The White House’s inaction ? and recent defense of Porter ? bring to light a major conflict within the conservative movement in the age of Trump. While House Speaker Paul Ryan touts his support for bipartisan legislation to end harassment and misconduct committed by members of Congress, and other Republicans make changes within their own offices, the Trump White House is not even paying lip service to reform.
Instead, they’ve housed Porter, accused of spousal abuse, and Steve Bannon, also accused of spousal abuse (whom Trump nicknamed “Bam Bam” because of it), and backed an Alabama Senate candidate accused of molesting or assaulting minors.
For the White House, the politics are simple: Protect Trump. Because Trump himself is accused of assaulting dozens of women, they’ve had to lower the bar for male behavior so that even he can meet it. Any allegation of misconduct made against anyone close to Trump, then, must be dismissed as if it were being made against Trump himself.
>>8 Trump Praises Top Adviser Accused of Abusing Ex-Wives By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS, MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT and MAGGIE HABERMANFEB. 9, 2018 トランプ大統領は家庭内暴力で解任の秘書官、Rob Porterを賞賛 WASHINGTON ? President Trump on Friday praised Rob Porter, the White House staff secretary who resigned on Wednesday amid spousal abuse allegations, saying it was a “tough time” for the disgraced former aide and noting that Mr. Porter had denied the accusations.
>>823 > Prof. Steve Hanke?認証済みアカウント @steve_hanke(ジョン・ホプキンス大学、経済学教授) > While President Trump maintains that his focus is on closing the trade deficit, > little does he know that the federal budget that he just signed will have the > opposite effect. Basic economics are clear, trade deficits mirror fiscal deficits. > トランプ大統領は貿易赤字の縮小をねらうというが、彼は連邦政府予算が、その反対の効果を > 生むことを知らないようだ。経済学の教えるところ貿易赤字は財政赤字のミラーなのだ
Two-thirds of Americans say they would side with the FBI in a disagreement with President Trump, according to a Marist poll released Friday. Sixty-six percent of Americans surveyed said they would take the side of the FBI if a schism were to arise between the bureau and Trump, while only 24 percent said they would side with the president. 大統領とFBIの主張の異なる場合、66%がFBIを、24%が大統領を信頼する
Seventy-one percent of respondents say they believe the FBI is trying to do its job and is not biased against the president, and 23 percent said they thought the bureau was biased against Trump. 71%はFBIが大統領に反対するなどの政治的バイアスではなく、仕事をすると考え 23%はFBIに反トランプのバイアスがあると考える
Relations between the president and the FBI have declined over the past year amid the ongoing special counsel investigation into Russian election meddling. Trump and some Republicans have attacked the FBI and the Justice Department in recent months for their handling of the Moscow probe and the now-closed investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server.
The president has seized on on uncovered texts between FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page to depict the agency as prejudiced against him. Trump accused Strzok of "treason" in an interview last month with The Wall Street Journal, saying he plotted to undermine his candidacy during the 2016 presidential race.
If Americans have to pick sides between President Trump and Special Counsel Robert Mueller, a majority are more likely to believe Mr. Mueller (55%) than Mr. Trump (30%). One percent believe both, 4% align with neither of them, and 11% are unsure. Again, with the exception of the president’s base, more Americans are likely to place credibility in Mueller. However, even among his base, there is less consensus among white residents without a college education. 43% perceive Trump to be more believable than Mueller while 40% have the opposing view. モラー特別検察官とトランプ大統領のどちらを信頼するかとの問には、55%が モラー特別検査、30%がトランプ大統領を信頼すると回答。ただし高卒以下の 層ではトランプ大統領が43%、モラー特別検察官が40%
Mueller has been tasked with investigating potential Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, and seven in ten residents (70%), including 55% of Republicans, want Mueller to finish his investigation. 16% of Americans think Mueller should be fired, and 14% are unsure. Last month, similar proportions of Americans had these views. ロシア疑惑捜査については70%が捜査継続を、16%が特別検察官の解雇をのぞむ
A majority of Americans (53%) consider Mueller’s investigation to be fair, a modest increase from 48% previously. 28% think the probe is unfair, and one in five (20%) are unsure. A partisan divide exists. While 77% of Democrats and 51% of independents perceive the investigation to be fair, a plurality of Republicans (46%) say it is unfair. 35% of the GOP, though, think the investigation is being carried out without prejudice, and a notable 19% of Republicans are unsure.
中国当局がレバレッジ縮小を進めていることを背景に、中小企業のコスト負担が重くなっ ている。投資家が上海上場の国有企業株に資金を振り向けていることもあり、深?総合指 数は15年の本土株の大幅下落以降、上値の重い展開が続いている。 原題:Shenzhen Stocks Enter Bear Market as New Economy Dreams Fade(抜粋)
As his White House has become engulfed in controversy over its handling of allegations of spousal abuse leveled against former Staff Secretary Rob Porter, President Donald Trump has privately questioned the credibility of the accusers. In fact, the president has gone as far as to express doubts to aides and friends about the assault allegations, and has asked repeatedly if there are any reasons Porter’s two ex-wives could have to make up such claims, according to three sources with direct knowledge of the conversations. 3人のソースに拠ればトランプ大統領は家庭内暴力をメディアで告発したRob Porter 秘書官の二人の前妻について、その告発内容への疑問を語っている
Trump’s skepticism has been apparent in discussions with confidants and officials, who tell The Daily Beast that, at least in their conversations, he has not expressed sympathy for the ex-wives, Colbie Holderness and Jennifer Willoughby, who have gone on the record to allege physical violence. 暴力を受けたという二人の前妻に大統領は全く同情を示さないという
“[It is] 100% not what’s on his mind,” one source close to Trump who has spoken with the president in recent days told The Daily Beast, referring to the well-being of alleged victims. The White House press office did not respond to a request for comment on this story. 「Rob Porterを辞めさせたことは100%大統領の意にそぐわない」
Trump has, however, made clear his displeasure with how his own staff has handled the Porter scandal, multiple sources tell The Daily Beast. Among those whom the president believes have done a less-than-adequate job include Communications Director Hope Hicks, who has been dating Porter, and Chief of Staff John Kelly. According to a Friday report from ABC News, the latter told Trump he would resign over his handling of the Porter scandal if the president asked him to. The White House denies that Kelly “offered” his resignation.
In particular, sources say, Trump has mused about how awful media coverage has been lately on Porter and the White House, and “how terrible” it appeared that the administration had?in a jarringly uncharacteristic move from Trump-world?copped to an error in its handling of the matter. トランプ大統領が特に気に入らないことは PorterのDVスキャンダルで メディアが酷い報道を繰り返しホワイトハウスのスタッフがそれに従っ て事態の処理に動いたことである HE TOTALLY DENIES IT In Private, Donald Trump Voices Doubt About Rob Porter’s Accusers This isn’t the first time the president has been persuaded by a man’s denial. LACHLAN MARKAY ASAWIN SUEBSAENG SAM STEIN 02.09.18 5:00 PM ET
Speechwriter David Sorensen is the second staffer to resign after revelations that his former wife Jessica Corbett accused him of violent and abusive behavior during their two-and-a-half-year marriage.
Sen. Ron Wyden, the top-ranking Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, is calling on the Treasury Department to disclose banking and real estate records associated with President Trump's sale of a Palm Beach, Fla., mansion to a Russian billionaire. Trump sold the property in 2008 for $95 million to Russian oligarch Dmitry Rybolovlev, after purchasing it for $45 million four years earlier. Trump has attributed the flip to renovations he made on the property. At the time it was considered one of the most expensive house sales on record.
“It is imperative that Congress follow the money and conduct a thorough investigation into any potential money laundering or other illicit financial dealings between the president, his associates, and Russia,” Wyden, D-Ore., wrote in a letter to Steven Mnuchin, the treasury secretary.
In the letter, Wyden noted the deal occurred at a time that reports showed Trump had trouble finding banks to lend him money. The sale of the mansion happened a few months before before Trump Entertainment Resorts filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Wyden is part of the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election and whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the outcome. Rybolovlev is being looked at by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to a Bloomberg report.
Just before midnight Monday, the Treasury Department released an unclassified list of Russian oligarchs, influential politicians and business professionals who are close to Russian President Vladimir Putin and could be the target of future sanctions.
Another figure on the oligarch list is Dmitry Rybolovlev, the president of the Monaco football club, who paid Trump $95 million for a beachfront mansion in Florida in 2008. The price was more than double what Trump paid for the house four years earlier, and Rybolovlev had never visited the property before he bought it. In 2016, during Trump's campaign for president, journalists investigated why Rybolovlev's and Trump's aircraft landed in the same cities within an hour of each other on three separate occasions. Trump claims that he never met Rybolovlev.
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused - life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process? 12:33 AM - Feb 11, 2018 ほんの(証拠のない)告発で人は打ちのめされ破壊されているが、その一部は正しく、 一部は誤りだ。一部は古い出来事で一部は新しい。誤って糾弾された人には救済の方法 がなくキャリアが失われる。法的手続きというのは無いかのようだ。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trump unleashes unhinged defense of abusers, foolishly reminds everyone he’s one of them By Caroline Orr |FEBRUARY 10, 2018 Defending accused abusers is the norm for Trump. トランプ大統領は例によってセクハラ疑惑の被告発者を擁護するが、彼自身がそういう 告発を受けている一人だ
This follows Trump’s full-throated defense of former White House aide Rob Porter, who resigned this week amid allegations of verbal and physical abuse ? including photographic evidence ? from two ex-wives and one ex-girlfriend. According to the Daily Beast, Trump has also privately expressed doubts about Porter’s accusers, despite seeing a picture of Porter’s wife with a black eye. This is the disturbing norm for Trump, who has repeatedly defended accused abusers while casting their alleged victims as liars.
Most recently, Trump lined up behind accused serial child molester Roy Moore, who lost his bid for a Senate seat after the citizens of Alabama rejected him.
He has also publicly defended former Fox News chief Roger Ailes and former Fox host Bill O’Reilly against allegations of sexual harassment, and called Mike Tyson the victim after the former boxer was convicted of rape.
Of course, Trump has his own reasons for defending alleged abusers and accusing their victims of lying: 19 different women have accused him of sexual misconduct, and the official position of the White House is that all of those women are completely making up their stories.
Thus Trump’s immediate defense of other men accused of similar behavior is not surprising ? but it is repugnant all the same.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) went after President Trump on Saturday for his tweet questioning a lack of "due process" in abuse claims, saying that Congress could hold hearings about sexual misconduct allegations against him if he wanted due process.
“The President has shown through words and actions that he doesn’t value women. It’s not surprising that he doesn’t believe survivors or understand the national conversation that is happening,” Gillibrand tweeted. “If he wants due process for the over dozen sexual assault allegations against him, let’s have Congressional hearings tomorrow,” she continued. “I would support that and my colleagues should too.”
