_n_ // |ヽ\ ┏─┐/ / | ヽ \ ┃千│⌒⌒⌒‖⌒⌒⌒ ┃利│ ‖ ┃休│ ‖ ┠─┘ [二] ┃ _ロ==(´・ω・)<drink Ayataka ┃/ (::) ( >oy>o\ /日[二]と__)_{三}\  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis, Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers, Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters, Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread! Let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!
47 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アンパン 0Hbd-wMV2) sage 2019/04/04(木) 06:00:40.71 ID:BNSITKvtH0404??? >>38??? Is it that cool? I don't know.???
I mean, I just don't understand the big fuss about the new era name. It's just a??? name of a certain period in Japanese history. We don't know what are going to? happen to our country in the Reiwa period. Maybe it sucks as a hell for Japan,??? maybe it's a wonderful period, or somewhere in between. Before knowing that, I can't have any emotional attachment to the name in abstract.???
By the way, saying "Reiwa is the coolest name" isn't cool.???
>It's just a name of a certain period in Japanese history.???
「それはただの日本の歴史でのある一定期間の名前です」?? でGoogle翻訳すると??
>It is just the name of a certain period in Japanese history.???
と同じような英文が出力される?? 後はIt is をIt'sに短縮し、just the nameをjust a nameに?? しただけで他は全く同じ?? 英語でチャットスレの英文の大部分はこのようにGoogle翻訳使って?? 書かれてるだけ?? つまりこの工作員はほかの人たちを騙してるわけ
65名無しさん@英語勉強中 (CA 0Hbb-t/OM)2019/05/26(日) 15:31:34.50ID:HAcFce9iH
Wow. The crazy dude is now striking back after a week-or-so of hiatus. Does this cycle correlate with his medication prescribed by his psychiatrist? In that case, I hope the doctor will give this guy a bit longer prescription.
I ordered a cellphone battery from China four months ago,but still I ca n't receive it... So I have to contact seller and delivery company in English. Because of it,my English literacy is likely to go well.
>>95 Mine is about 10k yen for each, or 20k? Sorry I forgot lol. The semi-final match(es?) of womens badminton, doubles, that I entered. I think it's safe to assume that the japanese players will remain at the semi-finals. And it's possible for them to win the game. Highly possible, for sure. But, yeah, I don't think I will get the tickets, so...
>>94 I just had a look at the website as I wanted to see how hard it is to enter the lottery. Took only 30 minutes or so and I didn't enter any after all.
I went see Godzilla: King of the Monsters at cinema yesterday. I can't say I loved it but I liked it a lot. The girl who played the nosebleeding girl in Stranger Things, is really good I was impressed.
I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. I have two reasons to support my opinion.
Today, there are many people who are learning foreign languages in Japan. This is because an educational system is changed in response to globalization. By learning main languages such as English, Chinese, they will easily search for imported goods.
Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. In the past, imported items were expensive because of high shipping costs. However, thanks to the development of hybrid-cars, companies can save a shipping fee and hold the price of products these days. The cheaper price will be bounce to attract Japanese shoppers.
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades.
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion. 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion. 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion. 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion. 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion. 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion. 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion. 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion. 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion. 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion. 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion. 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
>>220 I do. My kindle fire HD (I know I'm such a looser) can't mount any apps available on the internet, the only app I can install is this 5ch viewer. FML.
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion.?? 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades.?? 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion.?? 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades.?? 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion.?? 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades.?? 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion.?? 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades.?? 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
>I think that Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 「日本の消費者は将来より多くの輸入製品を買うだろうと思う」 をGoogle翻訳すると
I think Japanese consumers will buy more imported products in the future. 全く同じ英文が出力された
>I have two reasons to support my opinion.?? 「私は私の意見を裏付ける2つの理由を持っている」でGoogle翻訳すると
I have two reasons to support my opinion 全く同じ英文が出力された
>Another reason is that the price of imported products will be lower. 「もう一つの理由は、輸入製品の価格が低くなるということです。」
Another reason is that the price of imported products is lower. ほぼ同じ英文が出力 細かい文法的調整を加えただけ
>For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers who choose to purchase products from abroad will increase in the coming decades.?? 「これらの理由から、海外から製品を購入することを選択する日本の消費者の数は今後数十年で増加すると私は考えています。」をGoogle翻訳すると
For these reasons, I believe that the number of Japanese consumers choosing to buy products from abroad will increase in the coming decades. ほぼ同じ英文が出力された あとは細かい文法的修正を加えただけ
My friend: I've got my first girlfriend Me: Teach me her name My friend: What!? You want me to teach you how to spell her name like a English teacher!? Me: No, teach me her name My friend: Oh, I see. Tell me? Me: Your girlfriend named 照美? My friend: What!? Hahaha
Hi, ive come from 4ch recently people are always in a fight over there sometimes between the Japanese flags and other times between the foreign flag and the Japanese flag. In 4ch, your country's flag appears with your post The cause of fight are almost about the unpleasant neighbor
You just don't write silly English like "i have a pen", instead, let's start writing what you really want to write in English For example, if you are troubled with job relations try to describe it in English in detail.
