【英検1級】 例題: ● Write an essay on the given TOPIC. ● Give THREE reasons to support your answer. ● Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion ● Suggested length: 200–240 words
TOPIC Does the Japanese government have much control over the economy?
【英検準1級】 例題: ● Write an essay on the given TOPIC. ● Use TWO of the POINTS below to support your answer. ● Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion ● Suggested length: 120-150 words
TOPIC Agree or disagree: Teenagers should avoid using Social Networking Services
POINTS ● Safety ● Information literacy ● Education ● Personal relationships
In my opinion,I think the time when AI replaces human employees will come in the future.There are the following three reasons to support my opinion. First of all,today,the technology around AI has been progressing remarkably.We can often see that a diversity of AI are used in many ways these days,
for example,they have already been introduced to the automation systems in factories,or the medical analysis,public transportations and so on.That is that AI is remarkably indispensable for our lives in modern society.
AI is remarkably indespensable for our lives.Secondly,human employees often make faults.In the aspects concerning with people's life,in particular,human errors might cause magnificient accidents.
Lastly,the number of seniors is increasing rapidly in the world.Due to this trend,aging society is becoming a significant issue,particulary in Japan.Aging society may lead to the shortage of workforce,moreover,an inevitable
problem that concerns about the medication for seniors.In fact,AI has been already introduced to help doctors analyze the points of diseases before surgeries at the major integrated hospitals in big cities.
Good Joobだと思う。 内容はいいのでカンマの挿入が不自然だったり、文を無理に長くしているので気をつければいいと思います。
以下は添削。指摘があれば返信よろしくです。 ※First of all と書くなら、2番目以降はSecond,・・・ Last,・・・に統一するべきだと思う。
There are the following three reasons to support my opinion. →There are three reasons to support my opinion:
the following がくどいと思う。:(コロン)を付ければ同じ意味になる。 First of all,today,the technology around AI has been progressing remarkably. →First of all, the technology around AI has been progressing remarkably today. あとにtodayを持ってくるほうがすっきりしている。
We can often see that a diversity of AI are used in many ways these days, → We often see that a diversity of AI has been used in many ways these days. 文を一度区切る。canは不要。has beenとする。
For example, they have already been introduced to the automation systems in factories, or the medical analysis,public transportations and so on. →orは不要。
That is that AI is remarkably indispensable for our lives in modern society. →That is thatがおかしい。つまりと言いたいなら、That is (to say), とカンマで区切る。 →for our lives in modern societyがくどいので、for our modern livesなどにする。
In the aspects concerning with people's life, in particular,human errors might cause magnificient accidents. →In the aspects concerning people's life でwith 不要です。human errors in particularの方がカンマが無くてすっきり。
In that sense, AI would be more reliable than human labors. →一度区切る。 Furthermore, they can find those faults and prevent the accidents from happening. →AIを受けるのでtheyでなくit. thoseだと何を指しているかわからないのでhuman faultsとする。
Last, the number of seniors is increasing rapidly in the world. →has been とする。
Aging society may lead to the shortage of workforce, moreover,an inevitable problem that concerns about the medication for seniors. →, and moreover an inevitable problem...とする。andが必要。
In fact, AI has been already introduced to help doctors analyze the points of diseases before surgeries at the major integrated hospitals in big cities. →introduced以外にもdeployedもバリエーションとしては使える。 →pointは位置・場所という意味はないので、locationsやspotsを使う。disease, surgeryは一般化して複数形でなくてもいいと思う。
In aging society, AI may play a greater role as workforce in many industries, or as a main brain in medical scenes. → societyはここでは複数。a part of workforceとする。a main brainはあまり見ない表現なので a managerの方がいいかと思います。
According to these reasons stated above, it could be said that the time when AI replaces human labors will come eventially sooner or later. →According to these reasons stated aboveは不自然だと思う。eventuallyのスペルミス。それにカンマが。eventually, sooner or later.
2018年度第3回英検1級ライティング予想問題C (Topic) Agree or disagree: Paper books and magazines should be replaced completely by online services (Predictable points/use 3 points) ・Cost ・Reduction of waste・Consumer's preference ・Educational issue ・Convenience
Online services for books and magazines have been prevalent today.Thoes are helpful for busy persons such as officeworkers or students who do not have enough time to read books.