A GOP source told Fox News that President Trump spoke to former chief of staff Reince Priebus about Kelly, amid the controversy. 共和党のソースに拠ればトランプ大統領は前任のチーフ・オブ・スタッフのReince Priebus に事件について語っている The exact nature of the call is unclear. One source told Fox News it was “very likely” that Trump called to express his frustration with Kelly. The New York Times, which first reported on the call, reported that Kelly is "in trouble" and that Trump has asked advisers what they think about budget chief Mick Mulvaney as a replacement. あるソースはトランプ大統領がフラストレーションを感じている。後任に Mick Mulvaney を考慮との説もある
However, a source with knowledge of the Priebus call said that while they spoke, Trump did not complain to Priebus about his current chief of staff. While seen as the figure most responsible for imposing order in a once-freewheeling West Wing, Kelly's stock took a hit this week after his handling of abuse allegations against then-staff secretary Rob Porter. しかし別のソースはKellyがウエストウイングを安定化させていると指摘、ただし今回の 事件で彼の信用が傷ついているという
The resignation of Staff Secretary Rob Porter has brought back many of the chaotic characteristics of the early months, according to conversations we have been having.
○Leaking in real time. ○Internal finger-pointing, with factions turning on each other. ○Frenzied internal speculation. ○Staff members admitting they lack faith in the chief of staff's judgment. ○More fires than aides can put out.
President Trump venting internally and externally, and calling old friends to air grievances about his team. Why it matters: This time, all that is sprinkled with anger and panic. People around the president are unsure exactly what happened, and baffled about how to regain their footing. The big picture: The White House has still not explained who knew what, and when.
>>79 Bill Kristol?認証済みアカウント @BillKristol Bill KristolさんがDonald J. Trumpをリツイートしました There is such a thing as Due Process, Mr. President. It's what you're getting from Robert Mueller.
LOS ANGELES ? House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, a relentless critic of the media, has found a way around the often unflattering coverage of his role in the Trump-Russia investigation ? by operating his own partisan news outlet. Resembling a local, conservative news site, “The California Republican” is classified on Facebook as a “media/news company” and claims to deliver “the best of US, California, and Central Valley news, sports, and analysis.”
But the website is paid for by Nunes’ campaign committee, according to small print at the bottom of the site. Leading the home page this week: A photograph of Nunes over the headline: “Understanding the process behind #ReleaseTheMemo.” Devin Nunes continues the war on #FakeNews with his own alternative news site The author of the now-infamous Nunes memo is at it again. By Emily Stewart Feb 11, 2018, 9:38am EST あの悪名高いNunesメモの作成者、Devin Nunes下院議員は彼独自の勝手ニュースサイト を作って(彼のいうところの)#FakeNewsとの戦いを継続する
Nunes often complains about “fake news,” telling conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh this week that “almost every story” is fake news. “Almost every story that runs about me is fake. I mean, it’s unbelievable the stuff that is out there,” he said. And so he’s decided to get in the game himself.
Comrade Balding@BaldingsWorld 5 分5 分前(北京大学、経済学教授) The shift in dynamics between the RMB and USDX in the past week is enormously important. Not sure if the PBOC on vacation but longer it persists you have to think the PBOC has informally ended the basket. Previously, the announce well after the fact
予算教書は移民法の執行に重点を置く見通し。トランプ大統領は国境と移民の担当官を 2750人新規雇用する費用7億8200万ドルと、不法移民の拘留費用27億ドルを求める。 またメキシコ国境の壁建設費用として、向こう2年間に180億ドルを要求する。これは 幼少期に親に連れられ米国に入国した不法移民の若者「ドリーマー」を巡る議会での論 争の重要なポイントとなる。 原題:Trump to Urge Wall, Opioid Spending as Congress Sets Own Course(抜粋)
"The world’s biggest hedge fund ... warned that global markets are entering a new era of volatility as the world adjusts to higher interest rates after a decade of ultra-loose monetary policy," the Financial Times reports on the front page. Why it matters: After Wall Street's worst week in six years, the FT pointed over the weekend to "The end of an era of tranquility" and the beginning of "The age of instability."
Bob Prince, co-chief investment officer at Bridgewater, said last week’s turbulence is set to continue: "There had been a lot of complacency built up in markets over a long time, so we don't think this shakeout will be over in a matter of days. ... We'll probably have a much bigger shakeout coming." P.S. "New Tax Law Haunts Companies That Did ‘Inversion’ Deals,'" per Wall Street Journal front-pager: "Companies that engineered ... inversion deals ... have been able to reduce their tax rates and take certain deductions by shifting their tax homes to other nations. ... [P]rovisions in the new tax code restrict some of those deductions."
The source said Trump plans to excite Republican voters by exploiting “unexpected cultural flashpoints” at campaign rallies and on Twitter, just as he did last fall by attacking NFL players for kneeling protests during the national anthem.
“(Trump) is going to be looking for opportunities to stir up the base, more than focusing on any particular legislation or issue,” the source said.
Brookings?認証済みアカウント @BrookingsInst Polls show that 17% of Americans want less immigration, 24% want more, and 54% are okay with the current rate <ブルッキングス研究所(シンクタンク)> 世論調査では国民の17%が移民の削減を望み、244%が移民の増加を望み、54%が現状維持 を支持している
ブルッキングス研究所 Nor is there much public support for the premises underlying President Trump’s proposals. Only 33 percent of the electorate believes that undocumented immigrants take jobs away from Americans, while 63 percent does not. Ever fewer?just 17 percent?believe that these immigrants commit more crimes than do American citizens. This helps explain why only a small minority of Americans?25 percent?favors deporting them just because they entered the United States illegally, while a plurality of 45 percent says they should be deported only if they have committed serious crimes. It also helps explain why 44 percent of voters think that the Trump administration has been too aggressive in deporting immigrants who are here illegally, compared to only 11 percent who think he has not been aggressive enough.
Adam Posenさんがリツイート Chad P. Bown認証済みアカウント @ChadBown 2時間2時間前 Trump said he planned to announce soon a “reciprocal tax” on trade, aimed at countries that he said are taking advantage of the US Trump’s blueprint surprised some of his top aides, who warned that no formal plans have been prepared. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump Says He Plans ‘Reciprocal Tax’ on Some U.S. Trading Partners White House aides say no formal plan has been prepared By Michael C. Bender Feb. 12, 2018 3:40 p.m. ET
WASHINGTON?President Donald Trump said Monday he planned to announce as soon as this week what he called a “reciprocal tax” on trade, aimed at countries that he said are taking advantage of the U.S. Mr. Trump’s blueprint for the tax surprised some of his top aides, who warned that no formal plans have been prepared. Mr. Trump’s comments came during a meeting in the White House with mayors and governors to discuss overhauling the nation’s roads and bridges.
“We are going to charge countries outside of our country?countries that take advantage of the United States,” Mr. Trump said. “Some of them are so-called allies, but they’re not allies on trade.” As a result, he said, “we’re going to be doing very much a reciprocal tax, and you’ll be hearing about that during the week and the coming months.”(ry
Michael C. Bender?認証済みアカウント @MichaelCBender 5時間5時間前 Trump’s vow to push for a new tax on trade caught many White House staffers off guard. “It’s nothing formal right now,” one senior administration official said later about president’s so-called “reciprocal tax.”
Adam Posenさんがリツイート Danny Blanchflower認証済みアカウント @D_Blanchflower As expected this budget breaks every promise @realdonaldtrump made to the millions of left behind hopefuls who voted for him.
Adam PosenさんがリツイートBryan Riley@Riley4Freedom Half (ok 49.4%) of US exports are to countries whose tariffs are lower than ours. Do we want them to enact reciprocal tariffs on U.S. exports?
President Donald Trump's new budget projects that special counsel Robert Mueller's office will still be in business in fiscal year 2019 ? even though White House officials have repeatedly said they expect the probe to wrap up soon. The budget projects that Mueller's team will keep spending at its current rate of about $10 million per year in the next fiscal year, which starts in October.
General Motors Co. is sending a tough message to thousands of South Korean workers during the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, saying it will close a Korean factory in May and pressure union officials for additional cost cuts to stem losses. The move, announced early Tuesday by GM Korea, is the latest step in a broad global downsizing implemented by Chief Executive Mary Barra, who has closed, shrunk or sold unprofitable business units in India, Russia, Western Europe and Southeast Asia. The largest U.S. auto maker is becoming more dependent on Chinese operations, where it now sells far more vehicles than it does in any other nation.
The company, once the dominant player in the international auto industry, has gotten significantly smaller under Ms. Barra. GM now holds the No. 4 slot behind Volkswagen AG, Toyota Motor Corp. and the Nissan Motor Co. / Renault SA alliance n global vehicle sales. Suspension of Brazil rail project doesn’t signal shift in economic ties with China By Hu Weijia Source:Global Times Published: 2018/2/12 22:23:40 ブラジルの鉄道建設計画の凍結は中国とブラジルの協力関係の変化を意味しない
Brazil's reported decision to halt a planned railway to transport exports bound for China through Peru has sparked heated debate at a time when some countries are vigilant over Chinese investment, citing national security concerns. The market's major concern is whether the decision signals a shift in Brazil's attitude toward Chinese investment
At an estimated cost of $80 billion, the railway's biggest problems are its high costs and environmental protection issues, not factors such as worries about an increased Chinese presence. Jorge Arbache, vice planning minister for international affairs in Brazil, was quoted by Reuters as saying that "the project was stopped because it was extremely costly and the feasibility study was very unsatisfactory." (中略) Chinese investors will look more carefully before investing in major infrastructure projects, with more of a focus on debt-repayment ability and sustainable operation. Projects that can create jobs for local people are important. So is sustainable investment expansion, which will help maintain market confidence.
WASHINGTON ? The Justice Department's No. 3 attorney had been unhappy with her job for months before the department announced her departure on Friday, according to multiple sources close to Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand. Brand grew frustrated by vacancies at the department and feared she would be asked to oversee the Russia investigation, the sources said.(ry
学術誌『Journal of the Royal Society Interface』2月6日号に発表された論文によると、 サメの楯鱗は、抗力を小さくして前進を容易にしているだけでなく、揚力を高めていることが明らかになった。 今回得られた知見は、飛行機、ドローン、風力タービンにも役立つという。 以下略
米軍報道官を務めるトーマス・ビール大佐は、「一方的な攻撃は未然に防がれた。今回の 攻撃のさなか、およびその前後に有志連合側とロシア側との間で定期的な意思疎通が行わ れていた」との声明を発表。「ロシア側は連合に対し、同地域の連合部隊に対する軍事行 動は起こさないと約束した」と続けた。 原題:U.S. Strikes Said to Kill Scores of Russia Fighters in Syria (2)(抜粋)
Kaitlan Collins?認証済みアカウント @kaitlancollins Trump has been phoning allies in recent days to get their advice on how to handle the fallout from Rob Porter. His two main questions ? What do we do, and when does it end?
Bill Kristol?認証済みアカウント @BillKristol Bill KristolさんがKaitlan Collinsをリツイートしました Do any of Trump’s “allies” have the nerve to tell him what they should? That this isn’t a matter of political tactics but of human decency; and the president of the United States and his top aides should stop making excuses and unequivocally denounce abuse and punish abusers.
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 2時間2時間前 FT View: Donald Trump promised a trillion-dollar boost to infrastructure when he was elected. A year later, his pledge is looking shaky.