I love Nina Meyers who is she ? needless to say, you know her If you've watched 24 starring Kiefer By the way , I'm not sure about it … I guess She may be a German Agent. what make me believe so? ok I'll tell you about it yep Actually at the end of season 1, She had a converss with someone in German I clearly remember it
I went to a McDonald's the other day. I ordered French fries, large, and an iced coffee, small. The cashier says it'll be 250 yen. I collected a 500 and 50 yen coins from my humble wallet and gave then to her. She says 'Your change is 300 yen.' and handed me four 100 yen coins. For some unfathomable reason, I forgot to point out that she had given me one extra coin. I was happy.
>>314 Although I honestly respect your sense of morality, I believe what happened to me was a gift from God. Let's say it was rather divine intervention than a human error, and leave it at that.
>>316 True, they sometimes give you more money than they ought to, but at other times, they give you *less* money than they should. And you don't even notice it and go home 100 yen poorer. So, all in all, things end up being even.
Besides, MacDonald's has always been earning more money than they should, selling unhealthy crap and all, making everyone fat and sick and making them die earlier than reasonably expected. Look at all those Middle Eastern countries and all other nations in the whole world. The locals love MacDonald's and get fat quick and die quick.
I myself stopped going to the MacDonald's 30 years ago. When younger, I never knew what crap they were selling. Now I'm wiser.
I don't know about Burger King. But I do suspect that it would be better to stay away from all fast food restaurants -- if reasonably possible anyway.
I myself long ago stopped going to any fast food restaurant and resorting to any kind of ramen, which contains lots of unhealthy ingredients. I eat udon and soba, instead.
In any case, most people should remember how much they weighed when they were 18 or 20. If you gain more than 10 kilos from the weight you had at 20, then there must be something wrong with their lifestyle, either their eating habits or lack of exercise, or both.
>>318 You are right about McDonald's being bad for health, I must say. But I don't go there for the food. At least the food is not the main reason. McDonald's provides a place where I can read books comfortably. Not too quiet as libraries, not too noisy if it's late at night, I can focus on reading more than anywhere else.
>>327 I'm relieved to know that you go there not for the food but for a place to read. I myself go there sometimes for a 100-yen cup of coffee only. When I feel tired and have nowhere else cheap enough to get a rest, I stop by at a McDonald's.
When I meet a friend, I often go there and talk for three hours over a cup of coffee. I don't order anything else. They don't complain at all. Besides, they don't come over to the second floor to see who's staying long.
>>329 >>315 is me. I usually avoid growth hormones, food additive, artificial sweetener, bisphenol A and so on. I usually make a hamburger at home by myself. Sometimes I feel like McDonald. Thank you for worrying.
You all shouldn't eat meal at all. Next sunday we have G20 summit in Japan. We as a host country, all Japanese don't have to eat any meals. Having consideration to the earth, we have to eliminate us all.
Are there any places I can write English freely? I sometimes write in Reddit. I feel shackled writing in there due to down vote. I also considered 4chan but it's not my taste. This thread was a best place to practice before but now...
Why only whites? All gaijins are shit, just in different ways. But I think we can live peacefully with select few gaijins like Mongolians, Tibetans, Thai, non-China Chinese, etc. They don't flood into our land nor force their cultural values on us like certain gaijins do.
I didn't want to see politicians faces anymore, so I've been staying away from news for several months. But the other day, I stumbled on Abe's comment he gave after the announcement of the new gengo. The comment was political and it made me hate Reiwa. I think gengo should be chosen by a non-political, non-business committee so that people don't have to endure the pain of using a politicized gengo for decades.
Besides Abe's political comment, I was kind of shocked by the fact that Reiwa was the first gengo taken from a Japanese classic. I knew that gengo is usually taken from Chinese classics, but since Reiwa seemed to be so casually decided, I thought there had been a few precedents in history.
