another three likely headed to a recount. They picked up at least two seats in New Jersey's state Senate, with several Senate and Assembly districts yet to count ballots, and a seat in New Hampshire's state House.
Georgia Democrats celebrated winning two deep red districts in special state House elections. Two Democrats appear likely to face off in a runoff in a suburban Atlanta state Senate district formerly held by a Republican after finishing first and second in the all-party primary ? a result that would break the GOP's supermajority.
Even local elections tipped left on Tuesday. In St. Petersburg, Fla., Mayor Rick Kriseman won re-election, after campaigning with former Vice President Joe Biden and other Democratic stalwarts, over former Mayor Rick Baker, an upset in a race in which early polls showed Baker leading.
In Manchester, Joyce Craig became the first woman to win the mayor's office, and the first Democrat to win the city since 2003, after she ousted four-term incumbent Ted Gatsas (R).
Senior Democratic strategists said their candidates had found a way to tie Republican candidates to the deeply unpopular president, not through his uncouth statements and behavior but through his unpopular policies.
"We're getting better about our Trump messaging," said Jessica Post, who heads the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, a group dedicated to winning state legislative elections.(ry NOV. 8, 2017 AT 8:10 AM The Fundamentals Favor Democrats In 2018 Tuesday’s elections were a wake-up call for Republicans ? and for morning-show pundits. By Nate Silver 2018年の中間選挙のファンダメンタルズは民主党に有利 火曜日の選挙結果は共和党とTVの政治番組解説者にとっての目覚ましコーツである
Democrats had a really good night on Tuesday, easily claiming the Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial races, flipping control of the Washington state Senate and possibly also the Virginia House of Delegates, passing a ballot measure in Maine that will expand Medicaid in the state, winning a variety of mayoral elections around the country, and gaining control of key county executive seats in suburban New York.
But we didn’t need Tuesday night to prove that the national environment was good for Democrats; there was plenty of evidence for it already. In no particular order of importance: 国内の環境条件は民主党有利に傾いている。それらは以下の様なものである
・President Trump’s approval rating is only 37.6 percent. トランプ大統領の支持率が、わずか37.6% ・Democrats lead by approximately 10 points on the generic Congressional ballot. 政党支持率で民主党が10%のリード ・Republican incumbents are retiring at a rapid pace; there were two retirements (from New Jersey Rep. Frank LoBiondo and Texas Rep. Ted Poe) on Tuesday alone. 現職の共和党議員が早いペースで引退
・Democrats are recruiting astonishing numbers of candidates for Congress. 民主党が多量の議員候補を擁立 ・Democrats have performed well overall in special elections to the U.S. Congress, relative to the partisanship of those districts; they’ve also performed well in special elections to state legislatures. 民主党の特別選挙への対処が良好 ・The opposition party almost always gains ground at midterm elections. This is one of the most durable empirical rules of American politics. 通常はいつも中間選挙で大統領選に負けた政党が有利
So while Northam’s 9-point margin of victory was a surprise based on the polls, which had projected him to win by roughly 3 points instead,1 it was right in line with what you might expect based on these “fundamental” factors. For instance, a simple model we developed based on the generic ballot and state partisanship forecasted a 9-point win for Democrats in Virginia and a 13-point win in New Jersey, pretty much matching their actual results in each state.
To put it another way, Tuesday’s results shouldn’t have exceeded your expectations for Democrats by all that much because you should have had high expectations already. Midterm elections ? and usually also off-year and special elections ? almost always go well for the opposition party, and they’re going to go especially well when the president has a sub-40 approval rating.
Finally, there’s perhaps an unhealthy obsession with the white working-class vote, and its potential to sway the 2018 midterms in favor of Republicans. This could be more of a concern for Democrats in 2020. But the midterm electorate is typically more educated and better off financially than the presidential-year one. Also, most of the pickup opportunities that analysts envision for Democrats are in wealthy or at least middle-class areas. On average, the 61 Republican-held Congressional districts that the Cook Political Report rates as competitive rank in the 65th percentile in educational attainment (as measured by the share of adults with at least a bachelor’s degree) and also the 65th percentile in median household income. Some of them are fairly white, and some aren’t ? but almost none are both white and working-class.
