シェルダン・ナイドルが大怪我で緊急入院 10/12
Please hold Sheldan Nidle in your prayers and meditations.
October 16, 2017
My very dear friend Sheldan Nidle had major surgery on his back last Thursday, October 12th,
and remains in hospital in severe pain. It is hoped that in a few days he will be moved into
the rehabilitation part of the hospital so that with physiotherapy and gentle exercise he will
regain the ability to walk, which he has been unable to do for quite a number of weeks. 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:0be15ced7fbdb9fdb4d0ce1929c1b82f)
Please hold Sheldan Nidle in your prayers and meditations.
October 16, 2017
My very dear friend Sheldan Nidle had major surgery on his back last Thursday, October 12th,
and remains in hospital in severe pain. It is hoped that in a few days he will be moved into
the rehabilitation part of the hospital so that with physiotherapy and gentle exercise he will
regain the ability to walk, which he has been unable to do for quite a number of weeks. 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:0be15ced7fbdb9fdb4d0ce1929c1b82f)