I retract my previous statement that Reiwa was a good choice. It was a fucked up choice by a fucked up regime. For nearly 1400 years, all previous gengo had been from Chinese classics. Who ends such a longstanding tradition in such a casual manner when there is no reason to do so? Only cults do. And people are underestimating the madness of the megalomaniac cult.
So from now on, political people will argue about whether a new gengo is from a Japanese classic or a Chinese classic everytime a new emperor's era starts? This is fucked up.
>>438 Disturbed? I don't know. I said I was "kind of shocked" because I wasn't sure if "shocked" was the right word to describe it. I couldn't come up with a good word due to my limited vocabulary.
I don't like it because it broke the 1400 year tradition for no real reason. I would not like Reiwa even if the current PM was not Abe, so you lost your bet. You are a typical fool with no clue and I have no business with you.
>>441 1400 years of tradition? To be honest, before they chose Reiwa, I didn't know that there was such tradition. Also, except for my high school classes, I have never read any of these classics either in Japanese or Chinese.
I heard there were some demonstrators when Trump came to Japan and I have some advice to Americans. Political demonstrators in Japan are often infected with cults, Korean/Chinese activists, and other freaks you don't want to be associated with. Whether they are for or against America/Trump, you should stay away from them.
>>461 I think people believe it's good for learning english. In my middle school, we could buy bible from school for that purpose. Not entirely sure if that was a cult activity or not.
>>466 I hardly ever read the Bible literally. So, I can only say from my imagination and what I’ve heard, I’m guessing there are many difficult idioms and unfamiliar words in it. I mean it’s good for studying English?
A long time ago, there was a New Zealander guy in this thread. He was a normal good poster. Then suddenly GOD called him racist for no reason and started yelling some deranged shit, and I think that's when GOD acted like cancerous vermin for the first time. (he became really ill afterward) Dealing with a deranged poster requires a lot of mental energy, and at that time I couldn't bring myself to do it. The NZ guy was pissed and left the thread, and I remember it whenever I hear about New Zealand.
It's ok if he wants to say "fuck gaijins", because there are a lot of shit gaijins indeed. But I wish he stops singling out whites. Also I wish people stop calling whites racist for trivial reasons. Then I can rest in peace.
There seems to be a surge of Chinese propaganda and China sympathizing posts on 5ch. There have always been a small number of Chinese and China-loving leftists on 5ch, but the other day I saw a lot of China-asslicking posts like, "China-Russia-Japan alliance now" and "Japan and China will be friends. We just hate Korea."
This is rather creepy especially with the current Japanese government going full China-asslicking mode. Most of those posts are probably by Chinese and China-loving leftists, but some of them (like those "Love China, Hate Korea" type posts) could be coming from the cult supporters of the ruling party LDP, which is controlled by the global corporations hellbent on sucking China's cock.
>>513 That's our government's fault. It's called overtourism or tourism pollution or something. The current government is pushing tourism with no consideration to the bad effects it brings. They are turning this country into a themepark for foreigners. They don't care about what we ordinary people think or suffer. It's disgusting.
No, but we have a festival before the long vacation. When the last festival, we sit around barbecue cookstove with a foreign girl she is new. and she said. do you like me? do you eat me? so I was very astonishing, and I said "of course", then she put on meat on my dish I heard it "me" but it was "meat".
nowadays our daily lives are full of sad news like murder, fire, sexual assault or traffic accident. i plan to focus as much time and energy on good and funny news as i can instead so as not to see those sad news.
I met this baka white gaijin on a business trip today. He was so stinky af. It’s like a crime against humanity. He should have put on a deodrant before going out. It’s a common courtesy.
Also I really didn’t like the way he talked to me like he had an air of superiority or something just because he is white. Fuck him and fuck all white gaijins in Japan. They are detrimental to the society.
>>558 In any societal interactions, the chance to encounter an asshole is not zero. The only thing we can do there is to keep our heads low until that shit goes away.
>>559 The shit (GOD) you are talking to won't go away though. He's been posting the same thing for years.
There was a guy from Sweden in this thread a few years ago. He was just talking very politely, but GOD still attacked him for being a "condescending white". So don't take his posts seriously. He's a real mental patient. Also, he's Korean.
when I said good morning, just before, she grinned at me with a mischievous smile. I don't want anything, it is a mere salutation. why was she so meaningful?
Another shooting in California!! 3 killed, 11 injured. I really hope none of any minority groups causes this kind of hideous crimes, at least not until Trump is voted out in 2020. No need to give any excuses of racial attacks to Trump.