To begin with,the online service could decline the cost in many cases.For instance,many who want to read books and magazines would have to purchase them at bookstores in a town in case of paper supplies,
and publishers of books should usually use a huge amount of papers to print many books and magazines.In addition,those book suppliers generally need lots of shops to have them sell their products.
Moreover,so many offices,schools,hospitals,for example,usually discard a lot of papers.Paper garbages might be estimated to be an enormous amount of tons in the world.
Lastly,above all,the online service has an advantage in the sense of convenience.In general people may have to go to bookstores to buy books when they want to read them whether they were busy or not.
Furthermore,books are often bulky for people to bring along and keep them.However,the online book service could solve these problems because of its convenience,paperless and quickness.
Good job。添削なかなか勉強になりました。また上達していると思うので、keep upしてください。
Online services for books and magazines have been prevalent today. →オンラインサービスはbooks and magazinesの他にもあるので【他との対照のThe:ジーニアス辞書】としてThe online servicesとする。
Thoes are helpful for busy persons such as officeworkers or students who do not have enough time to read books. →Thoseのスペルミス。
This trend may be expected to continue in the future. →OK There are the following three reasons to support my opinion. →前回と同じ指摘、:(コロン)がベターかと。
To begin with, the online service could decline the cost in many cases. →※注意:decline は自動詞の用法しかないので目的語the costをとれない。 The cost of online service could decline in many cases.が正解。
For instance, many who want to read books and magazines would have to purchase them at bookstores in a town in case of paper supplies, →at a bookstore とし、in a townと統一。 in case of paper suppliesは不自然だと思うので、 For instance, many who want to read 【paper】 books and magazines would have to purchase them at bookstores in a town,
and publishers of books should usually use a huge amount of papers to print many books and magazines. →publishers of booksは普通はthe book publishers。theは【他との対照のThe:ジーニアス辞書】他のnewspaper publishersなどと対称する。 should usuallyは主張したい主旨に関係ないので不要。and the book publishers use a huge amount of papers to print many books and magazines.
In addition, those book suppliers generally need lots of shops to have them sell their products. →have them sell their productsはおかしい。単純にto sellにする。
On the other hand, the online service would not need the cost for both of them who demand and supply the service itself. →オンラインサービスが電子ブックなのを想定しています。ネットショップという意味なら再度文を検討。 On the other hand, the e-books does not cost [ include ] a shipping fee.
Secondly, providing online services can reduce paper wastes in particular. →waste providing ebooks can reduce paper waste in particular.
Today, myriad of the printed have been dispensed every year. →Today, myriad of the printed materials have been dispensed every year.
Moreover, so many offices, schools, hospitals, for example, usually discard a lot of papers. →a lot of paper
Paper garbages might be estimated to be an enormous amount of tons in the world. →The amount of waste paper is estimated to be enormous in the world.
That is, reducing paper wastes is becoming a severe problem environmentally in modern societies. →紙くずを減らすことは深刻な問題ではないので、 becoming significant
Lastly,above all, the online service has an advantage in the sense of convenience. →Lastly, the online service above all has an advantage in the sense of convenience.
In general people may have to go to bookstores to buy books when they want to read them whether they were busy or not. →OK Furthermore, books are often bulky for people to bring along and keep them. →OK However, the online book service could solve these problems because of its convenience, paperless and quickness. →paperlessness
According to these reasons, the online book service would have replaced them of paper supplies eventually in the future. →the online book service would replace paper eventually in the future.
According to these reasons stated aboveは不自然だと思う。と前回言いましたが訂正します。すみません。
第1段落 There are so many people who say that a university degree in the humanities has lost its relevance in today's society, but I disagree with this idea. There are three reasons to support my idea.
第2段落 The first reason is that academic fields of humanities are the basis of our ways of thinking, even if we have already graduated from universities. For example, studying philosophy often improves our skills of critical thinking, and comparing our culture with different cultures can make our views wide. These facts must be the evidence that academic fields of humanities are useful for us, even in today's society.