1) Reining in North Korea’s nuclear ambitions The two sides agreed that urgent measures had to be taken to stop North Korea from further provocations, but they appeared divided over what action was needed. Trump said the United States was committed to denuclearisation in North Korea. He called on China to work “very hard” on the issue, including cutting banking ties with its neighbour.
2) Narrowing the trade deficit between China and the US Trump said US trade policies had to be adjusted because the United States was lagging behind other countries. But Trump tried to strike a moderate tone, saying he would not blame China for the trade deficit which stood at US$347 billion last year. Instead, he blamed the previous US administration for the problem.
3) Containing tensions between China and the US The two nations have disagreed over various issues, such as the South China Sea and the US’ role in Asia. Xi said the relationship between China and the US was at a “new historic starting point”, but added that efforts should be taken to properly manage the differences between the two nations.
4) Stepping up military ties and ensuring security in the region Xi said China would soon invite US Defence Secretary James Mattis to visit China, and would arrange for a Chinese military delegation to visit the US.
5) More exchanges between young people Trump said he hoped the peoples of both nations would build up more personal relationships, particularly the younger generations. He highlighted four existing channels for high-level dialogue with China, one of which was person-to-person exchanges.
北京大学教授(Economics)のボールディング。これはnothing burgerである。 中国との通商交渉に二国間交渉で当たるよりも、多国間連帯で当たるほうが遥 かに良いだろうという -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comrade Balding? @BaldingsWorld 59分59分前 Couple of thoughts about about Trump Xi meeting. 1. Trump doing much better job of staying on script in public. Not a good bored face but had a couple good moments of script. It's a low bar but improvement
Comrade Balding? @BaldingsWorld 54分54分前 2. What we see in public, this is the biggest nothing burger. The so called deals are tenuous or SOP, no talk on fundamental issues, or new cooperation frameworks. Maybe in days ahead leaks will occur but now seems like nothing really happened
Comrade Balding? @BaldingsWorld 44分44分前 3. Avoid the rush to declare a "winner". I see all this B$ about Trump giving Xi authoritarian credibility or getting the best of Trump. This is just ESPN quarterbacking diplomacy B$. Not saying he won or lost. Don't rush to judgement. Neither Obama or Bush pushed back. Patience
Comrade Balding? @BaldingsWorld 37分37分前 4. Trump isn't wrong about not blaming China for the deficit. If long line of US Presidents have not pushed harder are we supposed to blame China for not refusing the concessions? Now and going forward, US had minimal leverage but must push hard and embarrass
Comrade Balding? @BaldingsWorld 35分35分前 5. Biggest mistake WTR to China, Trump needs to assemble multilateral coalition to negotiate market access. Australia, UK, Germany, and many others very frustrated by closed Chinese markets. Many options here but going it alone difficult to extract meaningful concessions OPINION REVIEW & OUTLOOK The Anti-Trump Wave Democrats come out in droves and the GOP is caught in the undertow. By The Editorial Board Nov. 8, 2017 1:34 p.m. ET WSJ社説:アンチトランプの波
Republicans took a thorough beating in Tuesday’s elections, and no one should sugar coat the results because the voting was confined to a few states. Democrats came out in droves to send a message of opposition to Donald Trump, and GOP candidates were swamped in the undertow. While the cliche is not to read too much into an off-year election, this defeat was broad and deep enough to signal that Republicans will struggle to hold Congress next year.
Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe’s recent hosting of Donald Trump was a masterclass in how to make the US president comfortable?feed him familiar food, take him on his favorite outing, golf, and tell him how much you like him.
But Chinese president Xi Jinping added a creamy layer of pomp and circumstance to the mix when the White House delegation reached Beijing. Trump has been feted with everything from an unprecedented private dinner in the Forbidden City to a red carpet welcome in Tiananmen Square, the Beijing landmark where hundreds of students were killed by the Chinese military in 1989. (略) Chemistry with Xi Jinping?