I am just one of common folks in Japan, but what is going on in the US is just so pathetic.
i began to do casual squat exercise at home almost everyday. and it makes me feel horny more often than before. i guess it is because the exercise helps the blood flow into my private body part.
i feel i've been addicted to canned coffee. i've continued to drink it twice a day (2 cans) since this march. i am worried that too much caffeine and sugar will hurt myself both physically and mentally.
a couple of young men, riding their motorbikes, get together near my house at midnight. they make loud noises on purpose and seem to think it is cool and fashionable. much unhealthy smoke or gas must be emitted from the pipes into the air.
I always look for subtitle when I watch typical hollywood movies. I can't even understand half of it if not for the subtitle. For cartoons and drama, I would rather watch it without any subtitle. If I turn it on, I can always peek and make sure what I heard was right. But since both reading and listening at the same time would deprive my focus on the story-line itself, I only use them when I really need to.
>>671 When I watch soap opera, yes, as they talk very fast. As for films, I usually watch them without subtitles as they talk rather slow and don't use slangs. But I need subtitles for medical ones that have lots of technical terms!
>>670 i like lipobitan d, too. it is very tasty. in some countries, the product name has been changed somehow. idk why, but there may be some item of the same name which was launched prior to lipobitan d by 大正製薬.
Human brain is a funny thing. The smell of watermelon reminds me of the very old memories of those nasty smells of Kabutomushi beetles and their pee on a half-rotten watermelon in a small plastic case.
I just cannot get rid of this crooked memory. No offense to watermelon lovers.
>>690 can't you afford to go to QB House where you can have your hair cut only with JPY1,200?
>>681 those 2 mega brands, redbull and monster, seem to dominate the energy drinks market especially for young people. i am looking forward to seeing the 3rd party catching up with them.
i am thinking about signing up for amazon prime video but i feel hesitant to do it, as i don't know if i will watch its contents constantly and regularly.
>>704 I've tried fluffy pancake at Original pancake house in Shinjuku. It was the best pancake. I also tried "shiawase no pancake". It was not so fluffy.
When Trump speaks what he doesn't believe at all, reading a prompter written by his staff members, his countenance is just like that of a hostage video.
postal service fee will be marked up from Oct. 1st onwards. i am tired of announcements of price increase which has negative influence on our lives unless salary is also increased.
>>717 you know you can't watch porn and jerk off at a gym. so it is natural that he was watching those clips for anther purpose. i guess he tried to get quick supply of male hormone to make his exercise more effective. if he has the courage to jerk off, i can't believe it.
two small spiders wander around my room like guardians. they catch and eat harmful insects and keep the walls and the ceiling neat and clean. i am grateful to them.
Hi,guys. I have a question. How could you distinguish the L and R sounds? I've been studying English for about two years, but I'm still not used to it.
>>732 If you learn how to pronounce r and l, it becomes easy to discern them. I recommend Summer's YouTube channel. Her clear-cut explanation is truly useful.
Obon is around the corner. Japan will be full and busy with our ancestors. If they all come, the population of Japan will be easily doubled. Lucky I cannot see them nor feel them. After Obon they can rest in peace again.
I've tried bubble tea many times. But I want to try "Dotore's tapioca milk tea". Because it's NEW. I saw it near my house. But I didn't buy it. Because I thought I can buy it in Tokyo. I work in Tokyo.
>>761 once i came across an empty can rolling over a floor of a train. it rattled a lot while traveling so i picked it up and got off the train with it. i thought it's just a nuisance for the passengers.
recently i have a strange urge to eat snickers, a peanut x chocolate bar type sweet. it tastes good but little broken pieces of peanut are always stuck between the teeth. it is a bit annoying.
>>789 i like milky way too. it is softer and easier to eat than snickers. there should be other competitive products at supermarkets or cs's so i will give them a try.
>>797 If you won't need it, just don't forget to unsubscribe before your free trial is over. People tend to fall for this all the time, but some of them won't quit charging us unless we manually cancel the membership. So inconvenient.
I finally found Dotole's tapioka milk tea in Tokyo. I thought I will buy it after work. But tapioka milk tea's poster disappeard when I come back. I'm sure I saw it. Maybe it was illusion.
i just finished watching "john wick : chapter2" on netflix. considering its plot, i guess the chapter3 must have already been planned when this chapter2 was shot and released.
i can't remember any other hand soaps than kirei-kirei from lion. i prefer the foam(bubble) type to the liquid type as foam is difficult to be scattered. the illustration of the three persons, who look so affable, is nice.
it is so windy outside that i can't go out today...can i?? the humidity is going to be blown away by the typhoon so it must be more comfortable to take a walk tomorrow.