第3段落 The second reason is that academic fields of humanities are also the basis of other sciences. For instance, history is the important aspect of examining economics, political science, and so on. In addition, humanities often affect the way of comprehending sciences, such as physics and mathematics. We can say that there are no sciences which are not related to humanities.
第4段落 The third reason is that, by studying humanities, we can become cultural people(←cultured peopleのミス). We can easily be hired from corporations if we are cultural people. That's because corporations want to hire those people, and cultural people often give their corporations the new way of thinking. This will contribute to their company's success.
第5段落 For these reasons, I believe that studying humanities must be important even in today's world.
I think free trade can pave a way for the prosperity of third world countries. I have two reasons to support my idea.
First, free trade means more business opportunities between the participant countries. This can lead to a creation of the huge job market. With the economy growing, the government can expect higher amount of tax revenue which then can be spent to fulfill more welfare services to help the poor get out above the poverty line. This can lead to fill the gap between the rich and poor, making the societies more equitable and comfortable for their citizens.
Second, free trade can help participant nations tie their relationships even stronger as well as those among private companies. For example, free trade can act as a starter to set out new scientific projects, where people from both public and private sectors cooperate to achieve various things such as exploring space and developing the cutting edge IT technologies. This fact gives them an edge over other developed nations, possibly transforming their countries to join developed nations.
In conclusion, I think free trade is good for the developing countries. We should do our share by supporting free trade movements in order to make the world a better place.
Humans can be selfish in a way that they exploit natural resources at the expense of our valuable wilderness. It's been an important mission to save animals from extinction as the diversity of species is rapidly shrinking. I think there are two measures we can take to save endangered species.
One measure we can think of is that preserving as many natures as possible. We can do this by reserving the patches of land as a national park. There, a group of nature lovers can plant nursery trees to expand the forests for animals to live in. The government should also provide those volunteers with financial aids to expedite the recovery of the ecological balance.
Another thing we can do is educate the public to raise the awareness of nature preservation. For example, we can make films regarding the endangered species and broadcast on TV or upload them to YouTube. If succeeds, people including those from business sectors will shift to use more eco-friendly goods or services.
After all, endangered animals are like our distant siblings sharing this small planet, the earth. There's no reasons we don't save those animals that our mother nature has created. Like those dinosaurs, we cannot bring them back to life if they became extinct.
Has a university degree in the humanities lost its relevance in today's world?
In the age of technology-driven global societies, even mainstream educated people claim that humanities are a dying area of study. However, humanities specialists are clearly necessary in the interest of deplomacic relations, sustainable innovations, and foundation of arts.
First, while the internet and other relevant technology have made the world smaller, our main focus now is to strengthen relationships with other nations and avoid any potential conflicts. Humanities graduates has a strong command of language, as well as a wide range of world historical backgrounds, and cultures, all of which are useful in maintaining peaceful international relations. Humanities scholars can also contribute by conducting the analysis of countries' political situations and intentions.
Second, the rate at which the technological paradigm shift happens is increasing exponentially. This means that we will be so dependent on inventions like sentient robots that we don't even know what they are thinking. How do these AIs act against the situation resemble to a trolley problem? Humanities experts can help solve these conundrums our technologies bring.
Third, many studies predict that, one day, we will be free from work due to the heavy automation process for productions and services. The resurgence of Renaissance is sure to come. Humanities will be a dominant feild of study. Humans focus to both create and preserve arts. Degree holders in philosophy, religion, and literature will play a major role in creating meaningful online content. These movements will enrich our cultures.
In summary, humanities are not a study with no relevance. It will be a key source of our new wisdom and knowledge for years to come.
Agree or disagree: Japan will benefit overall from hosting the 2020 Summer Olympics.
Hosting Olympics in your own country is a dream come true. However, it has various negative impacts on both before and after the Olympics games.
First, since the 1960s, no nation has successfully stayed within budget for the overall preparation of the Olympics. The initial estimated figures shown by the hosting municipal governments are often end up being fictitious minimum amounts, and people witness the cost overruns that are going beyond the initial budget. Not only infrastructures but also security and logistics renovations are needed to accommodate tourists and athletes within the city.