Beyond the numbers, it’s Trump’s embrace of Xi that has diplomats and human rights activists around the world concerned. China’s government is “playing Trump like a fiddle,” said Jorge Guajardo, Mexico’s ambassador to China from 2007 to 2013. “You don’t have good chemistry with a Chinese leader who doesn’t speak your language and is geared to not develop chemistry,” he said.
The Communist Party’s top aides are masterful at making diplomats and foreign businessmen feel special, he said, warning that Trump may be particularly susceptible to Beijing’s tactic of flattering foreigners with over-the-top ceremony and then refusing to change. “You leave that meeting thinking ‘It went great,’” said Guajardo. And then when it comes time to negotiate a practical agreement, if you invoke the special friendship you’ve formed, Beijing officials “laugh and say ‘No, let’s not confuse all that pomp and circumstance with the meat of the matter.’”
Trump was greeted at the airport by a crowd waving American flags, and a military lineup. In contrast, former president Barack Obama was forced during his last China trip to exit from the underbelly of Air Force One because there was no staircase on the tarmac in Hangzhou.
Trump’s trip just gave bureaucrats in China’s Communist Party “every piece of ammunition they need to withstand or dismiss any criticism that might come their way on human rights issues.” The trip to China may set a dangerous precedent when it comes to trade negotiations too, Guajardo said. Maintaining a “bilateral relationship with the US is now just a matter of stroking Trump’s ego, and that’s all it takes.”
●President Donald Trump just left China after a pleasant, uncontroversial visit. ●But as soon as he landed in Vietnam, he slammed China on key issues. ●China openly seeks to unseat the US as the most powerful influence in Asia. ●Trump laid out some strategies to counter that, and he played up intra-Asian disputes in ways that are sure to anger Beijing.
But in Trump's first speech in Vietnam, the gloves came off. "When the United States enters into a trading relationship with other countries or other peoples, we will from now on expect that our partners will faithfully follow the rules," Trump said in Danang, Vietnam.
"We expect that markets will be open to an equal degree on both sides and that private investment, not government planners, will direct investment," he added, perhaps alluding to China's recent announcement that it would open up its companies to more foreign investment. Trump's speech clashed with statements from Xi, who said on Friday that globalization was an irreversible trend. Though Xi has long advocated free trade with the US and other countries, the country's policies protect Chinese companies, as Trump hinted at. トランプ氏、二国間貿易協定を強調 米中の立場違い鮮明 ダナン=土佐茂生、平賀拓哉2017年11月10日23時53分 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard N. Haass?認証済みアカウント@RichardHaass Trump admin preference for contracts over trade pacts major eco/strategic error: forfeits chance for structural changes, weakens alliances
Richard N. Haass?認証済みアカウント @RichardHaass Potus rejects large trade agreements that tie our hands. But that is what an agreement does-along w the hands of others. No way a world of bilateral pacts can provide comparable benefits.
米国には北朝鮮の金正恩労働党委員長とメッセージをやり取りする「経路が2つか3つあ る」と明らかにし、金委員長が核兵器を放棄すれば米国が北朝鮮を脅かすことはないとも 話した。 「北朝鮮国民が独裁体制の下で生きたいならそれでもよいが、独裁者が核兵器を手にする なら全ての人に関わる問題だ」とした上で、「それ以外の場合は、はっきり言って金委員 長のことなど無視するだろう」と語った。 原題:Tillerson Sees U.S., North Korea Agreeing to Start Conversation(抜粋) WSJ Exclusive: Ex-CIA Head Woolsey on Flynn, Covert Plan 3/24/2017 9:43PM In an exclusive WSJ interview, former CIA Director James Woolsey describes a meeting where Mike Flynn and others discussed a covert plan to move Fethullah Gulen back to Turkey and avoid the U.S. extradition process. Photo: David Hume Kenner/Getty Images (Originally Published March 24, 2017) Government confirms intervention of Russian hackers in Catalan crisis Speaking after weekly Cabinet meeting, defense minister announces Spain will raise issue at EU Foreign Affairs Council on Monday Otros1ConectateConectateImprimir ANABEL DIEZ JUAN JOSE MATEO Madrid 10 NOV 2017 - 17:32 カタロニア危機:閣議後の会見で、国防相はロシアのハッカーに依る干渉を確認と 発言、スペイン政府は月曜日にEU外務委員会にこの件をはかると発表