>>830 i haven't paid much attention to smells of hand soaps up to now. i care much more about their volumes as i usually wash my hands many times a day. if refills are available, it's good.
Hey, you know, I'm Neet. I withdrew a high school whose deviation level is comparatively high for my own private reasons about two years ago. I like the present situation,but I wanna enter a national university. So now studying in my house for myself.
>>840 Then, you are from a very privilaged family, aren't you. Impressive contrast between >>837 whose willingness has to be limited to cheap–school–fees national university, and >>840 whose house is very wealthy enough to study abroad.
People with poor meanings have to make their heavy efforts, though they think of it very unreasonable given that children from wealthy families can lead their life with easy modes, without so much efforts but with almost assuring possibility of their position on good stance in this society.
I'm>>837. As you guessed,I'm poor so that going to private colleges just like Waseda, Jochi and so on is beyond me. I'm envious of >>838 being wealthy.
a silly driver, who beat and injured another driver on a freeway after having drived in a dangerous and crazy way, seems to have been arrested for the misconduct. i was glad to know that.
i once visited a geo store located at sapporo city in hokkaido prefecture. the store was surprisingly spacious and sold a variety of goods, dvd...cd...video game..comic book. i bought a notebook there.
each time i place order with amazon, i ask them to ship all the goods i order at once. but in most cases, they deliver the goods to my house (or to convenience store i specify) in several separate shipments. i am somewhat dissapointed by this.
I thought you are talking about BBC news. So I felt like watching BBC news. I learned the word of protest(抗議)from the news today. I'm smarter than yesterday.
>>910 in japanese izaka-ya restaurants at night, you can see so many people shout to the staffs "すみません、とりあえず生!". beer is closely related to japanese dinner culture.
i just drank wilkinson tansan from asahi. it is my first time to drink it. the label of the bottle says "since 1904", but i can't remember it was sold somewhere when i was a child.
What is bugga gump shrimp? Is that a restaurant’s name? And I don’ think hard rock cafe is fashionable or fancy haha And why can’t you go to such restaurants alone? Embarrassing?
tip of my hair has been terribly damaged. i guess excessive usage of electric dryer after taking a bath is a cause of this. too much heat is not good for my hair.
Me and my brother tried to leave to the US. My brother's hobby was playing guitar as an amateur band. And he had lots of accessories. He tried go through security check many times over and over. I'll take a trip alone next time.
>>940 i guess not. i've been to disneyland only once and all i can remember is i rode the space mountain ride and the big thunder mountain ride. they're exciting.
i stopped regularly watching tv programs about 8 years ago. it is because i found out it had been hard for me to remember what i had watched. i thought about throwing away my tv set then, but i didn't in the end.
>>950 Some American people spend money on Korean idol group like BTS. But Japanese music aren't popular in the US. I hope Japanese production to see the world.
For sports fans, today is the day you can't help but being glued to TV.
BS Fuji 17:30 Basketball World Cup
How Japanese national team will handle Turkey, who's higher on World ranking and NBA players. Fair enough. We have Hachimura and Watanabe, the former the first Japanese NBA draft pick, and the latter having experiences playing in NBA already. And Baba, who played in NBA summer league and set his eyes on playing in NBA in the future.
Today, Japan prospects are gonna play against USA. Rouki Sasaki who threw 163km/h could start the game. Can he make it? Probably he can. For those who wanted to see him pitch at National high school tournament aka Koshien in August, today is the day you long for. But he could pitch as a closer, not a starter. This is a very important day to get a momentum for J's U-18 national team to win for the first time the U18 world cup.
Judo has its origin in Japan but these days Japanese judo-ka find it difficult to win the gold medal as Judo's popularity spread across the globe. Now that it's less than a year to Tokyo summer Olympics in 2020, this championship could be litmus tests to know what They should focus on to improve individual Judo-ka's techniques, stamina, mind-settings etc.
There are two types of 7/11 stores. One is the the stores directly operated by 7/11. The other is the stores under its franchise system. The owners of the latter stores are complaining about having to open their stores at the hours of the say, like after midnight when almost no customers come to their stores. The owners always wanted to cut costs of electricity and payments to parttimers by closing their stores at such hours but 7/11 headquarters hadn't allow them to do do so, because just one rice ball sold leads to their profits in the franchise system. But things have changed for the owners but I bother to explain it as no one reads this post and I don't give a damn writing it in English.