Second, many of the specialized sports stadiums fell into disuse after the Olympics games. Moreover, the regular maintenance costs these studiums entails thereafter give so much financial burden to the hosting city. Building those structures in the middle of the city doesn't make any business sense as it ruins the city's maximum potential use of huge patches of land, and this in turn, affects the local economy negatively.
Third, some residents, if not many, need to be forcefully removed in securing the Olympics venues. Take Brazil for example, there are many cases where local residents confront police forces, protesting that they don't give up their land ownership for minimum compensation. Also, the celebratory atmosphere in the city can lead to the deterioration of public security.
In conclusion, the disadvantages of hosting the Olympics clearly outweigh the advantages. Varous economics consequences and inconvenience to local citizens are certainly best avoided.
Q: Should the developed world help developing countries overcome poverty?
A menace by the poverty begins to approach in our closeness. Personally I believe that the developed world should help developing countries overcome poverty for the following three reasons.
First, the poverty becomes one of the causes of terrorism. In recent years, many people around the world were killed by terrorism. Ordinary people in the world cannot know information in advance about when and where terrorism occurs. Unless terrorism can fade away around the world, people must worry about terrorism forever.
Second, in poor countries, there are a lot of crimes. One example of this is to steal baggage of travelers in order to get money for criminals’ lives. Native people in those countries think that foreigners are rich. Therefore, travelers are targeted. It is easier to involve in a crime while traveling in poor countries, even though ordinary people do.
Furthermore, in particular, illegal organ trade occurs in poor nations. There are many people around the world who suffer from damaged organ. Some of them are eager to get healthier organ as soon as possible, even though the cost is too expensive. When both buyers and sellers of illegal organ trade agree with the crime, sellers can get a lot of money. This crime will not disappear as far as there is poverty.
In conclusion, for these three reasons, the menace of terrorism, protection of travelers' items, and illegal organ trade, I think that the developed world should help developing countries overcome poverty.
I guess he’s just a troll. There are many trolls who have been trying to control discussions on 5ch and he seems to be one of them. If not, he is just a compulsive liar who has the desire to rape women.
He takes on different personalities and tries to deceive you by making the thread look like it has many users and active discussions, using multiple IDs and phones. Never take what he’s saying seriously . His English skills are very poor and what he’s saying doesn’t make sense at all. He is in this English forum all day and immediately replies when he is criticized. He easily gets irritated and he can’t help but post his ridiculous opinions in the thread. What’s wrong with him? His way of speaking is unique, so even if he varied his speaking tone, I could notice it easily.
Once it’s exposed that he’s taking on different personalities by using many IDs and phones, he always starts to abuse people who pointed it out, making it look like multiple people are attacking them.
It’s important for me to show that he is just a troll, his English is very poor and he keeps saying ridiculous things making himself look bigger. Because he has a bad influence on other English learners. He continues saying it’s easy to think in English, although he can never do it. And he acts as if he is an English teacher with awesome English skills, and claims that his opinions are correct. His English is literally terrible, but he can’t realize it because he doesn’t have decent English grammar knowledge.
The reason why he made another thread “isn’t “Think in English” funny?” is because he just wants to say that he can think in English. Needless to say, he can’t do it. He doesn’t want to discuss how to learn English but just get a sense of superiority against other English beginners. Even if what he’s saying is a lie, it doesn’t matter to him. He just want to enjoy a sense of superiority. That is the reason why he said that he attended an American college for a long time and now is an English teacher in the thread. I guess he has lived a life of misery in real life, so he is doing a troll, he lies like he breathes and takes on different personalities in this English forum to give himself a sense of superiority.
I’m pretty sure that he didn’t go to college and didn’t even study for the entrance exams. He has no idea how to study for the exams. He often says that he is really good at reading and writing English because he studied English for the exams, but it’s an obvious lie. A lot of students have to study many subjects to pass the exams. They can’t spend too much time on English writing, so most of them can’t write English well. That’s a thing in people who have experienced the exams, but he doesn’t know it at all. I’m pretty sure that he has a strong complex about not going to college, so he just want to act as if he is a person with a college degree who has awesome English skills. That is the reason why he’s in this English forum all day and is doing a troll.
Should rich people be required to pay higher taxes?