“This is a serious issue, where democracy must confront the challenges of new technologies,” Mendez de Vigo told reporters on Friday. “It’s an issue that will be on the order of the day at the next Foreign Affairs Council meeting, where the [Spanish] foreign minister [Alfonso Dastis] will speak on the matter. […] We believe that Europe has to take this issue very seriously. It can’t be that foreign forces, outsiders, whom we don’t know who they are, want to change the constitutional order,” he added. 「この件は深刻な問題であり新たなテクノロジーの挑戦だ。EUの外務委員会に外相 が報告する。EUはこれを深刻に受け止めるべきで、外部勢力が憲法の定める秩序を 変えようとしている」
“The government has corroborated the fact that many messages and operations that were seen via social networks come from Russian territory,” Defense Minister Maria Dolores de Cospedal continued. “And I use the correct expression: from Russian territory. That’s not to say necessarily that we have determined that it is the Russian government. As such, we must act with extreme caution. We have to be clear on the origins. They are partly from Russian territory, partly from elsewhere, also outside the EU. We are determining this at the current time.” 「政府の調査で多くのSNSのメッセージや操作がロシア起源であることがわかった。 ここでロシア起源というのはロシア政府の行為とは必ずしも言えないので慎重に事 を運ぶ必要がある。一部はロシ地域、また一部はEU外のどこかから来ていて我々は 調査中だ」
Hackers from Russia and Venezuela have been publishing fake or distorted news stories related to Catalonia and to Spain. For example, one story claimed that the Balearic Islands was in favor of independence for Catalonia, while another reported that Castilian Spanish was no longer taught in the region’s schools. The multiplication of news stories about Catalonia has increased exponentially since the start of the institutional crisis. ロシアとベネズエラのハッカーはスペインとカタロニアについてのフェイクニュー スや歪められたニュース記事を投稿している。例えばバレアレス諸島がカタロニア 独立を支持しているとか、カタロニアでは最早スペイン語は教えられていないとか そうした記事が危機発生以来、激増している
What’s more, foreign ministers on Wednesday called for the EU to increase the resources used against the Russian influence. Deputies and experts from more than 20 countries have also signed a declaration that calls on the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, to act more forcefully in cases such as that of Catalonia EU外相会議は水曜日に、ロシアの干渉に対抗するEUのリソースを増加するように 求めている
A fresh wave of reports strongly imply that Russia influenced the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. Amid speculation that Russia may have meddled in the 2016 referendum vote, multimillionaire Brexit donor Arron Banks wrote to Britain’s Electoral Commission on Thursday to imply he was the subject of a politically motivated investigation.
米国下院に米韓同盟の結束を強化する決議案が上程された。駐韓米軍関連の問題は、北 朝鮮との交渉条件になることがないと念を押した。イジョウン記者が報道します。 米下院軍事委員会所属の組ウィルソン議員が「米韓同盟関係の重要性の認識と再確認」 というタイトルの決議案(H.RES 612)を9日発ました。 H.Res.612 - Recognizing and reaffirming the critical relationship between the United States and the Republic of Korea since the establishment of the Republic of Korea in 1948. 60年以上継続されてき米韓同盟を強化し、北朝鮮の脅威を抑制しなければならないとい うのが骨子です。 ウィルソン議員はこの日の声明で、下院代表団の一員として、最近、韓国を訪問したこ とを契機に、米韓同盟は、全世界で最も重要な部分の一つであることを改めて認識され たと決議案発議の背景を説明しました。 決議案には、在韓米軍の問題にも言及しました。 韓国が在韓米軍支援のため年間8億ドルを費やしており、京畿道平沢の米軍基地キャンプ ・ハンフリーズ建??設と拡張に100億ドルを負担したと説明しました。 それとともに、米国は韓国軍支援と域内合同訓練を継続するという立場を再確認するとし、 在韓米軍駐留問題は北朝鮮とのいくつかの交渉にも含まれていたり、議論はならないと強 調しました。 また、最近トランプ大統領の訪韓をきっかけに、米国と韓国政府は不安定を引き起こす北 朝鮮の挑発に断固対応という明確な対北朝鮮メッセージを伝えると促しました。 また、北朝鮮が正しい方向に進む場合、米国と韓国、国際社会は北朝鮮に明るい未来を提 示する準備ができているというメッセージも伝えなければならない付け加えました。
The U.S. Navy has conducted its first test of a new hypersonic missile. The test was announced by Vice Adm. Terry Benedict, the director of the Strategic Systems Program (SSP), at the Naval Submarine League’s annual symposium in Arlington, Virginia, on November 2. 11月2日の海軍潜水艦シンポジウムに、極超音速ミサイルの最初のテスト成功が報告された
The Navy recently destroyed a ballistic missile target with an SM-6 missile during a test off the coast of Scotland, verifying that the high-tech weapon does have an ability to track and destroy incoming enemy medium and long-range ballistic missiles.