For the third Florida bellwether election in a row, the Republican candidate lost to the Democrat, giving activists and elites in both parties a sense that the GOP’s political grip is slipping in the nation’s largest swing state heading into President Donald Trump’s first midterm election. 国内最大のスイング州の(州議会の)補選で民主党候補が共和党候補に7.4%差で勝利、 中間選挙に向け民主党の意気が上がっている
Aside from her big 7.4 percentage-point win, what made Margaret Good’s victory Tuesday night over Republican James Buchanan so significant was that it took place in Florida’s 72nd House District. It had been held by a Republican in Sarasota County, where registered Republicans outnumber Democrats by 12,000, or about 10 percentage points. Buchanan, the son of local Congressman Vern Buchanan, also had an advantage in name ID. この選挙区は長年、共和党の強い地域で共和党登録者は民主党のそれを約10%上回っている
And Trump had carried the district by 4.6 percentage points in a state that he won by just 1.2 points in November. この選挙区は大統領選でトランプ候補が4.6%の差で勝利している。フロリダ州全体では トランプ候補が1.2%の差で勝利している
But now Trump is too toxic even for Sarasota, say Democrats, who made sure to figuratively hang the unpopular president around the neck of Buchanan as well as the Republicans who lost in the two other recent bellwether contests: Florida’s 40th Senate District in Miami-Dade and St. Petersburg’s mayoral race. Both of those elections had Democratic-leaning electorates with significant minority populations, unlike the 72nd in Sarasota. 民主党のフロリダ州の選挙勝利は3回目で、Miami-Dadeの第40上院選挙区での勝利と St. Petersburgの市長選挙に続くもの
In all of the races, Democrats made sure to use Vice President Joe Biden as a surrogate. “This is beyond a trend. The results are in. Republicans have a real problem in this state,” said Tom Eldon, a Democratic pollster who surveyed the race. “This is the bellwether seat,” Eldon said. “This seat in Sarasota is the Republicans’ backyard. Anytime Democrats win a seat like this it’s great for Democrats. It happened in 1992. It happened in 2006. And it happened in this seat. This is a bellwether for bad Republican years.”(ry
The Florida race had taken on national prominence in part due to a string of high-profile endorsements. Former Vice President Joe Biden endorsed Good and former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley headlined a fundraiser for her recently.
This past weekend, former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski rallied supporters on behalf of Buchanan, alongside former deputy campaign manager David Bossie. Voters at the event reportedly broke out into a “lock her up” chant. “I am here to make sure one thing happens, that Buchanan goes to the State House and we don’t have another Democrat in the office,” Lewandowski reportedly said. Democrat Margaret Good Flips Seat in Florida, the 36th Democratic Flip Since Trump’s Inauguration She won by a margin of nearly 8 points in a district that went for Trump by about 5.
“I do think as far as sanctuary cities are concerned, we should not have any sanctuary cities here in the state of Florida,” he said. “We shouldn’t be harboring illegal immigrants.” “We must end sanctuary cities and put a stop to benefits for illegal immigrants,” reads the campaign website.
リー上院議員(共和、ユタ州)も、国内産業が鉄鋼輸入に依存しているため、「最終的に雇 用減になるのではないか」と述べ、国家安全保障上の観点から必要とされる鉄鋼は、国内で 生産される鉄鋼全体の3%にすぎないとの見解を示した。 この数字について、トランプ氏は米国が国防費を今後増やすことでさらに高くなるだろうと 反論した。 原題:Trump Is Challenged by Republicans on Steel, Aluminum Tariffs(抜粋)
In the aftermath of World War II, the United States set about building a global, rules-based economic order. At the heart of that order, it put the liberal values of free trade and the rule of law. Over the next seven decades, the order, backed by U.S. power and bolstered by its growing legitimacy among other countries, prevented most economic disputes from escalating into mutually destructive trade wars, let alone military conflict. That allowed even the smallest and poorest countries to develop their social and economic potential without having to worry about predation by stronger neighbors. By taking much of the fear out of the global economy, the U.S.-led order allowed market decisions to be driven by business, not bullying.
Today, that order is under threat. U.S. President Donald Trump has rejected the idea that the world’s economies all benefit when they play by the rules.
Instead, he has decided that putting “America first” means withdrawing from supposedly bad deals, on which he believes the system is based. So far, Trump has failed to follow through on his most destructive ideas. But the damage has already begun to show. His administration has hobbled the World Trade Organization, encouraged China and other autocratic regimes to lean on their smaller neighbors for economic loyalty, undercut agreements on tax evasion and climate change, and pushed even major U.S. allies to negotiate free-trade and cross-border investment deals without the United States.
If the United States continues its retreat from economic leadership, it will impose serious pain on the rest of the world?and on itself. Unless the Trump administration chooses to launch a full-blown trade war, the consequences will not come immediately. But a sustained U.S. withdrawal will inevitably make economic growth slower and less certain. The resulting disorder will make the economic well-being of people around the world more vulnerable to political predation and conflict than it has been in decades.
Maggie Haberman?認証済みアカウント @maggieNYT SCOOP > Michael Cohen, lawyer for Trump, says he paid $130k to Stormy Daniels from his own pocket. Says he told FEC that in response to complaint from Common Cause
Bill Kristol認証済みアカウント @BillKristol Bill KristolさんがMaggie Habermanをリツイートしました Whose lawyer hasn’t paid $130,000 out of his own pocket to a porn star?
もうひとつのナイスジョーク Chris Buckley ?百亮? 認証済みアカウント @ChuBailiang The Study Times headline is the spirit of the times. In summary: Why is Great Xi Jinping Thought Just So Great?
The Wall Street Journal first reported last month that Clifford, who performs under the name Stormy Daniels, was paid before the 2016 election as part of a nondisclosure agreement to cover up an alleged affair with Trump.
A watch dog group Common Cause filed a complaint following the report, saying that the payment was an in-kind donation to Trump's presidential campaign that should have been publicly disclosed in its official reports.
“The complaint alleges that I somehow violated campaign finance laws by facilitating an excess, in-kind contribution,” Cohen said. “The allegations in the complaint are factually unsupported and without legal merit, and my counsel has submitted a response to the F.E.C.” Christian Caryl / Washington Post Christopher Steele is a hero - and Americans owe him their thanks … Christopher Steele, the former British spy whose claims about Donald Trump's ties with Russia hold center stage in Washington right now, drives Republicans crazy. They have recommended that the Department of Justice open a criminal investigation into his work. Christopher Steeleは英雄であり米国人は彼に感謝すべきである ワシントン・ポスト
8:30a Sales at U.S. retailers decline 0.3% in January 8:30a 12-month rate of core CPI flat at 0.5% 8:30a 12-month gain in CPI inflation unchanged at 2.1% 8:30a Core CPI increases 0.3% in January
8:31a S&P 500 futures down 0.5% at 2,648 8:31a BREAKINGU.S. stock futures turn negative after retail sales, CPI data
DJIA F 24,305 -321 -1.30% S&P F 2,631.00 -30.75 -1.16% NASDAQ F 6,473.50 -87.00 -1.33% “A DEATH MATCH”: AS KELLY TWISTS, A CHAOTIC SEARCH FOR A NEW CHIEF OF STAFF ENGULFS THE WEST WING Different factions are pushing their own candidates: Javanka wants Cohn, Hannity pushed Wayne Berman, Trump wanted Mulvaney or Barrack. But who would take the job? BY GABRIEL SHERMAN FEBRUARY 14, 2018 12:04 PM ホワイトハウスのチーフ・オブ・スタッフ、John Kellyをめぐる混乱で、異なった派閥が ウエストウイングを巻き込んで後任を推薦する トランプ大統領はMulvaney か Barrackを望むがイヴァンカ・クシュナーは Cohnを推し、 Hannity は Wayne Bermanを推す
Donald Trump is seriously mulling replacing his chief of staff, John Kelly, three sources close to the White House said. In recent days, Trump has floated names like White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney and longtime friend Tom Barrack, a real-estate developer. トランプ大統領は John Kellyの後任探しに悩んでいる。大統領は予算担当のMick Mulvaney や古くからの友人の不動産開発業者のTom Barrackを考えている
Meanwhile, factions inside and outside the White House are lobbying Trump to go with other potential choices. The battle to decide who could replace Kelly has reopened the deep fissures in Trump’s divided West Wing. One adviser to the White House referred to the current atmosphere inside the administration as a “death match.” With Kelly’s truthfulness about the former White House secretary widely questioned, few believe he can survive, but he may twist for a while. しかしウエストウイング内の派閥は各自の推薦を主張して「死闘」状態だという
The situation remains fluid. Last night, for instance, three Republicans told me that Trump had offered the job to Gary Cohn. But in a conversation with Sean Hannity yesterday, Trump said he had not chosen Cohn, a person close to Hannity told me. Another source said Republicans have warned Trump that choosing Cohn, a New York Democrat, would cause a backlash in the party. 共和党は後任に Gary Cohnを推しているという
One reason why Kelly still has a job is simply that it’s been so difficult for Trump to find a qualified person who actually wants to be chief of staff. Mulvaney and Barrack have indicated they aren’t interested. “Mulvaney doesn’t want it. His goal is run for governor or land a corporate gig,” speculated one White House adviser. “And his thinking is, if you’re Trump’s chief of staff, you stain yourself for the future.” トランプ大統領の望むMulvaney も Barrackも、その職を望まないという
According to two sources, Trump has also discussed House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. The two have become close in recent months and had dinner together in Florida. “He’s a loyal guy,” Trump said of McCarthy, according to one outside adviser. In the past, McCarthy has expressed interest in being chief, even suggesting that the White House recruit a Hollywood producer to improve the production values of presidential events. “The president needs better messaging,” a Republican recalled McCarthy saying. But people who have recently spoken to McCarthy say he’s lost interest. McCarthy harbors ambitions to be the next House Speaker and has told people he’s worried that Republicans would blame him if he were serving as chief during a midterm rout by Democrats. “He knows there will be a revolution against him,” one Republican who’s spoken with McCarthy said. 大統領は共和党下院院内総務のKevin McCarthyも考慮とされるが McCarthyもその職を引き 受ける意志がない
Having been unsuccessful in recruiting his own candidate, Trump is soliciting ideas from his kitchen cabinet. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have aggressively pushed for Cohn, sources said. They’ve also been advocates for David Urban, the lobbyist and political strategist who helped steer Trump’s win in Pennsylvania (it’s been reported that Urban is Trump’s top pick to be ambassador to Saudi Arabia). A White House official disputed this. “Jared and Ivanka have not been involved in any conversations like this and therefore haven’t advocated for anyone,” the official said. イヴァンカとクシュナーはCohnを推している
Meanwhile, Hannity is part of a faction pushing Wayne Berman, a senior adviser to private-equity giant Blackstone. They argue Berman has deep ties to Republicans on Capitol Hill. “You appoint Wayne and immediately relations with Mitch McConnell thaw,” one person in Berman’s camp told me. People close to Steve Bannon have been advocating for House Freedom Caucus Chair Mark Meadows. HannityはブラックストーンのWayne Bermanを推している
Trump’s public search for his next chief has left Kelly isolated and damaged by the drumbeat of leaks. Trump seems to be doing anything he can to needle Kelly. Last week, the president made sure that Kelly heard he had called his predecessor Reince Priebus for advice, a source briefed on the call told me. Perhaps it was a gambit to get Kelly to quit so he wouldn’t have to fire him. Trump hates making staffing decisions that are perceived to be driven by the media. During the campaign, for example, he supported his embattled campaign manager Corey Lewandowski even after Lewandowski was criminally charged with assaulting a reporter. (The battery charge was later dropped.)