Proponents of flat-rate tax systems claim that progressive taxes are not fair for people who work hard. However, I believe that rich people should pay higher taxes because of social equality, academic backgrounds, and the economy.
First, progressive tax systems lead to social equality. For example, rich people and big companies can use their funds to invest in more businesses while taking control of their risks. However, poor people do not have the chance to earn a lot of money at a time. That means the poorer they are, the more difficult it is to improve their economic situations. They should be supported by reducing their taxes.
Second, rich people are more likely to receive higher education. That means they can acquire more useful skills and information to get higher positions in society. Also, such universities and colleges are more or less supported by the government even if they are private schools. Working hard often means using many taxes.
Third, progressive tax systems improve the economy. Some might argue that a flat-rate tax help the economy run smoothly, but it is not true. The richer they are, the more difficult it is to use a lot of money. Therefore they often save much money and it leads to depression.
For the reasons mentioned above, rich people should be required to pay higher taxes.
Should rich people be required to pay higher taxes?
> Proponents of flat-rate tax systems claim that progressive taxes are not fair for people who work hard. However, I believe that rich people should pay higher taxes because of social equality, academic backgrounds, and the economy.
Proponents of flat-rate tax systems claim that progressive taxes are not fair for people who work hard. However, I believe that rich people should pay higher taxes ,considering social equality, academic background, and economy.
>First, progressive tax systems lead to social equality. For example, rich people and big companies can use their funds to invest in more businesses while taking control of their risks. However, poor people do not have the chance to earn a lot of money at a time. That means the poorer they are, the more difficult it is to improve their economic situations. They should be supported by reducing their taxes.
First, progressive tax systems lead to social equality. For example, rich people and companies can use their funds to invest in more businesses, managing their risks.. On the other hand, poor people do not have the chance to earn an enormous amount of money at a time. That means the poorer they are, the more difficult it is to improve their economic situations. Therefore, I believe they should be supported with tax reduction..
> Second, rich people are more likely to receive higher education. That means they can acquire more useful skills and information to get higher positions in society. Also, such universities and colleges are more or less supported by the government even if they are private schools. Working hard often means using many taxes.
Second, rich people are more likely to receive higher education. Wealthy families can afford more tuition for children, and those children tend to be educated private schools, which allow students to acquire useful information and skills. They are more likely to get higher positions in society, Those private schools are partly funded by the government. (Therefore, alumni in those schools should be conducive to society by paying higher taxes.)
> Third, progressive tax systems improve the economy. Some might argue that a flat-rate tax help the economy run smoothly, but it is not true. The richer they are, the more difficult it is to use a lot of money. Therefore they often save much money and it leads to depression.
Third, progressive tax systems can stimulate the economy. Some might argue that a flat-rate tax can help the economy run smoothly, but it is not true. The richer they are, the more difficult it is to consume their abundant money, which may lead to a(n economic) depression since money cannot be circulated in society, Consequently, the gap between the rich and poor could be solidified, and many children will lose opportunities to become future tax payers. . .
>For the reasons mentioned above, rich people should be required to pay higher taxes.
For the reasons mentioned above, rich people should be required to pay higher taxes.
Should rich people be required to pay higher taxes? I believe that rich people should be required to pay higher taxes for the following reasons. Firstly, rich people become rich by gaining excessive margins. For example, the recovery of a company is thanks to not only a few workers’ contribution, but also that of all the employees. Nevertheless, if a few workers’ salaries stand out, they should be asked to pay higher taxes for fairness.
Secondly, societies that have a huge gap between the rich and the poor are unstable. Many conflicts or crimes occur around the world due to this gap. Certainly in Japan the gap is not as big, but while part timers are increasing in number, billionaires are also appearing. Therefore, it is necessary to stop this trend by forcing wealthier citizens to pay higher taxes.
Lastly, all people should be afforded the chance to contribute to society. If the tax revenue paid by the rich can be used for the poor, such as financial support for education, all citizens can be given the chances to be educated and so contribute more to society as future taxpayers.
In conclusion, rich people should pay higher taxes for the stated reasons.