Compared with the SM-3, the ship-fired SM-6 interceptor is designed to track and destroy lower-altitude threats such as a ballistic missile in the "terminal" phase of decent to its target. After Trump Liberals ecstatic over this month’s election must not forget: Even after this demagogue is finished, a new one will rise in his place. By FRANK RICH November 13, 2017 8:00 am アフター・トランプ リベラル勢力は今月の選挙結果に酔いしれているが、忘れてはならないことが有る: たとえこのデマゴーグが追放されたとしても、彼の跡を埋める新たな(右翼ナショナ リスト・ポピュリストの)人材は出てくる
In private, Steve Bannon reportedly gave Trump only a 30 percent chance of finishing his term, even before Robert Mueller dropped his first indictments. (Bannon has denied saying this.) And there are other fresh signs of an advancing Trump expiration date besides, from the resounding Democratic wins in Virginia and New Jersey on November 7 to the epic failure of the Republican Congress to accomplish anything.
But don’t celebrate just yet. Once Trump exits ? whenever and however he goes ? then what? It’s a continuing liberal blind spot to underestimate the resilience of Trumpism, which, if history is any guide, will easily survive both the crack-up of the GOP and the implosion of the Trump presidency. Whether Trump lasts another three weeks, another three years, or another seven years, our troubles won’t be over when he’s gone. They may well get worse.
Bannon has called Trump “a blunt instrument for us.” Finer-tooled instruments ? smarter and shrewder demagogues than the movement’s current titular head ? may already be suiting up in the wings.
Obviously, China will not be interested in Trump's services as mediator in the South China Sea disputes. Beijing's consistent stance holds that territorial disputes can only be solved through bilateral negotiations by claimant countries and security in the South China Sea can be maintained by China and ASEAN countries and external powers should not step in.
MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump left the Philippines on Tuesday without attending an annual East Asia Summit, due to delays in the schedule of the program of meetings. Trump told reporters on Air Force One that he delivered his prepared remarks during a lunch with the leaders instead. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson would attend Tuesday’s summit in his place, a senior White House official said, adding the event was running too late. The meetings in Manila were approximately 90 minutes behind schedule.
Volvo has pulled its advertisements from Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News after his coverage of sexual misconduct allegations made against Roy Moore. Volvo is the latest advertiser to pull its ads from "Hannity" in the wake of the prime-time host's coverage of Moore, the Alabama Senate special election candidate accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women. Keurig and both said they were pulling their ads in recent days.
Reactions to President Trump's Asia trip have focused on a few key themes: his continued unwillingness to confront Vladimir Putin, his public trashing of U.S. intelligence officials, his exchange of personal insults with Kim Jong-un, and his uncritical embrace of Filipino president Rodrigo Duterte.
トランプ大統領のアジア歴訪が歴史書に記録されるなら、大統領がアジアの通商の フレームワーク、TPPへの反対が最も大きな悪影響を後に残すものとして記述されよう But when the history of Trump's trip is written, it will be his decision to opt out of an Asian trade framework, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, that has the gravest and most lasting consequences.