ペンス副大統領は14日、米メディアのインタビューで、政権はDV疑惑でもっと良い対 応ができたはずだと指摘。疑惑対応を批判されて辞意を周辺に漏らしたケリー大統領首席 補佐官については「素晴らしい仕事をしている」と述べ、辞任の必要はないとの考えを示 した。(共同) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *この記事は問題のコアを理解せずに書かれている。秘書官の辞任で問題になったのはDV そのものではなく、それらを理由にFBIが秘書官のセキュリティ・クリアランスを一時的 承認(最重要機密は取り扱い不可)にしていしていたのにホワイトハウスやケリー氏が そのルールを無視したこと。この問題発生後に、セキュリティクリアランスのルールから 更に一人のスタッフが辞めている Andrew Restuccia / Politico: Third White House official resigns after being told he wouldn't qualify for full clearance ? National Economic Council official George David Banks departed amid increasing scrutiny of the Trump administration's decision to let multiple staffers work on interim clearances.
Priebus cannot say he wasn’t warned. Just a month before the inauguration, he had been invited to lunch by Barack Obama’s outgoing chief of staff, Denis McDonough. Following the example of a memorable breakfast hosted eight years earlier by George W. Bush’s chief Josh Bolten?when 12 former White House chiefs had come to give advice to Obama’s incoming chief, Rahm Emanuel ?McDonough was joined by 10 chiefs, Republicans and Democrats, in his West Wing office. And as they gathered around a long table, none doubted the enormity of the challenge facing Priebus. “We wanted to help Reince in any way we could,” said Jack Watson, who served President Jimmy Carter. “But I don’t think there was a chief in the room that thought he was going to be able to do the job, given Trump as his president.” Most of the former chiefs believed Trump was intellectually and temperamentally unfit for office?and few thought Priebus could rein him in or tell him hard truths. “We were thinking, God bless him. Godspeed. Good luck,” said Watson. “But he doesn’t have a prayer.” トランプ政権の最初の6ヶ月間、ホワイトハウスのチーフ・オブ・スタッフを務めた Priebusは、その着任に先立って警告を与えられていた。ホワイトハウスのチーフ・ オブ・スタッフの交代時(政権交代時)には前任者たちが新任のチーフを囲む食事会 を催し、アドバイスするという慣習がある。Priebusは10人の前任者(Josh Bolten、 Rahm Emanuel、Jack Watson他)そして、殆どの前チーフ・オブ・スタッフはトランプ 大統領のもとでは仕事を続けることは大変困難、ほとんど不可能と思っていた。 “WHO NEEDS A CONTROVERSY OVER THE INAUGURATION?”: REINCE PRIEBUS OPENS UP ABOUT HIS SIX MONTHS OF MAGICAL THINKING Months after his chaotic resignation as chief of staff, and with his successor on the hot seat, Priebus comes clean about everything: the inauguration crowd-size fiasco, the decision to fire Comey, the Mooch, the tweets, how he helped saved Jeff Sessions’s job, and his mercurial former boss. “I still love the guy,” he says. BY CHRIS WHIPPLE MARCH 2018 トランプ政権で半年間チーフ・オブ・スタッフを務めたREINCE PRIEBUSの回顧
The author of The New York Times best-selling book, The Gatekeepers: How the White House chiefs of staff define every presidency has an explosive new Vanity Fair expose documenting the time Reince Priebus served in the Donald Trump administration.
The article explains that on election night, it looked like the chief of staff role almost went to Steve Bannon, except for the fact Bannon didn’t look the part.
Bannon also had thoughts on the firing of former FBI director Jim Comey and the resulting investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller. Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, was apparently disappointed that the White House communications shop was failing to defend Comey’s firing. “There’s not a f*cking thing you can do to sell this!,” Bannon charged. “Nobody can sell this! P. T. Barnum couldn’t sell this! People aren’t stupid!” Bannon continued. “This is a terrible, stupid decision that’s going to have massive implications. It may have shortened Trump’s presidency?and it’s because of you, Jared Kushner!” Bannon shouted. “Mueller’s doing a roll-up just like he did with the Gambinos. [Former campaign manager Paul] Manafort’s the caporegime, right? And [Rick] Gates [Manafort’s deputy] is a made man! [George] Papadopoulos is equivalent to a wiseguy out in a social club in Brooklyn,”
Bannon explained. “This is like a Wagner opera. In the overture you get all the strands of the music you’re going to hear for three hours. Well, Mueller opened with a bang. He totally caught these guys by surprise. So if you’re not going to fight, you’re going to get rolled over.”
Priebus admitted his time was troubled. “Take everything you’ve heard and multiply it by 50,” he told Vanity Fair.
>>“Take everything you’ve heard and multiply it by 50,”
NBC News is publishing its database of more than 200,000 tweets that Twitter has tied to "malicious activity" from Russia-linked accounts during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. These accounts, working in concert as part of large networks, pushed hundreds of thousands of inflammatory tweets, from fictitious tales of Democrats practicing witchcraft to hardline posts from users masquerading as Black Lives Matter activists. Nikolas Cruz Trained With Florida White-Supremacist Group, Leader Says Jordan Jereb of a militia group called Republic of Florida confirmed that Cruz had participated in at least one training exercise. KELLY WEILL JUSTIN MILLER 02.15.18 12:40 PM ET フロリダ州パークランド高校の乱射事件のニコラス・クルーズ容疑者は、白人至上主義者 のグループで訓練を受けたとリーダーが語った
Jordan Jereb, captain of the Republic of Florida, said Cruz “was part of our organization.” ROF hosted a “paramilitary” training session in the Tallahassee area that Cruz attended, Jereb said. “He probably used that training to do what he did yesterday. Nobody I know told him to do that, he just freaked out,” Jereb added. 「リパブリックオブフロリダ(RoF)」グループのキャプテンのJordan Jerebはクルーズ容 疑者がRoFの主催した準軍事的な訓練に参加したと語った。「おそらく彼は訓練で得たこと を昨日の乱射事件に使ったのだろう」
The Anti-Defamation League said the group describes itself as a “white civil rights organization fighting for white identitarian politics” and seeks to create a “white ethnostate” in Florida. このグループはその性格を自称して「白人の公民権運動組織で白人のアイデンティティ政治 のために戦う」といい「白人民族国家」をフロリダに作ることを目指すという。
“I know he knew full well he was joining a white separatist paramilitary proto-facist organization,” Jereb added. “I know he knew that much.” 「彼はグループの性格を十分承知していたと思う」
While Jereb denied responsibility for the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Schoo, he admitted someone in the ROF group purchased Cruz a rifle. Jordan JerebはRoFの誰かがクルーズ容疑にライフル銃を買い与えたと認めた
“I think somebody bought him a Mosin-Nagant, but that’s bolt action. He had a semi-automatic in the school,” Jereb said, adding, “He may have buried it in his survival cache. We encourage members to do that.” 「誰かが彼にボルトアクション銃を買い与えたと思うが、彼が昨日乱射事件で使った のはセミオートマチックだ」
Cruz exhibited right-wing politics in high school as well, former classmates told The Daily Beast. Two said he wore a “Make America Great Again” hat in school. An Instagram account associated with Cruz features a photo of him wearing the hat and a red, white, and blue bandana over his face.
The Swiss freeski team faces health problems. It is confirmed that Slopestyle Gold candidate Fabian Bosch and Elias Ambuhl are infected with Norovirus.
The negative climax seems already reached in the camp of the Swiss ski freestylers who occupy their own apartments far away from the Olympic village, in Bokwang. In addition, the other athletes were fit, it said. "We currently assume that these two individual cases remain," said Swiss Olympic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FEBRUARY 16, 2018 / 12:33 PM / UPDATED AN HOUR AGO Swiss skiers first athletes hit by norovirus at Games Jack Tarrant
PYEONGCHANG, South Korea (Reuters) - Two Swiss freestyle skiers are the first athletes confirmed to have been hit by a highly contagious virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea at the Pyeongchang Winter Games, the Swiss Olympic team confirmed on Friday.
A little over a month after his inauguration, on Feb. 28, 2017, President Trump signed HJ Resolution 40, a bill that made it easier for people with mental illness to obtain guns. CBS News then asked the White House to release the photograph of Mr. Trump signing the bill, making the request a total of 12 times.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders finally responded to repeated emails and phone calls with a one-line note on April 19, 2017, writing to CBS News, "We don't plan to release the picture at this time."
A White House photographer confirmed to CBS News that there are photos of the bill signing. Those photos won't be seen unless the Trump administration releases them, though, because the White House is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act.
Typically, the White House at minimum releases its own pictures of bill and resolution signings. In fact, the press is often ushered into the Oval Office for these occasions and journalists shoot their own footage and photographs of the event, which are then distributed to all of the major news organizations.
“Sources close to Daniels tell The Blast the shimmering gold mini dress with a plunging neckline was kept in pristine condition after her alleged 2006 sexual encounter with Trump at the Lake Tahoe hotel suite,” the publication writes. “We’re told Daniels is planning on having the dress forensically tested to search for any DNA that proves she isn’t lying about her tryst with Trump, including samples of skin, hair or… anything.”
Nonetheless, the publication writes that “any DNA that may be extracted from her dress that could possibly prove Trump was with her in the hotel room will be a big deal.”
In the wake of Wednesday’s Parkland, Florida school shooting, which resulted in 17 deaths, troll and bot-tracking sites reported an immediate uptick in related tweets from political propaganda bots and Russia-linked Twitter accounts. Hamilton 68, a website created by Alliance for Securing Democracy, tracks Twitter activity from accounts it has identified as linked to Russian influence campaigns.
As of morning, shooting-related terms dominated the site’s trending hashtags and topics, including Parkland, guncontrolnow, Florida, guncontrol, and Nikolas Cruz, the name of the alleged shooter. Popular trending topics among the bot network include shooter, NRA, shooting, Nikolas, Florida, and teacher.
Former Trump campaign adviser Richard Gates is reportedly close to a plea deal with special counsel Robert Mueller. Sources familiar with the case told CNN that Gates has been in negotiations for a plea deal for nearly a month. A plea deal with Mueller could indicate Gates is cooperating with the special counsel’s investigation.
CNN reports that Gates has had a “Queen for a Day” interview with Mueller’s team, a term criminal lawyers use to describe an interview in which a defendant answers questions from prosecutors and can admit to crimes with few consequences.
Meanwhile, Mueller’s investigators are planning to file new charges against Gates that are tax-related, sources familiar with the investigation told the network. The additional charges could be used to pressure Gates into cooperating with Mueller’s team. Additional charges against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort are also being prepared, according to CNN, which reported that Gates's plea deal could be announced within the next week.