>>86 いえ、どういたしまして。構成、英文ともにうまいから練習を積んだら 合格点を貰えると思います。 ちょっと分からなかったのは while taking control of their risks. かな? それと一つ注意点だけど、a lot of はカジュアルな表現なので、 こういった論文形式の文では避けた方がいいってことですね。 ところで、数か月前、高校生で1級合格を目指してる人がいたけど それは貴方かな?って思ったんだけど、そうじゃない?
Should minors receive life imprisonment for serious crimes?
I think that minors should not receive life imprisonment for serious crimes. They are still growing and can be rehabilitated. Furthermore, life imprisonment costs much money.
First, young people are still growing physically and mentally. Research has shown that the decision-making part of the brain has not finished developing until the age of mid-20th. This suggests that they cannot sometimes make good decisions when they feel extremely stressed. We should consider this point before keeping them in prisons.
Second, minors behaviors are more likely to be improved by rehabilitating. When they commit crimes, they do not know what is immoral or will happen as a result. This is partly because they are neglected by their parents and receive violence by adults in their daily lives. Therefore, we should give them another chance to lead better lives.
Third, life imprisonment costs much more money in general. It would be better for the government to invest in the educational system to make minors return to society, work hard, and finally pay taxes as workers, instead of keeping them in prisons for the rest of their lives. Punishment does not necessarily mean imprisonment for long years.
For the reasons mentioned above, I do not think minors should receive life imprisonment for serious crimes. They should play an important role as a member of society by rehabilitating and decent jobs.
>>102 上手いね >Research has shown that the decision-making part of the brain has not finished developing until the age of mid-20th. Research has shown that the decision-making part of the brain keeps developing until the mid-20s.
>This suggests that they cannot sometimes make good decisions when they feel extremely stressed. This suggests that they sometimes cannot make the right decisions when they are under intense stress.
>We should consider this point before keeping them in prisons. 上との繋がりがよくないけど、英検なら見逃してくれるような気がする
>Second, minors behaviors are more likely to be improved by rehabilitating. Second, minors' behaviors are more likely to be corrected through rehabilitation.
>When they commit crimes, they do not know what is immoral or will happen as a result. When they commit crimes, they do not understand what is wrong or the consequences of their actions.
>This is partly because they are neglected by their parents and receive violence by adults in their daily lives. This is because it is likely that in their earlier lives, many of them had been treated poorly by parents and other adults.
>Therefore, we should give them another chance to lead better lives. Therefore, we should give them a second chance.
>It would be better for the government to invest in the educational system to make minors return to society, work hard, and finally pay taxes as workers, instead of keeping them in prisons for the rest of their lives.
It would be better for the government to invest in educating the young criminals rather than simply keeping them in prison for a lifetime. Through education, the minors would have a chance to return to society, be hard workers, and eventually be taxpayers.
>They should play an important role as a member of society by rehabilitating and decent jobs. They should receive education to be able to play a role in society.
Will the transformation of industrial structures driven by AI robots bring about new jobs?
I don't agree that the next transformation of industry won't create new jobs. Although it is true that every individual revolution had brought about new jobs, AI robots are not like the other inventions that replaced humans task.
First, AI robots would be creative. They can think and reason under any circumstances. They can invent and even reprogram themselves to improve even better. There's no room human would be competitive in every aspects.
Second, Robots are made of Iron and steel with a computer that can run by electricity. Thus, they can tirelessly handle arduous tasks in the way that no humans possibly could. When they broke, engineers can fix it or they can repair themselves.
Sum this up, I think AI Robots are universally useful tools that can create new things, take care of themselves and even make another copy of themselves. The current jobs available will all disappear quickly and not a single job would be left for humans because of dexterity of AI robots.
Here is why I believe English and Mandarin are my best languages;
I think my English has became fairly decent in reading none-fiction materials so I feel that it's time to move onto another language.
I will be settling on three languages with which I get to know my favorite subject, futurology and its sub-fields like cutting-edge technologies and so on.
I have carefully searched the candidates that I can use it to search about the future technologies and Mandarin was one of the candidates to serve my purpose.
There are two reasons I have chosen Mandarin.
1. China has a great number of population whom knowledge and culture I can get to learn.
2. China can potentially develop into a super giant in lieu of the U.S. in the future.
Now, the purpose of learning a foreign language differs by person to person but the advantages it brings are obvious.