His approach marginalizes the United States in a region that will define the 21st century. American businesses will find themselves unable to compete in Asian markets, and no laundry list of one-off deals and bilateral accords will compensate for the losses. Trump's policies will exact a strategic price as well, leaving U.S. allies on their own to contend with China's massive economic weight.
The bottom line: All this stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of trade. Yes, trade agreements tie our hands, but they also tie the hands of others. The United States has reaped enormous economic and strategic benefits from multilateral trade pacts and only stands to lose by walking away from them now.
Song Tao, special envoy of General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee Xi Jinping, will leave for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Friday.
Song, head of the CPC Central Committee's International Department, will inform the DPRK of the 19th CPC National Congress and visit the DPRK. The department made the announcement on Wednesday. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 宋涛 Song Tao (diplomat) Song Tao (Chinese: 宋涛; born April 1955) is a Chinese politician and senior diplomat, currently serving as the head of the International Liaison Department of the Communist Party of China. He was previously Chinese ambassador to Guyana, the Philippines, the disciplinary chief of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and executive deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office.
同紙は英エディンバラ大研究チームの調査として、ロシア政府との関係が指摘されている サンクトペテルブルクの企業が少なくとも419の偽アカウントを使用したと報道。投稿は 3千以上に上り、アカウントのうち一つは反イスラム感情をあおるために使用されていた という。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Russia used hundreds of fake accounts to tweet about Brexit, data shows Researchers find that accounts run from a St Petersburg troll farm tried to sow discord between Britons over the referendum
Concern about Russian influence in British politics has intensified as it emerged that more than 400 fake Twitter accounts believed to be run from St Petersburg published posts about Brexit. Researchers at the University of Edinburgh identified 419 accounts operating from the Russian Internet Research Agency (IRA) attempting to influence UK politics out of 2,752 accounts suspended by Twitter in the US.
The developments come after the US Congress intelligence committee investigated Russian troll campaigning in the US election of November 2016. Twitter told the House committee that it had suspended 2,752 accounts which were tweeting about the US election because it believed they were controlled from Russia. The committee said it “may well be just the tip of the iceberg”.
Hundreds of paid bloggers work round the clock at the IRA to flood Russian internet forums, social networks and the comments sections of western publications ? sowing disinformation, praising the country’s president, Vladimir Putin, and raging at the west. The agency has been linked to a businessman who was once Putin’s favourite chef.
Prof Laura Cram, director of neuropolitics research at the University of Edinburgh, told the Guardian that at least 419 of those accounts tweeted about Brexit a total of 3,468 times ? mostly after the referendum had taken place.
At the time, the former US ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, said the vote to leave the EU was “a giant victory for Putin’s foreign policy objectives”. The US Congressional investigation into Russian meddling through social media also gathered evidence from Facebook that between June 2015-August 2017 there were 470 accounts on the platform associated with the IRA and that 126 million Americans are likely to have seen content from an IRA page.
President Robert Mugabe is preparing to step down, a few hours after the Zimbabwean military took over power, a leading South African news website has reported. "Mugabe 'preparing to step down' - senior source," News24 website posted, without giving any further details. Political tensions have been rising since President Mugabe recently sacked Emmerson Mnangagwa, a long-time ally, as vice-president.
環球時報の続報 Nuclear issue might be discussed in envoy's visit to North Korea: experts By Zhang Hui Source:Global Times Published: 2017/11/15 22:48:40 特別大使の北朝鮮訪問で、(党大会の決定の伝達に加え)核開発の議論も:専門家の見解
Experts say nuclear issue might be discussed
A senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is scheduled to visit North Korea on Friday to inform Pyongyang about the 19th CPC National Congress, which experts believe will be a party-to-party exchange between the two countries, but they did not rule out talks on the Korean nuclear issue.
"To carry out mutual briefings after the national congress of political parties has been a standard practice for years between the CPC and North Korea's Workers' Party, as well as with political parties of socialist countries. So it's normal," Geng said when asked whether the trip was related to US President Donald Trump's recent trip to China.