クライアントのダウンロードはIEのみ(エッジ、クローム等不可) WINDOWS 10 にもIE11が標準でインストールされているので、ダウンロード・インストール・プレイが可能です 分割ダウンロードしか上手くいかない場合が多いです 上手くいかない場合は、アマゾンなどで中古のインストールパッケージが200円〜3000円程度で入手出来ます Microsft Visual Studio 【2015】 Visual C++ 再頒布可能パッケージのインストールが必須 注意*2015年度版しか対応しておらず、他年度版だけでは動きません 情報収集はリネージュしたらば掲示板で White House left feeling rudderless as Trump hangs back in crisis After failing to arrest and even extending the scandal over a senior aide's clearance status amid domestic abuse allegations, the president took a low-key approach on the Florida shootings. By NANCY COOK 02/15/2018 08:36 PM EST ホワイトハウスの秘書官のDVスキャンダルや辞任、セキュリティ・クリアランス疑惑、 フロリダの高校の乱射事件などの続く中、トランプ大統領は指導性を発揮せず、 ホワイトハウスが舵のない船のように漂っている
President Donald Trump has cast himself as a master brander and dealmaker, but rarely talks much about his crisis management style. The past week has, however, put that style on clear display. 大統領はデールメーカーを売り物としてきたが、危機管理についてはそういう宣伝は していない。先週はしかしホワイトハウスに危機管理が不在だった
The White House was slow to respond to the Parkland school shooting in any expansive way in the first several hours, waiting until overnight to make any formal statements beyond telling reporters the president was “aware” and monitoring the situation. フロリダの高校の銃乱射事件へのホワイトハウスの反応は何時間も遅れて公式の メッセージは翌朝に出された。問い合わせる記者たちにホワイトハウスは、事件を認識 しており状況をモニタリングしていると答えていた
The hesitance followed a week in which the president did nothing to calm the furor surrounding the revelation that a former top aide was allowed to keep working in the West Wing and handling sensitive information without a full security clearance because of allegations of past domestic abuse. The scandal led to criticism about how it was handled by Trump’s chief of staff John Kelly and cast doubt about his tenure.
In both cases, the president seemed to hang back behind staff decisions rather than taking decisive action to look engaged and involved. The response underscored the extent to which this White House, which is eternally engulfed by dramas ? many of Trump’s own making ? remains rudderless in a crisis and curiously flat-footed when true emergencies like the latest Florida shooting arise. これらのスキャンダルや非常事態に対するトランプ大統領の決断が曖昧でありホワイト ハウスは指導性を失っている
Multiple White House officials have said in recent days that morale has not been this low since the chaotic first 100 days of the Trump administration, when Reince Priebus worked as the chief of staff and warring factions threatened all decision-making. 複数のホワイトハウス高官の言に拠れば、最近のホワイトハウスの士気の低さで、 最初の100日間のように混乱に見舞われている
Although a handful of close Trump allies insist that Kelly’s job is safe, White House officials worry that if Trump ousted Kelly, or if he left, it would further destabilize an already fragile White House. There’s also a general sense that, with tax reform over and the midterms on the horizon, little policymaking will get done in 2018, giving some aides less incentive to stay with the administration. こうした舵を失った船の様なホワイトハウスの状況からチーフ・オブ・スタッフの Kellyの去就を危ぶむ声もある。もっともトランプ大統領側近は Kellyの地位は変 化なしといっているけれど。税制改革が昨年末に決着したため、一部の高官は政権 にとどまるインセンティブが減少しているという
Several staffers have privately indicated that they want to find new jobs as quickly as possible, as to not be tainted by the actions of the administration. 幾人ものスタッフが政権外の新たな職を探している
“The president probably fueled the fire by coming out and defending Rob Porter the way he did and not discouraging stories about his conversations with others about potential new chiefs of staff,” said one senior administration official. “That just furthers the instability but, then again, that is his style.” 大統領が(辞任した)Porter を擁護し、チーフオブスタッフ更迭の可能性を 否定しないことが混乱の一因になっている
Until the Florida shooting drew the nation’s attention away from the White House, the press shop was still internally debating whether Kelly should address the press corps to more fully explain Porter’s firing. The communications office delayed the briefing twice on Thursday before abandoning it entirely.
'Beer support!' ... Ja's bobsled team receives sled from Red Stripe 「ビア・サポート」ジャマイカのボブスレーチーム、レッドストライプからソリを受け取る 「我々はレッドストライプ(※1)からボブスレーを寄贈されました。 我々は彼らの気前のよい振る舞いを受け入れ、そりを準備しているとこです。 チームは競技モードに入っており、精神的にも肉体的にもスタートラインに向けて 一つのゴールに向けて集中しています。」ストーク氏(会長)は韓国でグリーナー紙(※2)に語った。 "We have been gifted a bobsled from Red Stripe. We have accepted their generosity and we are currently preparing the sled. The team is in competition mode and we are focused on one goal - coming to the start line prepared mentally and physically," Stokes told The Gleaner from South Korea. (略) (ジャマイカの広報とレッドストライプの間ツイッターでやりとりがあった数時間後) レッドストライプとジャマイカボブスレー&スケルトン連盟(JBSF)との間で契約が結ばれ、 レッドストライプが最初の試走の前にJBSFの代理で渦中(※3)のそりを購入し、 JBSFに寄贈することが決定した。
Hours later, contact was established between Red Stripe and JBSF with the bobsled officials accepting the gift from Red Stripe, who purchased the sled in question on behalf of the JBSF ahead of the team’s first training run at the Alpensia Sliding Centre.
●Indictments of 13 Russians don’t preclude further charges ロシア人13人の起訴は、今後のさらなる調査、追訴を否定しない ●Trump reaffirms ‘no collusion!’ by his presidential campaign トランプ選挙キャンペーンは共謀のないことを再度主張
Mueller's Indictment of Russians Unveils Sweeping Pro-Trump Meddling Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors haven’t concluded their investigation into whether President Donald Trump or any of his associates helped Russia interfere in the 2016 election, according to a person with knowledge of the probe.
Friday’s indictment of a St. Petersburg-based “troll farm” and 13 Russian nationals should be seen as a limited slice of a comprehensive investigation, the person said. Mueller’s work is expected to continue for months and also includes examining potential obstruction of justice by Trump, said the person, who requested anonymity to discuss an investigation that is largely confidential.
A federal grand jury indicted the Russians for what it alleged was a vast scheme to interfere in the 2016 election and help Trump win. But Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said at a news conference Friday that there is “no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant” in the alleged scheme.
Trump indicated that he believes the indictment exonerates him and his campaign. “Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for President. The results of the election were not impacted. The Trump campaign did nothing wrong - no collusion!” Trump said on Twitter.
That has yet to be determined. Friday’s indictment should be seen as an effort by Mueller to raise awareness about Russia’s capabilities as the 2018 U.S. elections draw near, the person said.
It’s still possible that Mueller will indict Americans for knowingly helping Russia, the person said. By contrast, Trump and those around him portrayed the Russia investigation as if it were all but closed. “I am happy for the country. Bob and his team did a very good job on this,” Trump lawyer John Dowd said, although he declined to say if the action clears the president.
ホワイトハウスのサンダース報道官はコメント要請の電子メールに即答しなかった。ホワ イトハウス報道官の1人は「偽ニュースの一つにすぎない昔の話だ。大統領はマクドゥー ガル氏とは一度も関係を持ったことがないと話している」と声明で述べた。 原題:Trump Allies Covered Up Affair With Ex-Playmate, New Yorker Says(抜粋) Mueller levels new claim of bank fraud against Manafort Prosecutors say they've found 'additional criminal conduct' by the former Trump campaign chairman. By JOSH GERSTEIN 02/16/2018 08:44 PM EST モラー特別検察官は前トランプ選対本部長のPaul Manafortに関する新たな銀行規制違反 (マネロン)を捜査、検察官らは犯罪の証拠を発見という
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office has told a federal judge it has found evidence that Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman, committed bank fraud not addressed by the indictment last October in which he was charged with money laundering and failure to register as a foreign agent.
As legal wrangling continues over a $10 million bail package for Manafort, prosecutors this week accused him of submitting false information to a bank in connection with one of his mortgages.
“The proposed package is deficient in the government’s view, in light of additional criminal conduct that we have learned since the Court’s initial bail determination,” prosecutors wrote in a court filing submitted on Tuesday and made public in a redacted form on Friday evening. “That criminal conduct includes a series of bank frauds and bank fraud conspiracies.”
A report in The Wall Street Journal last year said investigators from the office of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman were examining loans that Manafort obtained in connection with various real estate transactions, including mortgages issued by Federal Savings Bank. That and other articles also noted that the bank’s chairman, Stephen Calk, was an economic adviser to the Trump campaign. Manafort has been under house arrest at his condominium in Alexandria, Virginia, since he was indicted in October along with Rick Gates, a business partner and Trump campaign deputy.
The New York Times described Prigozhin, who’s known as “Putin’s cook,” as the Russian leader’s “go-to oligarch for that and a variety of sensitive and often-unsavory missions.” He was sanctioned by the US in December 2016, and Chen’s 2015 piece had also made the connection that Prigozhin was the Internet Research Agency’s likely financier.
1) The operation started as far back as 2014. 2) The plot had strong links to Putin. 3) The trolls supported Trump and trashed Clinton. 4) It wasn’t just an online scheme. 5) The trolls had 'unwitting' insider help. 6) Hundreds of people might have been involved. 7) The Russians spent millions of dollars. 8) The IRA used U.S. technology to cover their tracks. 9) The indictment doesn’t mention the election hacks. How white nationalists fooled the media about Florida shooter ABC, AP and others ran with false information on shooter’s ties to extremist groups. By SHAWN MUSGRAVE 02/16/2018 03:13 PM EST Updated 02/16/2018 06:27 PM EST フロリダの高校の銃乱射事件で、ABC, APその他多くの主要メディアが白人至上主義の極右 グループ(RoF)の偽情報に騙されて、容疑者との関係を誤報
Following misrepresentations by a white nationalist leader and coordinated efforts by internet trolls, numerous researchers and media outlets spread a seemingly false claim that the man charged with killing more than a dozen people at a Florida high school belonged to an extremist group.