Information overseas is not always available for free. Being a monolingual, You'd have only a selected collection of accessible materials which typically you have to pay for translation fee.
In fact, I have experienced the sense of privilege in which I feel joy of discovering new culture and knowledge that are otherwise inaccessible to monolinguals.
Take English wikipedia and Reddit for example, the quality and quantities they contain are far better than those of Japanese.
Fortunately, I have just noticed recently that Chinese learning materials in English are better than those written in Japanese as well because there are more people learning Chinese and more people teaching Chinese in English.
It also makes sense to learn Chinese via English as to maintain my English.
Althogh so excited, I feel dizzy as I imagine how hard it can be to improve my Chinese, from scratch to the level of proficiency with which my Chinese can serve my purpose.
Self-driving car is a vehicle that can drive itself. No human drivers are required in its operation because AI takes the steer wheel and it's a game changer for the automobile industry.
There are many challenges cost-wise and safety-wise, both of which are essential to make business sense. The sensors are expensive and current AIs are not capable of handling every situation they come accross while driving because humans can be unpredictable.
It probably takes several decades to appreciate the full-fledged self-driving cars but auto manufacturers are planning to deploy them step by step.
The most realistic use of current, immature self-driving technologies is to apply them to interstate shipping trucks because they mostly drive on wide, straight roads and face less traffic.
From the economic perspective, what is the value of humans? Our economy constitutes of labor and capital and they have been always exchanged in the medium of money under the system of capitalism. Humans provide labor and our value is rooted in labor. But then, we are facing the age of AI. Experts claim that AI is our last invention because it will invent for us thereafter. We are on the cusp of huge industrial transformation, the likes of which we have never experienced. Back to my question; what is the value of humans when AI takes literally a whole sphere of occupations? I hope we can figure out this problem.
Good morning! Here is a random fun fact. A good point of becoming a bilingual, probably the most notable one, is the fact that you are less likely to develop dementia. This is because our brain is a web of information. Your language and your second language are closely related each other, strengthening the whole memories in your brain. Your second language helps your first language associate with other memories even more firmly, which slows down the deterioration of dementia effectively. So let's learn it. Yes, mental workout!
Agree or disagree: Improving relations with other Asian nations should be a priority for the Japanese government
The U.N officially reports that Asian nations including China and India will be a global hub for economic activity in the coming decades. It is clear that our Japanese government should prioritize fostering relationships with neighbor Asian countries.
There are three reasons to support this idea. First, Asian countries will play a pivotal role in developing the cutting-edge technologies such as AI. Most of Asian countries are ready for this because they have many young, educated, people and many highly skilled positions open for them because of huge investment made from around the globe.
Second, the power balance between China and the U.S. is shifting to the degree of which western cultures' influence over Asia has shrinked to a minimum. Japan owned the fundation the U.S laid out for us but it is time we look to China for further advancement.
Third, our modern societies have somewhat greatly westernized to the point at which we don't know if we preserved any of our cultures flawlessly. Because Asian countries are arising as a next world leader, it is decent that we put our resources to rejuvenate our unique, eastern culture and echo them to the world.
In conclusion, Japan must improve relations with Asian countries, which should be dealt first. Although they will be or, some of them already are competitive enough to beat Japan economically, we should cooperate with our neighbors for better.
Can renewable energy sources replace fossil fuels?
Although renewable energies are much hyped as a better future alternative, they have already taken over a piece of the pie of our global primary energy. However, whether renewables will totally replace fossil fuels remains to be seen. There are three reasons to convince this idea.
First, renewable energies are not something we can exploit all day or everywhere because they are subject to environmental limitations such as climate, weather and geography. Besides, batteries nowadays are still incapable of storing enough power we consume daily. Thus, conventional energies are very likely to remain as secondary energy resources.
Second, currently technologies allow us to harness only a limited amount of natural energies because of the inefficiency of energy conversion. Statistics show renewables account for only a few percent on world energy consumption as of 2020. So to speak, there are many technological hurdles to outpace the growing demand of energy.
Third, renewable energies are clean and seemingly an ideal solution but the conflicts are emerging in the energy sector, especially of public domain. The meltdown of Fukushima nuclear plants has casted a dark shadow on the ever-increasing national debt, resulting in trillions of Yens to recover the surrounding infrastructure and environment. Therefore, Japan is forced to keep nuclear plants exclusively in order to protect the electronic company.