The two sides will also exchange views on relations between the two parties and countries, as well as on other issues of mutual concern, Geng said.
"The biggest divergence in party-to-party relations between China and North Korea is the nuclear issue, and we hope that this visit could narrow the divergence by reaching some consensus such as having dialogues on the dual-track approach," Lu Chao, a researcher on North Korea at the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times.
"North Korea has received unprecedented pressure and may expect Song's visit to improve relations with China as well as help them get out of trouble, and the two sides may consider resuming the dialogue mechanism on the issue," said Jin Qiangyi, director of Yanbian University's Asia Research Center.
WASHINGTON?Sen. Ron Johnson (R., Wis.) said he opposes the Senate Republican tax package, becoming the first GOP voice of dissent that, if it gains momentum, could force significant changes or jeopardize the party’s goal to pass the bill before the end of the year.
“If they can pass it without me, let them,” Mr. Johnson said in an interview Wednesday, adding that the plan unfairly benefits corporations more than other types of businesses. “I’m not going to vote for this tax package.”
?●Sweet and sour Douglas Paal, vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said he sees a domestic political strategy in the broader message that Trump conveyed during his trip. By saying that China is not to blame and that it is doing what any country should do to protect its interests, Trump has given himself license to do for America what other leaders have not done.
Paal notes that early next month two key trade investigation reports are due and, unless something knocks them off course, they are going to lead to high tariffs on some products and maybe even outright bans. カーネギー平和財団の副代表であるダグラス・パールは中国との通商関係について来月 初旬の2つのキイとなる調査があって、このままでゆくと一部製品への高率関税や輸入 禁止の措置さえ予想されるという。
And the Chinese will retaliate as they feel appropriate, he said. “So we will go from the good feeling, high emotions of this state visit, which we’d call the sweet, to sour in December on trade. And that would be more suitable to the way Trump thinks about his political constituency and the debt he owes that constituency for his election,” Paal said. 今月の大統領の訪問への歓迎で米中関係が良い雰囲気であったものが来月にはsweet to sour に変わるだろう。それは大統領が有権者に約束してきたことの反映
Paal added the outcome of such an approach and impact on America is widely uncertain, but what is clear is that Trump will stick to his domestic political calculation until it proves to be wrong.
The following censorship instructions, issued to the media by government authorities, have been leaked and distributed online. The name of the issuing body has been omitted to protect the source. 政府が国内メデイアに命令したトランプ訪中時の報道規制
1.Include the following in front page lead stories, including for mobile apps, cellphone browser and WAP sites: Xi Jinping Holds Welcoming Ceremony For U.S. President Donald Trump 2.All sites, please include the following in front page lead stories, including for mobile apps, cellphone browser and WAP sites: [Exclusive V Outlook] Xi Jinping: Maintain the Strategic Leading Role of Head-of-State Diplomacy in Developing Bilateral Relations 3.Demote images, and clean up comment threads: With Haze Off Charts, Delhi State Chief Minister Self-deprecatingly Says New Delhi Has Become "a Gas Chamber" 4.Do not send any more push notifications concerning the Ctrip daycare abuse incident. Related news must be moved out of immediate sight 5.Do not send push notifications for negative human interest, crime, or entertainment stories ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wang Feng @ulywang My social media editor tells me Weibo and Wechat heavily censored content in past week related to Trump visit to Beijing. In particular, stories & comments critical of Trump were blocked, deleted & stopped from being shared. Wasn't that the Beijing welcome! 5:00 PM - Nov 13, 2017
Three former secretaries of defense are warning lawmakers not to enact proposed Republican tax restructuring plans, arguing they will jeopardize future military spending. Former defense secretaries Leon E. Panetta, Chuck Hagel and Ash Carter told senior congressional leaders in a letter Wednesday that because the tax plan is expected to increase the debt, passing it will probably mean future cuts to Pentagon budgets “for training, maintenance, force structure, flight missions, procurement and other key programs.”
“The result is the growing danger of a ‘hollowed out’ military force that lacks the ability to sustain the intensive deployment requirements of our global defense mission,”(ry