Law enforcement agencies say they have no evidence so far to support this claim, and the rumor appears to have been perpetrated by white nationalist trolls themselves. 警察当局はナショナリストグループの主張を裏つける証拠がないと言っている
On Thursday afternoon, the Anti-Defamation League reported that a white supremacist group claimed ties with Nikolas Cruz, who confessed to the shooting spree that killed at least 17 people, including many high-school students, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
“A spokesperson for the white supremacist group Republic of Florida (ROF) told the Anti-Defamation League on Thursday, February 15, that Nikolas Cruz [....] was associated with his group,” the ADL reported. The ADL quoted a man named Jordan Jereb, who runs the small group, which is based in Tallahassee. “Jereb added that ROF had not ordered or wanted Cruz to do anything like the school shooting,” the ADL wrote in a blog post that was quickly picked up by ABC News and The Associated Press, and later percolated through dozens of other media outlets. Even The Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, picked up the claim.(後略)
Winter Olympics: Beer producer 'donates' sled to Jamaica women's bobsleigh team
It is the latest twist in a long-running saga regarding the equipment used by the women's bobsleigh team following the declaration by a Japanese manufacturer that they were considering taking legal action against the JBSF. ジャマイカ女子チームは長引く機材問題を抱えている。 今回のトラブルに先立って、日本のメーカーはジャマイカボブスレー連盟に対して法的措置を取る考えがあると宣言している。
The Tokyo-based company claim to have had an agreement in place, whereby they created a bobsleigh for the team free of charge in exchange for it being used during the Olympics. 東京を拠点とする企業が、五輪で使用することを条件に無料でそりを製造・提供するという適切な合意があると主張している。
However, it is understood that, although the Jamaicans used the sled earlier in the season, they were forced to borrow another - via Kiriasis' contacts - after the manufacturer failed to deliver the craft to Europe in time for the second phase of the World Cup. しかし実情はこう理解されている。ジャマイカはシーズン初めに日本のそりを使っていたが、彼らはキリアシスを通じて別のそりを借りることを余儀なくされた。 ヨーロッパでのW杯第2戦に、日本メーカーのそり納入が間に合わなかったからだ。
Using the replacement, they finished seventh at the Winterberg World Cup in Germany in December. 代用のそりを使うことで、彼らは12月にドイツのWinterbergで開かれたW杯で7位入賞を果たした。 Then disaster struck in the form of the fourth largest earthquake ever recorded, followed by a devastating tsunami. The entire region suffered. Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually. その後史上4番目の規模の地震が発生し、引き続いて壊滅的な津波が襲った。地域全体が物理的、感情的、精神的に打ちのめされた。
As the Ota district battled to recover from the devastating earthquake, they found their strength in service. 大田区は壊滅的な震災からの復興に向けて戦う中で、自らのサービスの強さに気づいた。
“I don’t believe they interfered. That became a laughing point; not a talking point, a laughing point. Any time I do something, they say ‘Oh, Russia interfered,’” Trump said. “It could be Russia. And it could be China. And it could be some guy in his home in New Jersey.” トランプ大統領「私はロシアの選挙干渉を信じない。それは論点ではなくて笑点であって 私が何かをやるたびに、彼らは『ロシアの干渉が』というのだが、ロシアだったり、中国 だったりニュージャージーの住民だったりする」 Over the past year, Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, and the federal investigation into that interference and the possibility that the Trump campaign had abetted it, have been a sore spot for the president. He’s called the Russia investigation a “hoax,” a “political witch hunt” and “fake news.” He said it was a “joke,” a “ruse,” and “phony.” “The Democrats made up and pushed the Russian story as an excuse for running a terrible campaign,” Trump insisted. Even after January of 2017, when American intelligence agencies released a report concluding that Russia had interfered in the election on Trump’s behalf, both the president and his allies continued to insist that the story was untrue. In his confirmation hearing to be attorney general, Jeff Sessions would not even acknowledge that Russia had interfered. “I have done no research into that. I know just what the media says about it,” Sessions testified. 過去一年間、ロシアの干渉が取り上げられるたびにトランプ大統領は「虚偽(hoax)」 「政治的魔女狩り」「フェイクニュース」「ジョーク」「計略(ruse)」「偽物(phony)」 「民主党の選挙失敗の言い訳」といってきた。彼の司法長官のセッションズは議会聴聞で ロシアの選挙干渉を真実でないといい「民主党はそう言っている」と述べた。
Although the indictment does not speak to effectiveness, it does speak to intent. Mueller and his team will have to substantiate the indictment’s claims in court; for now, they are the assertions of prosecutors, and the defendants are entitled to a presumption of innocence. But the details that Mueller offers, corroborating previous reports, should settle a related question in the court of public opinion: That Russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 election on Trump’s behalf has been demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt.
President Trump's national security adviser said Saturday that Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections is beyond dispute, marking a sharp reversal of Trump's frequent dismissal of alleged Russian cyber- meddling as a "hoax." マクマスター補佐官の発言はこれまでトランプ大統領の言ってきた虚偽という 主張と大きく異なる
H.R. McMaster was speaking at an international conference in Munich in response to a question from a Russian delegate. He spoke shortly after an appearance at the same gathering by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who had dismissed as "just claptrap" allegations of Russian meddling found in U.S. indictments handed down Friday.
This was a fairly impressive piece of political maneuvering. On the one hand, it makes any attempt by Trump to remove Rosenstein an even more explicit obstruction of justice. この件はとても印象的な、政治的に意味のある動きで、トランプ大統領がRod Rosenstein 司法省副長官を解雇すれば、以前に増してあからさまの司法破壊と見なされるだろう
Perhaps most importantly, Rosenstein?merely by standing at that podium?presented a unified front, backing up the proposition that the DOJ as a whole (with the possible exception of attorney general Jeff Sessions) takes Russian interference seriously. And in stating up front that nothing in this indictment alleges that “any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity,” he cleared the Trump campaign of knowing collusion. For now.
Obviously, things can change, but for today Rosenstein has allowed the president himself and Sean Hannity types to scream “no collusion” even when the door hasn’t been shut on that possibility. Effective Friday afternoon, Rosenstein looks to be on the side of protecting us from Russian meddling. He’s also given some cover to the president, a fact that might protect him from Trump’s morning rage tweets, at least for a week or two. And hovering silently over Friday’s telenovela was “Bobby Three Sticks” Mueller. He says nothing. Nothing is leaked. That silence is powerful, as theater goes.
Robert Mueller's meaty indictment, accusing 13 Russians (including an oligarch known as "Putin's cook") of "information warfare against the United States of America," shows the special counsel has been doing deep, serious investigative work ? totally under the radar, and with zero leaks.
Amazing that there was no hint of this in the media. The gist: "The alleged scheme was run by the Internet Research Agency, a troll farm based in St. Petersburg, Russia, which used bogus social media postings and advertisements fraudulently purchased in the name of Americans to try to influence the White House race."
Thought bubble: We’ve only been reading about [Mueller's] interviews with Trump associates and White House officials ? because these are the folks that Washington reporters talk to.
But Mueller has been picking apart complicated, secretive and well-funded Russian networks that could only have originated from the Kremlin.
Mueller’s indictments are not the work product of some frivolous fishing expedition to indict Trump, as some of Trump’s conservative allies have claimed.
This shows that Trump was wrong when he said during a debate that the DNC hacker "could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds.” It’s not fake news.
This shows Mueller has been doing consequential work, not just sniffing around the White House looking for an excuse to indict Trump.
President Trump is either woefully ignorant, or deliberately lying, about the scope of Kremlin influence. This was a major Kremlin operation.
Why it matters: The fact that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein gave a press conference is significant. It was a major vote of confidence in the Mueller probe: This is
Rosenstein saying he’s proud of this work, and fully supports it. It's also a notable show of independence by Rosenstein ? a Heisman to the White House.
Bill Kristol?認証済みアカウント @BillKristol “There are two groups that have created chaos more than the Russians and that’s the Democrats and the mainstream media.” So said WH deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley on Fox this morning. Question for COS Kelly and NSA McMaster: Is this the official position of the White House? 6:26 - 2018年2月17日
Bill Kristol認証済みアカウント @BillKristol 2時間2時間前 The more I think about a White House official--not a Fox commentator or an RNC hack--saying this, the more appalled I am. He should be fired. *appal=不安、恐怖にとらわれる、嫌悪感を起こす
Republicans in Florida are facing a crisis after a Republican mega-donor threatened to cut off future contributions to political candidates and groups if they don’t support a ban on the sale of military style weapons to civilians. Al Hoffman Jr., a Florida-based real estate developer who previously served as the National Finance Chairman for the Republican National Committee (RNC), told GOP leaders in an email Saturday that he will no longer support them until they take action on gun violence, the New York Times reported. フロリダ州の不動産開発業者で共和党全国会議の前会計議長であるAl Hoffman Jr.は 軍用に近い銃などの民間への販売規制を求め、それに積極的ではない議員への献金を 拒否すると宣言した
“I will not write another check unless they all support a ban on assault weapons,” Hoffman wrote, according to the Times. “Enough is enough!” Hoffman has donated millions of dollars to GOP causes and politicians, including Florida Gov. Rick Scott ? a top recipient of NRA donations who maintains an “A+” rating from the NRA’s Political Victory Fund ? and the Senate Leadership Fund, a group focused on defending Republicans’ majority in the Senate.
But after Wednesday’s massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Broward County, Florida, Hoffman issued an ultimatum to Republicans.
According to the Times, the GOP donor pledged “that he would not give money to Mr. Scott, who is considering a campaign for the Senate in 2018, or other Florida Republicans he has backed in the past, including Representative Brian Mast, if they did not support new gun legislation.”
●National security adviser spoke about meddling on Saturday マクマスター国家安全保障顧問はミュンヘンの国際会議で発言したもの ●President made several tweets saying Russia didn’t impact vote トランプ大統領は是迄幾度も、ツイッターでロシアの選挙への影響はないと発言
“General McMaster forgot to say that the results of the 2016 election were not impacted or changed by the Russians and that the only Collusion was between Russia and Crooked H, the DNC and the Dems,” Trump tweeted, using a derogatory epithet for Hillary Clinton.
“The evidence is now really incontrovertible and available in the public domain, whereas in the past it was difficult to attribute,” McMaster said on a panel Saturday. Russian attempts to influence politics in the U.S. and elsewhere are “just not working,” McMaster said.
President Trump’s immigration framework faced an unexpected opponent this week as it crashed on the Senate floor: Republicans. The opposition from more than a fourth of the GOP conference came despite an intense pressure campaign by the White House and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which shot down back-to-back bipartisan offers. In the end, 14 GOP senators rejected Trump's proposal, helping make it the least popular of the Senate’s competing measures.
Sen. John Barrasso (Wyo.) Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) Sen. Steve Daines (Mont.) Sen. Mike Enzi (Wyo.) Sen. Jeff Flake (Ariz.) Sen. Jim Inhofe (Okla.) Sen. John Kennedy (La.) Sen. Mike Lee (Utah) Sen. Jerry Moran (Kansas) Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) Sen. Ben Sasse (Neb.) Sen. John Thune (S.D.)
President Donald Trump railed against the investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election Saturday night into Sunday, sending off a stream of tweets attacking the FBI, CNN, the Democratic Party, his own national security adviser, former President Barack Obama and the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. ロシア疑惑の起訴の後、大統領は土曜日から日曜日にかけて、FBI, CNN, 民主党, 国家安全保障補佐官のマクマスター、バラク・オバマ、民主党下院議員のトップなどを ツイッターで攻撃した
He did not criticize Russia, or voice concern over Vladimir Putin's attempts to undermine U.S. elections. しかし大統領は選挙に干渉したロシアとプーチン大統領を攻撃することはなかった
“If it was the GOAL of Russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the U.S. then, with all of the Committee Hearings, Investigations and Party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They are laughing their asses off in Moscow. Get smart America!” Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday morning.
The tweets came after special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russians on Friday for their efforts to interfere in the 2016 election and aid Trump’s campaign. The Twitter broadsides attracted bipartisan pushback as Republicans and Democrats expressed frustration that Trump is not taking the Russian threat seriously.
“I think it’s an absurd statement. Absurd,” said Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio) on CNN. Others reacted to that tweet, and the rest, with something of an eye-roll. “Maybe it was a bad idea for him to stay off the golf course,” quipped one senior GOP Hill aide in response to a query from POLITICO.
“Above all this rhetoric here, we begin losing sight of what is it we’re going to do about the threat of the Russians,” former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said in an interview on CNN. “He never talks about that. It’s all about himself.”(ry
Trump also argued Sunday that the ongoing investigations are just what the Russians want, saying: "Investigations and Party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They are laughing their asses off in Moscow. Get smart America!"