In conclusion, renewable energy sources cannot replace fossil fuels in the true sense. However, although renewables will not be a perfect alternative in the foreseeable future, we should definitely keep investing on those innovation in the hope that someday they will improve greatly.
>>117 However, whether renewables will totally replace fossil fuels remains to be seen. There are three reasons to convince this idea. ⇒However, I think renewable energy source can replace fossil fuels for three reasons. Whether 〜remains to be seen の文が何を言っているかわかんなかったです。
>>117 全体的に名詞の単数(or無冠詞)/複数がおかしい点があるね たとえばenergyはこの意味では絶対に複数にならない(複数の場合は具体的に精力を注ぐ努力みたいな意味) 定冠詞の扱いや固有名詞(たとえばyen)の扱いも変(yenは複数でもyenだし小文字)な点が多い 他にも英語としてイマイチ意味不明な文多数 後、論理関係もむちゃくちゃ 冒頭の第一文のalthoughなんてロジックとして意味不明でしょ どちらかの意見を述べよと言ってるのにwhether renewables will totally replace fossil fuels remains to be seen. なんて不要 英語では冒頭に結論を書くのが一番スタンダードだから、重要度の高い順番の逆ピラミッド型の構成がいい 論理のおかしさを無視して添削しようと思ったけど、最後まで意見がどちらか不明でバカバカしくやる気をなくした せっかくなので、先にあげた無意味な文whether renewables will totally replace fossil fuels remains to be seen. の添削だけする まず、未来のことなのになぜtodayを使っているのか謎 この場合は主語はできれば短くして仮主語としてitを使う方がいい このrenewables(renewable energy sources)の使い方は正しい 現代英語ではこの例のように形容詞を名詞化することはよくある(例corporate(s),financial(s)など) まあIt remains to be seen whether renewables will fully replace fossil fuels.くらいになるでしょう ただ、実際には100% renewablesに代替されることは絶対ないし、その必要もなく、この文には何の意味もない...
Agree or Disagree: Globalization is a positive force in Today's world?
Globalization has been around for centuries. Silk road, colonialism and recent modernization are only a few of great examples where economies flourished, making the world more accessible. There are three reasons why it's also a positive force in today's world.
Firstly, globalization opens up larger markets for many business sectors, encouraging larger-scale production, and stimulating competitions. As a result, products are not only better but cheaper. Some domestic companies may suffer but the profits of society as a whole outweigh this downside, such as job creations and increase in purchasing power.
Secondly, a consensus of scholarly work holds that globalization has alleviated extreme poverty, eliminating the people affected by half. That's nearly 1.5 billion people. Developed countries often complain that the wealth gap is widening but I think it's negligible if lifting 1.5 billion people out of extreme poverty.
Furthermore, our globalized economies heavily rely on each other because each country is specialized in what it can produce best. If you look at the supply chains of high-tech products(e.g. autos and silicon chips), you'll see why raging wars is more difficult.
Lastly, globalization is a positive force in today's world and always will be. We become more interdependent so it is important to be knowledgeable about globalization. Setting trade tariffs to protect domestic firms is nonsense as it only aggravates our economic situation.
The CEO of SpaceX, Elon Mask has announced that humanity will take a first step on Mars in this decade. He also revealed his Mars colonization vison which he claims is feasible within this century. However, I have to disagree that Mars colonization will never happen.
First, humans are living organism that originated from Mother Earth, and not Mars. Thus, we are not physically designed to live in such a harsh environment. Even with the support of current technologies, everyone would feel uncomfortable or nostalgic during their long-term settlement.
Second, just like Apollo missions back in 60's, Mars colonization is all the craze now. The rich are willing to pay a lot of cash to be part of this great endeavor but after a while, it will fade away. You see, running a city like New York in space annually would cost billions of dollars. How do you finance the budget during an economic depression?
In conclusion, Mars colonization will not be feasible in the foreseeable future. Instead of wasting our time and money, we should rather focus on solving more impending issues like global warming. This way, we can secure the Earth for our future generations.