On Saturday, Trump undercut his national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, after he said evidence of Russian meddling in the 2016 American election is beyond dispute.
Trump was continuing his efforts to pin Russian collusion on the Democrats and their nominee Hillary Clinton. "Crooked Hillary Clinton, lost the 2016 election," Trump tweeted Sunday. "But wasn't I a great candidate?"
Speaking on CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday, Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., said it wasn't time to draw such conclusions. "It's hard to say that this didn't affect the outcome. It was an exceptionally close election," Coons said. "I'll remind you one candidate won the popular vote. The other candidate won the electoral vote. But it's not yet clear whether the Russians succeeded in actually changing votes."
Bill Kristol認証済みアカウント @BillKristol 4時間4時間前 In the midst of all the madness, one could miss this rebuke by Trump of his national security advisor. I could see H.R. getting his fourth star and going off to Korea or Afghanistan pretty soon. I suppose John Bolton is the most likely successor?
This Mueller indictment references only Russian operations on Facebook. It does not deal with the weaponization of hacked information via WikiLeaks. Or the reports that the Russians funneled millions of dollars of election spending through the NRA’s political action committees. But this indictment does show enough to answer some questions about the scale and methods of the Russian intervention?and pose a new question, the most important of them all.
The new question is this: What has been?what will be done?to protect American democracy from such attacks in the future? The Russian attack in 2016 worked, yielding dividends beyond Vladimir Putin’s wildest hopes. The Russians hoped to cast a shadow over the Clinton presidency. Instead, they outright elected their preferred candidate. Americans once thought it was a big deal that Alger Hiss rose to serve as acting temporary secretary general of the United Nations. This time, a Russian-backed individual was installed in the Oval Office.(ry
SEOUL, Feb. 18 (Yonhap) -- A South Korean man, who allegedly threatened to blow up the Japanese Embassy in Seoul after getting indignant at a U.S. broadcaster's remarks in favor of Japan's colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula, has been briefly detained, police said Sunday.
The 55-year-old man identified only as Jung was booked without detention on charges of making a threatening call to the Japanese Embassy, according to Seoul's Jongno Police Station.
Jung was accused of threatening to blow up Japan's embassy with dynamite on Feb. 12 after hearing the news that a commentator of U.S. broadcaster NBC made comments in support of Japan's forced occupation of the Korean Peninsula about a century ago during the network's live coverage of the opening ceremony of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.
Jung admitted to his charges, saying he made the threatening call in a fit of anger under the influence of alcohol.
Following new indictments detailing Russian propaganda operations during US elections in 2016, president Donald Trump brandished a tweet from a Facebook executive to back up his claims that he didn’t collude with the Russians or win because of their actions. ----------------------------------- Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump The Fake News Media never fails. Hard to ignore this fact from the Vice President of Facebook Ads, Rob Goldman! … 5:11 AM - Feb 18, 2018 ----------------------------------- Rob Goldman@robjective Most of the coverage of Russian meddling involves their attempt to effect the outcome of the 2016 US election. I have seen all of the Russian ads and I can say very definitively that swaying the election was *NOT* the main goal. -----------------------------------
There are a few things that need picking apart in Goldman’s thread, which contains deflections that may be designed to protect Facebook from appearing negligent or complicit as violations of US law were committed on their platform.
The ad spend isn’t the whole campaign It makes sense for Goldman to focus on ads. That’s his job at Facebook and it’s also one of the areas where the company is most vulnerable?it took money from an allegedly Kremlin-linked disinformation campaign that relied on identity theft. However, special counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment of 13 Russians shows that buying ads was a just a component of the troll farm’s efforts, which reached a “significant” number of Americans through more direct use of Mark Zuckerberg’s social networking platform.
The indictment details how the trolls made reconnaissance trips to the US to gather information and target their efforts. They set up Facebook groups aiming to stoke divisions and radicalize Americans, pushing bogus causes like “United Muslims of America,” “Blacktivist,” and “Army of Jesus.” They created fake accounts that aimed to become “leaders of public opinion in the US,” which would then push the same divisive agenda. They organized rallies over false issues and persuaded real Americans to go to them. They encouraged minorities not to vote and pushed allegations of voter fraud.(ry
Financial Times認証済みアカウント @FinancialTimes 5分5分前 Just published: front page of the Financial Times, international edition, Monday 19 February 月曜日のFT国際版の第一面
A former top aide to Donald Trump's presidential campaign will plead guilty to fraud-related charges within days ? and has made clear to prosecutors that he would testify against Paul Manafort, the lawyer-lobbyist who once managed the campaign. The change of heart by Trump's former deputy campaign manager Richard Gates, who had pleaded not guilty after being indicted in October on charges similar to Manafort's, was described in interviews by people familiar with the case.
"Rick Gates is going to change his plea to guilty,'' said a person with direct knowledge of the new developments, adding that the revised plea will be presented in federal court in Washington "within the next few days.'' That individual and others who discussed the matter spoke on condition of anonymity, citing a judge's gag order restricting comments about the case to the news media or public.
このうちFBIに対しては、ロシア疑惑の捜査に集中し過ぎるあまり、フロリダ州の 高校で起きた銃撃事件を防ぐことができたかもしれない兆候を見逃したと指摘。共謀 疑惑をあらためて否定した上で、FBIは「基本に戻って、われわれ全てに誇りを取 り戻せ!」とツイートした。 原題:Trump Criticizes Everyone But Russia for 2016 Election Meddling(抜粋)
>>713 Bill Kristol認証済みアカウント @BillKristol Rick Gates was Paul Manafort's right hand man. I suspect Manafort would have told him everything--including what Trump confided to Manafort privately. The Gates plea deal is more than Gates flipping on Manafort. Gates has things to tell Mueller about Trump. And he's telling them.
Rick Gates(トランプ選挙キャンペーンの副本部長)はPaul Manafort(トランプ選挙 対策本部長)の右腕の人材である。私はマナフォートがトランプとの私的な関わりを 含めて、すべてを彼に話していると思う。Rick Gatesがモラー特別検察官の側に寝返っ たことはマナフォート側からの寝返りで、彼はモラー特別検察官の知りたがっているこ とを話すのだろう。
Scounsel Robert Mueller has expanded his investigation into Jared Kushner beyond contacts with Russia, to include business dealings with two additional foreign powers during the Donald Trump transition, CNN reported Monday. Kushner, a senior White House advisor and presidential son-in-law, has been in crushing debt due to a real estate investment gone bad at 666 Fifth Ave in New York City.
Kushner allegedly sought out Chinese investors during the transition. CNN also reports Mueller’s team is questioning witnesses about Kushner seeking financing from Qatar for the same property.
Lie 1: the indictments prove that Russian hacking didn’t affect the election Lie 2: Trump has always accepted that Russia meddled in the election Lie 3: Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia
SEOUL, Feb. 20 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's defense ministry affirmed Tuesday that the country's troops will conduct combined command-post drills with the United States this year despite Olympics-driven rapprochement with North Korea. The allies will hold the Key Resolve (KR) and the Ulchi Freedom Guardian (UFG) exercises in order to develop their so-called 4D Operational Concept to detect, disrupt, destroy and defend against North Korean missile threats, the Ministry of National Defense said in a report to the National Assembly.
But it did not mention the Foal Eagle (FE) field training and the exact schedule for the KR and the UFG, which is staged in the summer. The allies used to begin the KR and the FE in Korea in late February or early March.
This year, they agreed to postpone the annual maneuvers until after the end of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics and Paralympics in mid-March. Many expect the two sides to open the training not long after the sports events. Still, some North Korea watchers raised doubts, citing the rare mood of reconciliation between the two Koreas.
South Korean and U.S. soldiers hold a combined Key Resolve command-post exercise in this photo provided by South Korea's military. (Yonhap)
Less than one week after Israeli police recommended that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be indicted on several corruption charges, a new legal minefield has opened up beneath his feet.
Seven Israelis were arrested on Sunday in what the police call "Case 4000," a new investigation in which members of Netanyahu's innermost circle are suspected of intervening with regulators to help the Bezeq group, an Israeli communications giant then run by a close friend of the prime minister, in exchange for favorable coverage of Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, on a news portal owned by the company.
Then Special Counsel Robert Mueller charged Paul Manafort with financial crimes and conspiracy against the U.S. last fall, the indictment said that President Trump's former campaign chairman laundered $18 million and used the untaxed income to support his lavish lifestyle. But actually, "federal law enforcement officials have identified more than $40 million in 'suspicious' financial transactions to and from companies controlled by" Manafort, most of them flagged during an unsuccessful anti-kleptocracy effort in 2014 and 2015, BuzzFeed News reports. BuzzFeed Newsの報道に拠れば連邦司法執行機関はマナフォートの管理する会社間で 4000万ドル以上の疑わしい金融トランザクションのやり取りを探知している
The previous legwork by the FBI and Treasury Department's financial crimes unit "explains how the special counsel was able to swiftly bring charges against Manafort for complex financial crimes dating as far back as 2008," BuzzFeed says, "and it shows that Mueller could still wield immense leverage as he seeks to compel Manafort to cooperate in the ongoing investigation," as erstwhile partner Rick Gates appears to be doing. The FBI interviewed Manafort in 2014, but Justice Department leaders reportedly decided Manafort's apparent financial fraud was small potatoes compared with that of his longtime client Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. "We had him in 2014," one former officials said of Manafort. "In hindsight, we could have nailed him then."
Unlike this year's U.S. Senate races, which are mainly being fought in Trump- friendly states, many of the most contested House electoral battles are for Republican-held seats in more Democratic-leaning places. 今年の中間選挙では上院議員の戦場となる選挙区にはトランプ大統領に好意的な地域 が多いのだが、下院議員の戦場は、そうではなくて民主党に好意的である
That enhances the odds of Democrats winning control of the House and presents a dilemma for Republican incumbents: Do they strike some distance from President Donald Trump, or continue to march in lockstep with him in Congress? But don't look for any mass Republican defections, even if the probe of any Trump ties to Russia escalates. 民主党優位の選挙区で戦う共和党議員はトランプ大統領支持を打ち出すべきか、距離を 置くべきかに悩んでいる
Off-year elections usually are about voter intensity. In dozens of contests over the past year, since Trump was elected, the energy has been with Democrats. Most recently, a Democrat won by seven points in a pro-Trump, pro-Republican state legislative district in Sarasota, Florida, in a special election. 最近のフロリダ州地方選挙ではトランプ支持、共和党支持の強い選挙区で民主党が勝利 している The hope for the dozens of embattled congressional Republicans is that by November their base will get energized. Those voters remain strongly supportive of Trump, while the general electorate, despite some recent improvement in the president's standing, is far less so.
If there is a blue wave -- and if Democrats turn out the way they did in some of those special elections and the Virginia gubernatorial contest last November -- some Republicans in districts Trump carried easily might be ambushed. These include New York's Claudia Tenney, who said the Democrats who didn't applaud during Trump's State of the Union speech were "un-American and they don't love our country," or Ohio's Steve Chabot, who, in defending Trump, sought to smear special counsel Robert Mueller and his blue-ribbon staff.
In both those races, Democrats are fielding stronger than expected challengers -- who may already be crafting commercials and messages that recycle those accusations.
This week, Facebook looks like it’s trying to give Russia the benefit of the doubt. Rob Goldman, vice president of ads at Facebook, used Twitter on Friday to applaud special counsel Robert Mueller’s indictments of multiple Russian people and companies for their interference in the 2016 election. Goldman said he also wanted to clear up a few things ? namely, that he doesn’t believe Russia’s main goal was to sway the 2016 election.
On Sunday, however, James Clapper, former director of national intelligence under the Obama administration, clapped back: Of course Russia was trying to influence the election, he said. Obviously both can’t be true.(ry
今月、米国が支援する「シリア民主軍」の拠点を攻撃したシリア政府軍への米軍の空爆で、 政府軍のロシア人雇い兵200人強が死亡した可能性がある。ロシア外務省はロシア人5人の 死亡を確認しており、この戦闘を調査中だとしている。 原題:Russia Warns U.S. Not to ‘Play With Fire’ in Syrian Conflict (2)(抜粋)
AT ITS CORE, Goldman’s mistake was a familiar one for Silicon Valley: An executive really smart at one thing seemed to think he was really smart at another thing.
Later that day, Rob Goldman seemed to come to the same understanding, and posted internally at Facebook a message that read as follows: “I wanted to apologize for having tweeted my own view about Russian interference without having it reviewed by anyone internally. The tweets were my own personal view and not Facebook’s. I conveyed my view poorly. The Special Counsel has far more information about what happened [than] I do?so seeming to contradict his statements was a serious mistake on my part. Trump’s rebuke of McMaster was months in the making Their strained relationship was on rare public display over the weekend when the president chastised his national security adviser over questions of Russia's involvement in the 2016 election. By ELIANA JOHNSON 02/20/2018 05:02 AM EST 週末にトランプ大統領はマクマスター国家安全保障補佐官を叱責したのだが 両者の意見不一致は、何ヶ月も前から存在する
Back in November, Trump and a small circle of senior aides involved in the conversation about McMaster's fate, including Kelly, ultimately decided to keep McMaster in place. Among their reasons for doing so: Removing him would have launched them on a search for the president’s third national security adviser in a year, and Trump and Kelly could not agree on a replacement, according to a senior administration official. 昨年11月にはトランプ大統領と内部サークルはマクマスター更迭について検討したが ケリ−(CoS)がマクマスター続投に決定した。彼を交代させれば1年に3人目の国家安全保障 補佐官を迎えることになる。さらに大統領とケリーは後任について意見一致ができなかった
Trump, according to two administration officials, was looking to tap former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, whose frequent Oval Office visits ended when Kelly became chief of staff last summer. Kelly opposed his appointment, according to those officials. 大統領は前国連大使のJohn Boltonを推し、ケリーはそれに反対した
The discussions about replacing McMaster, reported by POLITICO for the first time, are a reflection of just how tumultuous his relationship with the president has been since he took the job just a year ago.
On the subject of Russian meddling, a source close to McMaster says the general has hewed carefully to the intelligence community’s assessment of Russian interference in the election, eschewing pressure from the president to say that there was no collusion by members of the Trump campaign and that Russian interference didn't have a decisive impact on the election results.(ry ロシアの選挙干渉についてマクマスターは諜報コミニティに注意深く聞き入り、大統領からの トランプ選挙キャンペーンとロシア側との共謀はなく、選挙結果は影響を受けていないと断言 せよとの圧力に抗しているという。
Trump hasn't nominated anyone for a key White House science post, so the position fell into the lap of a 31-year-old with no training in science. As the U.S. faces one of the worst flu seasons in decades ? on the heels of a record-breaking hurricane season ? key decisions about science policy are being made by someone with no training in science.
You can thank Trump for that. He still hasn’t appointed anyone as the top science adviser for the White House, a position that has traditionally been held by prominent scientists with extensive education and experience. So the post fell into the lap of a 31-year-old politics major whose most recent job was as chief of staff for Trump ally and venture capitalist Peter Thiel. 通常は、ホワイトハウスの科学技術顧問は著名な、高度の教育と実績のあるトップ クラスの科学者が任命される。 As the de-facto head of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, Michael Kratsios ? who holds a degree in Political Science with a concentration in Hellenic (Greek) studies ? is tasked with advising the White House on decisions about matters ranging from disease outbreaks to natural disasters. He was initially brought into the White House to advise Trump on tech-related issues.
Trump’s failure to appoint a top science adviser leaves the nation vulnerable during times of crisis, when it’s critical to have a point person who can offer objective advice informed by science. Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush both appointed physicists to fill the position. オバマ大統領やブッシュ大統領は(トップクラスの)物理学者をホワイトハウスの科学技術 アドバイザーに任命していた
“You need somebody who the president trusts, who can sort all that stuff out and who can explain to the president that there are all these different perspectives and here’s why there are and here’s what I think,” Neal Lane, who served as science adviser under President Bill Clinton, told Scientific American.
“There is nobody like that with regards to science, technology and engineering matters, so we have a crisis, and there may be some brewing that you and I don’t know even about,” Lane continued. “Usually they come as surprises, and that’s scary.”(ry
Van Der Zwaan was charged with lying to investigators about conversations related to a report he helped prepare on the trial of a Ukrainian politician, Yulia Tymoshenko. The lawyer also reportedly lied about his talks with someone else, named "Person A” in the indictment. Prosecutors said Van Der Zwaan also deleted and failed to turn over emails requested by the special counsel and a law firm.
Timing: Mueller indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for violating criminal laws to interfere with the 2016 U.S. election on Friday. He also struck a plea deal that same day with Richard Pinedo, who was charged with identity fraud.
Why it matters: As Axios' Mike Allen wrote this morning, Mueller's moving fast. "The indictment is a sneak peek at the level of sweep and color we can expect in a final report, and is a mammoth accomplishment just nine months after Mueller was appointed."
What's next: Gates is expected to plead guilty in the coming days on fraud- related charges.
>>785 David Voreacos / Bloomberg: Mueller Charges Lawyer With Lying in Russia Probe ? Van Der Zwaan helped prepare Ukraine report for Manafort ? False statements case comes days after Russians charged ? An attorney who worked for a prominent law firm was charged with making false statements to federal authorities
20日にはモラー特別検察官から新たな警告が発せられた。有力法律事務所に勤めていた 弁護士のアレックス・バンデルズワーン容疑者が連邦捜査当局に対し、リチャード・ゲ ーツ被告とのやりとりに関してうその供述をしたとして、訴追されていたことが明らか になった。 原題:Trump Still Defiant After Mueller’s Warning Shot on Russia (1)(抜粋)
Vice President Mike Pence was set to secretly meet with North Korean officials during his recent trip to the Winter Olympics in South Korea, but the North Koreans pulled out of the meeting at the last minute, according to reports Tuesday. 北朝鮮は直前になって会合をキャンセルしたとワシントン・ポストが報道、国務省は この機会が失われたことを残念に思うとコメント
The Washington Post reported Pence's meeting with Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and premier Kim Yong Nam was canceled about two hours before it was scheduled to start. "We regret their failure to seize this opportunity," State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said Tuesday, according to the Associated Press. Both the Post and AP said the North Koreans ditched the meeting over Pence's hard-line stance, as well as displeasure over recent new sanctions.
Democrat Linda Belcher was just pronounced the winner of the special election in Kentucky’s House District 49, a seat that Donald Trump carried by a 72-23 margin in 2016 and that went 66-33 for Mitt Romney in 2012. Her 68-32 victory represents a ridiculous 45-point improvement on Hillary Clinton’s performance.
BMOキャピタル・マーケッツのアーロン・コーリ氏のような債券強気派ですら、数日 内に10年債利回りが3%を試すことに備えている。15日に2.94%を突破したことに言及 し、「抵抗線が破られた。今週中に再び同水準を試す可能性はある」と述べた。 原題:U.S. 10-Year Looks Poised to Cross Market’s Red Line This Week(抜粋) YET ANOTHER Democrat Linda Belcher Takes Deep-Red Kentucky Seat, the 37th Flip Since Trump’s Inauguration Trump won this district by 50 points. Linda Belcher just took this Kentucky House seat by 36?an 86-point turnaround. GIDEON RESNICK 02.20.18 7:33 PM ET 共和党の強いケンタッキー州の地方選挙(下院補選)で民主党候補のLinda Belcherが 勝利、トランプ大統領が2016年に50ポイント差で勝利した選挙区が民主党側に寝返る
Belcher’s win marks the 37th legislative seat changing hands from Republican to Democrat since Trump’s inauguration. It is also the fourth to flip just this year, following wins by Margaret Good in Florida’s 72nd District last week as well as wins in deep-red Missouri and Wisconsin. 共和党の強い選挙区の補選で民主党が勝利するのは4度目で、フロリダ、ミズリー、 ウィスコンシンに続くもの 【オピニオン】トランプ氏と今そこにある危機 米国憲法修正第25条を使ってでも大統領に立ち向かうべき理由 By William A. Galston 2018年2月21日 16:02 JST ――筆者のウィリアム・A・ガルストンはWSJの政治コラムニスト ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- アメリカ合衆国憲法修正第25条 アメリカ合衆国憲法修正第25条(アメリカがっしゅうこくけんぽうしゅうせいだい25じ ょう、英語: Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution、あるいは Amendment XXV)は、アメリカ合衆国憲法第2条第1節第6項の曖昧な語句を部分的に置き 換え、アメリカ合衆国大統領の承継を取り扱い、副大統領が欠員の場合にそれを埋める 方法と、大統領がその職務上の権限と義務を遂行することができない場合の対処法を規 定している。
Their bosses at Newsweek Media Group were, sources familiar with the situation told CNN, trying to block a story they were working on looking into NMG's connection to Olivet University, a Christian school founded by a church run by a Korean-American pastor named David Jang.
The connections between Jang, Olivet and Newsweek Media Group, have been the source of intense speculation and several investigative reports from other outlets over the years. Though staffers would make often make jokes about working for "the church" or a "cult ," multiple current and former staffers told CNN that, though they knew five of the company's executives were part of the church and were directly connected to Olivet University, they never felt their direct influence on their work -- only a constant pressure to hit higher and higher traffic goals.
Twitter suspended thousands of accounts overnight and conservatives on the platform aren’t happy about it. Twitter has yet to make a public statement about the issue, but right-wing users believe that they’re being targeted in a mass purge of suspected Russian bot accounts.
Conservative Twitter has even started a hashtag called #TwitterLockOut to talk about the purge, with some claiming that real people (as opposed to bots) were locked out of their accounts. Gizmodo has so far been unable to confirm that any real people have had their accounts mistakenly suspended.
フォロワー喪失のアカウントはalt-right, neo-Naziはじめ・・ Everyone from well known figures of the alt-right, like neo-Nazi Richard Spencer, to people with Twitter handles like @Isa4031AMP, @DonofJustice, and @Patriotsavior seem to have been impacted by the move?at least when it comes to their follower counts.
The conservatives, (or in Spencer’s case neo-Nazis), claim that they’ve lost hundreds and sometimes thousands of followers overnight.
この他Bill Mitchellが4000フォロワー喪失、トランプ大統領も4000フォロワー喪失 Bill Mitchell, a popular voice on the right who’s known for his controversial tweets defending President Trump, claims that he lost roughly 4,000 followers overnight.